Anyone else with this (((problem)))? Is it finally happening?
More pics coming…
Anyone else with this (((problem)))? Is it finally happening?
More pics coming…
was waiting for someone to make a thread.
Sup Cripplefags, don't mind us, we refugees from a board of peace
I get this
It happens like around this time so often. Maybe once a week?
So, its normal, but annoying
Probably just some maintence
this thread happens every sunday when the database goes down for maintenance on cuckchan.
you all have to go back
reddit pls go
Nice IP, spic.
Sorry for any trouble, see you later.
No way boys, we're here to stay for the next 10-15mins.
You enjoy it, don't lie
This is the highlight of my week when we come visit our friends over here, hi friends!
only Holla Forums seems to be down so far..
holy shit you guys are pathetic. if you actually want to fit in here, lurk for a year before you post.
Welcome fellow pollack, make yourself at home
they're all down.
it happens from time to time
top fucking kek
This thread the official 4pol refugee camp?
If you need more just tell me…
I come from Reddit
how are you all doing this wonderful morning :^)
Hi cuckchan faggots. Why did you decide to come here instead of plebbit. You are closer to them at this point.
and Holla Forums
Hey look. Its that thing that happens every week, and there is that thread mentioning it
not true for me.
Containment board is back, time to go home little ones
the servers a live again kid UR NUT SPECIAL
Yay, bye friends see you next week *kisses*
other boards have been up the whole time for me.
Their Holla Forums board is literally filled with leftards, why is that ?
Is this going to happen every week?
Holla Forums is just the absolutely worst shit possible, all the time
That's nothing compared to /his/.
Duckduckgo that IP
Back to your cucksite and remember to purchase a 4chan gold