Holla Forums is now the only halfway decent board left on 8ch.
Holla Forums is now the only halfway decent board left on 8ch.
it's shit
What about >>>/ideas/?
Ikampfy's plan is coming along nicely. Moot will have his revenge yet, and all because of the efforts of one kike manipulating a bunch of morons into betraying their values to support a Zionist puppet.
Thank god, the meme was getting really fucking old too.
Holla Forums is a jewish plot
/Animu/ and Holla Forums is still good.
Holla Forums is totally lame. /vr/ is better but it's totally dead. Both are completely useless.
There was a massive ban spree and it seems as though an exodus has happened.
oh shit
Holla Forums is the only good board left on 8ch
It is poised to take over the number 3 spot from Holla Forums any day now, and with good reason.
No cuck mods, no retard board owner, and users who (mostly) are dedicated to posting legit threads. Are they all winners? No, of course not. But they aren't all shit like they are here.
Except that's wrong because half of us fucking hate that the mods won't remove cancerous fucks like you from our board.
Too bad TV is for literal cucks. Not even a hobby.
not perfect, but the best board on this site for sure
I could name a couple of decent ones that haven't been taken over by shitty BOs or degenerated into hotpocket torture chamers, or been filled with low-quality reddit and 4cuck tier posters… but then these people might start going on them, and they wouldn't be good anymore.
What is worse, cucks or retards?
Because retards are all that are left here on Holla Forums.
I think cucks are better because they at least realize what they are. Retards don't.
blame to hlafchan and the jews
IRC is useless