Read the alt right's dream comic series, the adventures of christ chan. Its racist, anti semitic and politically incorrect, just like the way hitler wants em.
Read all 28 chapters here
Read the alt right's dream comic series, the adventures of christ chan. Its racist, anti semitic and politically incorrect, just like the way hitler wants em.
Read all 28 chapters here
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Wrong board?
This is the most autistic thing I have ever seen.
And I have gone to the very depths of autism with Deviant Art and CWC
As much as I think religion is reactionary how is this possible?
Holla Forums cringe thread?
the comments are always worse than the videos tbh
Do you also enjoy punching yourself in the balls?
Always the edgy 13 year olds jerking off to how Ubermensch they are.
Also that entire video is peak autism
is that video the one I think it is?
American fascism has some similarities to falangism (I assume the author is American)
It's specifically designed to appeal to the sensibilities of its target demographic and bends facts and logic to avoid hurting their feelings.
Doesn't that make it politically correct?
Will there still be (((Mongolian hieroglyphics))) in muh based whyte waifu ethnostate?
Reekris, $5 to read the comic? I'm conflicted on this.
As an artist I considered doing something similar, but I dislike paywalls so I decided against it. People who enjoy an artist's work will still support their Patreon and then everyone can see their art. Art should be free for everyone to see. (Not commissions or contracts for game assets tho, which are different)
Also, making an imprint on human kind is more important to me than some money in the short term, and since this is political propaganda I'm really confused why they wouldn't want everyone to see it and be persuaded by it.
Then again I am a weirdo and actively hate money. What do you guys think about paywalls for webcomics?
Adding to this, it just makes me depressed walking through comic stores and seeing all those graphic novels and comics that will be shut off from most of the human race for all time. Every IP of everything should be free on the internet.
I'd pirate them out of spite if they pulled that shit.
It's called pandering aka milking the cow user. Not every artist is pure.
paywalls are fucking retarded, and things can be pirated just the same.
Either you produce something in hardcover, or give it for free. I ain't paying for someones scriblings he made on photoshop and thinks he is hot shit.
I wouldn't consider myself to be "pure".
Idk what that even entails to you, but I definitely have my perversions and character flaws.
Moreso, it just seems like this is a myopic way to plan an art project. It's akin to masturbating alone in your room with a measly $43 a month for motivation. What's the point?
This is precisely why my faith is suffering so; none but superficial minds could stumble into concepts of a national God, of a national religion; or attempt to lock within the frontiers of a single people; exalting race and the state above their standard value and divinizing them to an idolatrous level, distorting and perverting an order of the world planned and created by God. God's sun shines on every human face so His law knows neither privilege nor exception.
I'm apologizing if i wasn't clear. Some artists don't work for the beauty of Art or genuinely support a cause. Some are just in for the money.
Some people are deluded morons. Even heard of Peter Coffin?
How do manage to get everything wrong. Even your own ideological position.
To be fair, English isn't his first language.
Why is Holla Forums so damn pathetic?
Someone is scamming Holla Forums for money by doing a crappy web comic? Fine by me.
american christianity is fucking retarded
it's been used as an agenda pusher since the 1950s
got primo quality shit here
wow Holla Forums gone full circle into sjw mode
it's a shame this person's modicum of talent is being spent on this
at least he's making money off of Holla Forums, though I'm sure he won't be the last
Christ Chan is a wonderfully summery of how the Alt Right lacks any real understanding of their own ideology and display a total lack of self awareness.
Everything about the Comic is totally disconnected from what the NSDAP considered to be 'right' bar it's anti-semitism. Women in positions of power, sexualised art, etc.
While in reality, the Nazi party leadership wasn't really concerned with any of these things and were basically power craving despots who spent most of their time carving out personal empires and infighting, ideologically this comic is "degenerate" (anything that doesn't fit into my special brand of slave morality).
Just look at the classic notion of "There's always a good Jew". When the Nazi's realised their rhetoric was logically absurd and could never be totally realised, excuses were made. That's what Holla Forums does. It doesn't like a sexualised society, but it likes pornography, etc.
It's all just total slave morality. A refined form of self mutilation.
Slovakia, Austria, Italy and Spain would like a word with you.
If you're talking about the one in our solar system, I'm afraid that one's been shining for about 4 and a half billion years before anyone even worshiped you god.
i want to fug christchan
also why isn't there more alunya X christchan ?
I'm not even theist but i'm pretty sure it was a metaphor.
I know. The OP has just made me want to lash out at our resident christfag.
God's sun is every sun. He struggles against the world as chaos and for the world in cosmos.
Do you believe in ayy lmaos?
Anything is possible through Him.
Why would God make Aliens and never mention them?
What is the metric by which you judge God's gossip?
Hmm. You're a bit better then most christfags, in that regard, at least. The idea that the entire universe is completely devoid of life and is just simply a thing for the humans of earth to look up and marvel at is such a retarded idea that it's offensive.
that's an ugly fucking dog
Are you literally Satan? That dog is adorable.
maybe he is satan, which is why he dosen't want it to go to heaven.
he wants the cuteness all for himself
christchan is a cutie
I don't know, ask the church!
Oh.. It must be the use of religion to suppress the masses in order to keep them subjugated by creating guilt and so on.
I think Reich said a few things about how fascism is all about "No Fappy, kiddo!".
Omnipotence is invalid.
Actually it's hard to if there is life elsewhere. There may be a hundred billion earth's but the chances of life forming might be thousand billion and we got lucky. Then again it might be as low as 1 but we just don't know.
You're invalid.
"Could God create a rock so large he could not lift it?" If he could, he wouldn't be able to lift it. If he couldn't, then he can't do everything. Omnipotence is indeed unfeasible. Christfags like to dodge this by redefining the term "ominipotence" into a separate subdivision ("Omnipotence is the ability to doing anything within reason, doing absurd things doesn't count!") Don't fall for that bullshit.
pic related
At least we know you have no soul
This meme needs to end.