Why women never put out?

Why do women not put out? Why do they control sex so much? I get the impression women all never want to have sex and the only reason they'd ever have sex is purely to manipulate or exploit a man. Do they not have any desire whatsoever to have sex? I've never experienced a situation where a woman is begging me for sex, wanting me to get my dick out, etc. actually coveting me. It's always begging the woman and her refusing to do anything. Do women see sex as currency and therefore refuse to ever do it if there is nothing they want from a man? Do women even masturbate? It seems like they don't unless someone is paying them to do it.

All my life I think of woman as hating sex and not wanting to ever fuck and having to be coerced into sexual activities.

The only girl I've ever encountered that actually wanted to have sex was… 8 years old. I never did anything but that was mindblowing. A girl actually wanting to engage in sexual activity for once. All women I know seem to be sexually dead, like they have 0 desire to ever do anything sexual. That little girl wanting to have sex with me made my day, made me feel wanted for once. Imagine that! Being genuinely wanted; and not merely being regarded as a something to be exploited and degraded which is the mentality of adult women who don't give a fuck at all about men.

I guess this is why little girls are superior. They aren't jaded and burnt out like older women where they want to do nothing at all. Girls are full of energy and actually enjoy things and want to do things. They are genuinely capable of love and adoration.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off pedo, go neck yourself.

Get out normalfag.

OP speaks the truth.

Women don't owe you squat. If you really want to find a woman, get the hell off Holla Forums, join the liftvaffa, and talk to wymens.

Knowing you, you literally have nothing to lose besides your shitty mentality and attitude.

Or you can always go to Afghanistan and become a mudslime. I hear the mudslimes are very open to faggots like you

Two points:
1) Fuck off with your pedoshit. Stop sexualizing children.
2) You're right. Women do use their pussy as a bargaining chip.

What should be done about the above? Not a god damn thing. Let society crumble in the filth of roasties, as we deserve.

Don't date anything that's had their 20th birthday and never compromise. There's a good copypasta out there that delineates some shit like never giving them an inch and never ever admit you are wrong or let them ever know about any time you fucked up. You take it to the grave. Pretty good philosophy IMO.

Anti-pedofags get out.


That doesn't even make sense.

What would have made more sense would be:

Fucking pedo-niggers can't even meme right.

If she's too young to get pregnant, she ain't ready for sex. If he's too young to cum, he ain't ready for sex. Let them have their childhood. This doesn't mean I hate pedos who live in fantasy who never kidnap, rape or murder children. Let's all get along.

because it's the only value they have.

Male sexuality is worthless biologically. Female sexuality is not. Hence why they instinctually understand not to hand out sex without some sort of recompense. Even porn actors do it for the money.

If only we had a proper war or economic collapse going on women would be getting sold by their families for a can of ham and all of them would badly need the protection of a man. Suddenly the tables will have turned completely and women will be blaming themselves if they can't find a man and desperate to get any man instead of how it is like right now where even men that can check off everything desirable in a mate still can't find a woman.

Someone post the higher states of intelligence women are property meme.

A childhood without orgasms is a childhood wasted. Sexually repressed children are also more likely to be violent and autistic when they grow up. You don't want children to become violent and autistic, do you user?

You got research to back that up?
Anyway, of course not BUT I distinctly remember I never had to get violated by a grownup just to get an orgasm. I could handle it myself, handle it, get it?

"It's the ongoing radical despicable sexualization of our precious children on most mutlinational multi-media platforms, that is the leading cause in the loss of untold-multiples of male ejaculate in our great nation" - B. Obama, 2011.

they are trying to milk you for all they can get out of you by making you think you can get sex.
simply don't give them anything, and you'll never feel as if you are owed.

Who are 'they'? Little kids?
You sick fuck

You would never survive it so why would you want it?

Me the severely sexually repressed violent and autistic male.

I kind of do want more of my kind though.

If only because right now our nation needs a caste of violent autistic warriors to fight for it.

Yeah, some girls or women really want sex all the time. Sometimes I can barely keep up. It seems to be a thyroid thing. so maybe find women with thyroid issues.
also try doing legal safe things(and don't buy made up things to waste money) to increase your testosterone. Higher testosterone will make you want to fuck anything and fuck it a lot. but also that will make most women want to fuck you.

signed user busting nuts o the regular


Listen you, I don't give women fucking anything, I just wish women were actually sexually attracted to men; something they don't seem to be. Women don't want to have sex unless forced to.

You sure? I'm already used to eating rotten food, suffering all the time, and my heart is hardened to everything. A collapse would devastate the normies but be a huge opportunity for me. Even if I don't survive, I know I won't be one of the pacifist normies sitting around waiting for food to come, I'll be the one who goes and fights for it.

You could be onto something there…


but, to be fair, I am 6'2", a little belly but muscles from job, handsome, have house though the whole thing is trashed.
I was sometimes fucking a girl who did care about money and buying things it seemed.But now, thanks to people talking about it on a estonian brickmaking image board, I randomly met a high functioning austitic girl. who doesn't mind the house.

the thyroid thing is something but also women post thirty but really I don't know how much handsome makes it easy or being tall.
that said the confidence thing is huge but also being approachable.
The younger generations seem a lot more into hooking up and will fuck more readily than ever before. Lift some wieghts to get tone, be confident, and moive to a town awash in young women.

3DPD first need men for their protection and provision. Sex, for 3DPD, is their way of getting those things.

think about how easily austistic could be made into warriors. maybe that is what they did with autism in the past?

You laugh now but one day the autism will reach critical levels and the blood of normies shall flow through all the streets.

Ask and ye shall receive.
That's for the link with violent behavior in adulthood. As for autism, that much should be self evident to any rational thinking person. Unfortunately, cunts like yourself are never satisfied, so I am currently in the process of working on a research paper and will publish once it is ready.
Violating children is wrong and immoral, everyone knows that. With that said, would you not have enjoyed a hot topless woman stroking your shota dick to orgasm? If you're a girl then would you have enjoyed a handsome muscular man with a smile capable of melting ice caressing your clit with his tongue while stroking your tender loli thighs as you gasp and moan?

When there are no dangers then women don't have any sex at all.

We clearly need more violent sandniggers blowing themselves up and stuff so the women come flocking to us for protection and give up their wombs to us.

Do women actually want their clit to be tongued? I'm pretty sure they instantly lose respect for any man that does that. That is a gross and really submissive thing to do, you might as well be asking women to step on your balls.

Yeah I'm sure, you're just a self-pitying pussy who LARPs on the internet. You think you're tough but you'd break quite easily without anyone to put you up

I am pro-violence btw so I am conflated between wanting to abolish AoC and the possibility of that leading to the undesirable result of a more peaceful society :/.

Yours too you fat useless turd. I bet you would start shaking like a junkie retard if all of a sudden there was no more internet.

What do you even mean by this?

Dude I've beaten people before. I am very strong and very tall. I'm also covered in scars not from fighting though which scare people.

Yeah with no internet I would start shaking - from adrenaline and worry. For awhile I'd be waiting for it to come back. Once it became apparent it's not coming back though, I'd be making my next moves then to find out what is going on, and prepare accordingly. I've never been fat in my life, I have very high metabolism, am a very active person. I do calisthenics and martial arts. I'm fucking ripped. which is not necessarily good as it means I have to consume a lot of food all the time, so while actual fatties could get by with very little food, I will constantly require a lot more food

Because sex is literally the only control they have over a man.

To put someone up means you're providing for them. I'm saying you wouldn't survive without anyone to provide for you. And please go ahead and act like a tough guy on the internet, I could use a laugh

I agree that they're more attractive OP but it's a big mistake to put your trust in any individual other than yourself. Just get one of those loli dolls, if you don't your lgf will probably accuse you of rape once she becomes a hag just for free attention

As a teenager yes, as a prepubescent child no. When I say "children" I specifically mean prepubescent. The sexualization of which is still 100% wrong IMO. Still I appreciate the citations.

because sexes aren't the same. the silly premise that masculist complainers always start from, which is more than a little ironic.

or we could just take away their right to vote
they couldn't vote themselves welfare, and would have to find a man willing to provide for her, meaning she would have to give him sex

Just gotta find a girl who's worth it. They're out there. Or you could go after children and get to enjoy introducing yourself to your neighbors as their new pedo neighbor, that's cool too


Masuclinity - active feminity - passive. Woman will give you hints if she likes you but she will never ever act. You can insult woman, beat her, threaten to kill her, rape her but she will never defend herself or tell you to stop. Women suck energy men give energy. They like sex but they will never tell you they are horny they will never come to you to tell you to dance with them to drink with them to do anything that requires active mentality. This is also why many betas hate women becasue they are like women because betas deep down hate themselves for being idle all day.

Really makes me think.

I'm anti-pedo and I made that image. Don't use it if you don't want to give me more power.




I'm in this exact situation right now. It's heartbreaking. Not that she's said anything specifically sexual, but her crush on me is very obvious. Disclaimer: I'm not a pedo. I'm a teacher, and this isn't even the first time this has happened, so if I was a pedo I'd probably be jailed already. Though the earlier cases were all younger. This kid is mature enough (definitely acts more mature than the rest of her class) that you can have real conversations with her. With younger kids it's a bit different. It's not heartbreaking because of my disappointment at not being able to be a pedo. It's heartbreaking because this is a really sweet kid I see every day, who is very helpful, who is very friendly, who likes to talk with me and is mature enough that we can have interesting, fun, and insightful conversations, and really get to know each other. She's a good daughterfu, and I don't have kids of my own (because legal girls all reject me, and definitely don't approach me, like this girl does). But I see her disappointment, because though she clearly has a crush on me, she knows it would be futile to openly vocalize it, though she does sometimes vocalize her disappointment at the fact that she knows what relationship we do have (a friendly teacher/student relationship, you pervs) will end eventually.

She's a slightly chubby girl who totally has the personality of someone from this site. She says she hates how tv ads act like it's bad to say people are fat (basically she hates SJWs but doesn't know they're called that), and she started taking karate classes last year to try to get fit (and has gotten pretty good, too). She's into weird shit like martial arts movies and her best friend is a legit autistic girl (who is also very sweet, but normalfags in her class all treat her like a full blown retard, which she's not). She also hates all the normalfag shit that kids her age are into, so she likes talking to me because I admit to her that I agree, and I know the older non-normalfag stuff she likes. Basically, she has just the right level of autism that I'm the only person she knows that she can share her autism with. Reminds me of myself when I was a kid.

Whenever she sees me, even if it's from far away, she runs over to me, leaving her friends behind to hug me and tell me how much she missed me since the last time she saw me, even if it was only a couple hours before. She'll then follow me around and hang out with me until I have to go somewhere else where it would be against the rules for her to follow, and even then she'll playfully grab my arm and tell me not to go.

Her friends will come over and invite her to go play, and I encourage her to join them, but she is adamant that she prefers to stay and spend time with me. If I have to walk around to do various tasks, she'll follow me to help with all of them, and if I end up in an area she doesn't want to be (like sometimes I need to go help some kids who were playing in the mud, and she doesn't want to get too dirty), she won't just go back to her friends. She will still follow me, but take the earliest opportunity to ask me to just go somewhere else with her, because she doesn't want to leave me. If I can't leave when she asks, she'll still stay with me but keep pestering me about it.

Actually, a lot of times I think her above reaction isn't because she doesn't want to be in the muddy field or whatever, but just because she wants me to herself, and doesn't like that I left where we were hanging out to go help other kids. When other kids come over to me, usually since they see her always hanging out with me and laughing, and they want to see what's so funny, she gets a bit jealous, and tries to subtly get them to go away. When they do eventually go away, she'll let out a sigh of relief and say how glad she is that we can finally get back to our conversation, even if our conversation had reached its end, and she now needs to begin reaching for new conversation topics. She'll also complain and say "I don't know why they were following you around. They don't even really like you." She'll then notice that could be seen as an insult, even though I didn't take it as one, and quickly correct herself. "I mean, they like you, but not like I like you." (Direct quote from today, but she's said similar things a few times.)

She hugs me whenever we meet, or when we have to go our separate ways. If we meet in the hall, she'll always run over to hug me before continuing back to class or whatever. And I know she doesn't do this with any other teacher. She'll quickly leave conversations with other teachers to run over to me if she spots me from across the yard. Of course she constantly tells me I'm her favorite teacher, and even if she's telling me about something fun that one of the other teachers did, she'll say she likes them, but always clarify that I'm her favorite.

Since she can't just hug me all the time without it being weird, she is always thinking of other ways to be physical with me. Lately she's been bragging about her karate classes and, at recess, asking if she can practice moves on me. She's actually really good. She's obviously much shorter than me, but can kick as high as my head. But mostly, she wants to show off her holds. Holding me to prove I can't break out (I usually can't without getting too rough, and have to ask her to let me go, and she only will if I ask very seriously because I have to go help another student or something), or to prove that she can take me down (she can't, though she never gets frustrated and just keeps trying). She also asks me to hold her so she can show me moves to break out (I usually have to refuse this because I'm afraid of getting accused of being a pedo). But if her friends want to play this game with her, she refuses.

Today she was cuter than usual. She was showing off her karate moves again, and one of her friends came over and said she wanted to try. She refused, but when she asked me to do a hold on her so she could show off how she can break out, her friend immediately did it instead. She breaks out, and her friend thinks she's just being playful, but that's because her friend was holding her from behind. I could see her expression of genuine annoyance. I encourage her to just play with her friend, who keeps trying to play, but she just keeps getting more and more upset and telling her friend to stop "hugging" her, and repeating again and again how she doesn't like hugs, even though her friend is just doing what she was asking me to do. She doesn't want to be rude to her friend, so it's not like she's actually yelling at her or anything, but she was clearly very annoyed. This was near the end of recess, so when the bell rings her friend leaves and she immediately turns and hugs me, telling me how glad she is that her friend left, and how much she'll miss me (since I was going to a class other than her's after recess). I tell her "I thought you were just saying you didn't like hugs." "Well… It's just…" she says while still hugging me. "With you it's different," as she looks up at me, blushing more than anyone I've seen.

But the sad part is when we're talking, and the conversation turns to the future. Like she was talking about how her sister moved away to college, but recently visited and was telling the family about it. So she's asking me if the things her sister was saying are true, and what it was like when I went to college (pretty recently). Eventually I asked her if she wants to go to college, "I don't know…" she said, as she seemed lost in thought for a moment. As she thought, her expression and voice changed from happy and peppy to what sounded like restrained sadness. "I just want to stay here and hang out with you forever," before giving me a big hug. Another time, after she was asking me what kind of stuff kids learn in later grades, she asked if I'd be working at this school forever, and I told her the truth, that I hope I do, but I haven't been working here long, and newer teachers frequently end up changing schools every couple years. She tried not to act too sad, but you could hear the disappointment in her voice when she sighed and said "well wherever you go, I'll be there with you forever…" with a sarcastically optimistic tone. That one really just broke my heart.

I know this is a blogpost and isn't fully related to the actual point OP was making, but that last story happened recently and I can't stop feeling bad for the poor kid. I know this isn't the best place to talk about it, but it's also the only place where people can admit to situations like this and not be immediately shunned.


I'm tearing up at your story user.

If it was legal I'd marry a little girl like that and when she is the right age consummate the marriage.

Older women just don't have love like that :(.

This is real, actual, love. Adult women just treat all men like trash.

How long would you have to wait before she reaches the legal age of consent?

Damn dude, you did pick the right place to post this in my opinion. Don't worry about the blogpost, I found it very interesting and cute read. Good on you for being smart about it.

"What are they? Demon bitches?!"

Her ninth birthday is coming up in June, and the age of consent here is 16, IIRC, but since I'm one of her teachers it would be illegal until 18. Of course by that time she'll likely have changed a lot. Though we get along great, I only see her one to two hours per day. I'm not the biggest influence in her life. The chances that I'll still have any contact with her by the time she's old enough are very low (though I am trying to get my high school teaching certificate and move up to that level eventually, so it's possible). Plus I'll be older and grosser. The fact that I'm only recently out of college and thus still pretty young might have something to do with her crush on me.

But really, I care about her like a daughter. I can't know for sure what that's like, because I don't have kids of my own, but if I could adopt that kid, I would. Ironically, the same personality traits that make she and I get along so well also ensure that post-pubescent women all hate me, so the chances that I'll have kids of my own is pretty low, and though single men adopting kids is technically legal, good fucking luck. I have family who are upper middle class and in stable marriages and have tried to adopt, only to waste years and tens of thousands of dollars and still be rejected.

Damn and I feel bad about wasting 7 thousand dollars.

I like you, so I'm going to help you out.


And before somebody posts Thomas the Tank Engine…

How about you just say what's in the link before I get v& just for trying to learn how to use onion sites?

yes, lets all go look at the feds creepy website as a reward for shitting up Holla Forums these past months

It's the Pedophile's Handbook. A guide to safely and effectively loving little sweethearts. No javascript required, no illegal or even racy images. That link takes you to a landing page that describes the book, and gives you the option either to click through to the book or not.

it's only useful for moronic pedophiles, or to pseudo-redpill clueless normies on the hypothetical fact that not all pedophiles deserve the rope
teacher with the loli in love with him is neither

Thanks but no thanks. I'm not one of those newfags who comes on Holla Forums to complain about the people who have always been here and always been an integral part of the asshole of the internet (those people being pedos), but as I said, I do not share their motivation. What makes me sad is that I know my time with this kid, with whom I share a genuinely friendly relationship, is limited, and she knows it as well, and is clearly sad about that. I don't think that book could recommend anything to extend that time. If anything it would only shorten it, and also shorten my career and time outside of prison.

You realize that this is because you are poor and ugly, right?

Note that dating sites have released data that show that women rate 70+% of men as "below average." Meanwhile, men rate women about 50/50. Women say they have unrealistic standards thrust upon them, but the stats show quite the opposite.

Genetics also show that we as a current world population have twice as many female ancestors as male ones. What this means is that twice as many men failed to pass on their genes as compared to women. Women have historically, with genetic proof, been happy to all share the same chad, rather than have a normal guy to themselves. Those normal guys just went off to die in war or mines as virgins, or, if they were lucky, got the privileged of being cucked by chad and raising his kids.

you can try to keep a mentor/disciple relation with her once carreer or school change keep you appart, until the time you can meet lawfully
modern media give you huge opportunities to keep in touch, a simple email address can be a lifeline, and you could teach her the basics of opsec

Giving a kid, rather than the parents, your personal contact information, is definitely enough for anyone who wants to to say you're luring. I do private tutoring after school for some extra cash, and have mentioned it to her, since she likes to ask what I'm doing after school a lot. I've asked if she feels like she needs help, or if she knows anyone who does, because I'm always looking for new clients (which is all true, I'm not just trying to lure anybody), but she's a pretty smart kid, and doesn't need any help like that.

Naaaah. Not even in the United States of Pedo Hysteria is sharing a mere email address "luring".

Now, give her your physical address and a list of your favorite romantic songs, and you might have a problem.


I'm probably already on a list just for being a male teacher at an elementary school. Even the principal at the school I used to work at, who was also male, warned me that we need to be extra careful due to stereotypes and paranoia. Plus we live in the age of SJWs, where any man's career can be automatically ended with the mere allegation that he once admitted to a friend of a friend that he might be heterosexual.

It's just the pedophile's handbook bro. It's ok to read it through.

You know, that line on the landing page about how the Handbook might actually turn you into a pedophile is no joke. I get an erection just reading some of the chapters.

ffs dude stop being such a pussy, I can be put away for multiple lifetimes if the law enforcement wants to for all the shit I've done, do you think the law is about justice though? No. It's about fucking with push-overs. They sense your weakness, drag you through the system, and that's that. Also always remember; nobody can put you in jail if you're dead. Sleep armed always and have weapons at the door and other important spots too. You might as well be too scared to torrent. Dude, I've sexted kids over gmail before, and nothing happened. On the clearnet. Chances are the judges, the police, the local politicians, and everyone else around you with any kind of power are all pedophiles too and depending how you act they'll help you out. If you pull this anti stuff on them though they'll not do anything for you though. What I do is I subtlety hint at things like AoC being bullshit and just generally not reacting hysterical to certain things being brought up and so on so it's obvious I don't give a fuck about age gaps and stuff. I don't outright admit anything. This is how you can meet fellow pedophiles. Likewise for a lot of other stuff like human traffickers and stuff you just got to be chill about everything. Acting like a moralfag normie will get you exploited like the white male normie you are. People sense weakness and exploit weakness. Don't be weak.

Remember every time you see a shrink they are likely engaged in MK Ultra.

Remember when you see a doctor they're basically a conman.

Remember when you see a politician he's probably fucked a kid.

All these people around you are hiding things.

kek it's true, seeing CP (especially the good stuff with kids enjoying it) and that book and so on, I was not pedo but I became pedo very quick.

All we need to do is hope and pray the CP spammers keep spreading the good stuff around and everyone will become pedo.

As an educator, I don't believe in censorship of any kind. I commend any spread of information, and discussion of that information, for that is how we as a society find the truth. That said, Holla Forums is enough of a honeypot for me. I don't need to go to an even stickier one.

I've been on Holla Forums for over a decade, and moved from 4chan to Holla Forums at the earliest opportunity, because 4chan had been too full of normalfags for years. It's not that I'm offended by anything anyone's said in this thread. It's not that I'm a moralfag, it's that I personally would prefer not to end up in a situation where my options are being v& or blowing my brains out. I have a good career that I genuinely enjoy, and would prefer not to jeopardize that.

Plus, I'm not about to trust random faggots on Holla Forums to not be glow in the dark CIA niggers.

I bet you're one of those fags that thinks licking pussy is more gay than having a guy suck your dick.

This happened to me i didn't realize that i was a pedophile until i started browsing on here and using Tor tbh.

If it were actually safe you'd just post it here, instead of sending anons to an onion link. This is Chips Handon level obvious.

Most girls are scared and most boys are faggots. So, they don't put out.

Having a guy suck your dick is more gay than licking a woman's clit.

However licking a woman's clit is submissive and pathetic. It's not gay but it's sad. It's like having a woman crush your balls. Not gay, but really emasculating all the same.

It's a book with hundreds of pages it would take a long time for him to post it all.

thread theme


Here are some really good no BS resources that should secure that at the very least remain attractive and influential to her throughout her development.

health and fitness

youtube.com/watch?v=81a10sZ4duU - cured pic related

Cheap housing


Get her to "find' your private email with the excuse of holiday help because she didn't think you would check your private email.
she will ask more personal questions and you will then have the excuse to mould her into waifu material.
You can do this user I love you.

fuck forgot pic

You can't compare eating a woman's pussy to eating a little girl's pussy. Any sex act with a prepubescent girl - that isn't forceful rape - is automatically submissive since you're literally providing sexual favors to someone who can't even provide you with offspring.

Welcome to the hottest guide of the whole handbook, which will teach you how to safely initiate and practice sexual relationships with children, including genital penetrations.

Before you begin reading this guide, especially before practicing it on children, it is highly recommended that you've already read through and fully understood at least these guides: Pedophilia, Children and Security.

So, the time has finally come!

The most forbidden act in the universe is about to happen, which will become the most exciting and delicious sensation a human being can possibly achieve, and the most powerful drug with the highest rush that the universe has to offer.

The time has come to perform sexual activities with children; whether being the very first and life changing experience for a newcomer pedophile, an opportunity for the experienced pedophile to enjoy yet another child while refining his or her practices, or a non-pedophile who's curious about how real pink or blue cotton-candy tastes like.

This guide is thus all about learning how to seduce and have sex with kids in the most correct, efficient and secure ways, regardless of your experience and initial orientation.

I will now start by going through some important preparations, which will become an important basis for the next chapters and the actual practice of sex with kiddies:

Child Treatment

The way you treat your little sweeties during sexual activities, will decide the success and final outcome for the both of you:

Good treatment will first of all give you generally safe and secure sexual relationships with most children, as in motivating them to keep your secrets and not reveal anything through any unorthodox behavior afterwards.

The children will additionally become very motivated to continue having such relationships with you, because they will enjoy what you do together; which will further secure your secrets while increasing the amount of sexual activities.

They will also be much easier to penetrate and much more likely enjoy that, even if it becomes unpleasant or painful.

The most important thing about good treatment of children during sexual activities, is that these children will more likely grow up with a positive feeling towards sexual relationships between adults and children; which means that a new generation of sexually liberated human beings will arise and help us legalize pedophilia in the future, as the future children are the only ones who can help us accomplish that.

Good treatment of children will also help your conscience, and make you feel good about yourself after your orgasms.

Bad treatment will generally reduce your personal security down to a dangerously low level, by ripping away the children's motivation to keep your illegal activities a secret.

Even if you threaten them to keep secrets, they will most likely reveal them anyway, sooner or later, through an unorthodox behavior; which may alert an observant adult, like a vigilant parent or an educed teacher.

These children will try doing anything to grab the attention of other adults, as they really want you to stop hurting them.

When they finally grow up to become stronger and more independent beings, they will most likely report you to the law enforcement regardless.

These children will also try avoiding you as much as possible, making it much harder to have sex with them, while obviously decreasing the amount of sexual activities to a minimum.

Penetrating these children will also become very difficult, causing most to cry and scream, and squirm all around.

And, they will finally end up with an awful view on pedophilia, which will raise a new generation of angry and hateful anti-pedophiles, who will look at all sexual relationships between adults and children as something extremely dirty, shameful and harmful; and continue suppressing and hurting all pedophiles as long as they live.

Treating children badly doesn't benefit anyone in the end.

Good treatment is therefore recommended when practicing sexual activities with children, to keep yourself as safe as possible, keep the children as happy as possible, and experience the longest, deepest, wettest and warmest intercourses possible with these delicious little creatures; while raising a new generation of humans whom will more likely accept all this and continue practicing it as adults.

Though, I'm not writing this to moralize or judge anyone, these are only recommendations. The rest is up to you and your own plans and preferences as an active pedophile.


The most successful sexual relationships between adults and children, are the relationships of which the children are the ones who are in control and have the final words during sex.

If you look at sexual child love practice as a vessel, like a ship, all children should ideally decide if they want to enter this vessel in the first place. And those who dare to enter it, should be able to decide its direction and throttle. Of course, while the adult carefully steers away from any obstacles and dangerous waters. And, if a certain child should be unsure about controlling this vessel all together, you can carefully control it instead, while always asking the child for permission when controlling the vessel's direction and throttle.

In other words, a child should ideally agree to any sexual activity between the two of you before you actually engage it. From there, it should ideally decide what to do and how far to go, while controlling the pace. And if a child agrees to play, but is totally unsure about what to do, you can carefully control the whole activity yourself while always asking for permission to do things and monitoring the child's behavior.

All sexual play, especially with adults, is a very unknown and scary territory for most children. It's like exploring a large and dark caste at night; it can become terrifying, but in the same time so exciting and thrilling that they vibrate all over.

If they have full control over the situation, they can decide the strength, length and pace of the play, and thus end up with an enormously positive experience. Consequently, becoming highly motivated to keep it a secret and continue playing such games with you far into the future, and do that a lot.

This will generally make the children feel comfortable and secure towards what you're doing, even though if they're initially very shy and insecure about it.

As soon as you become authoritative and dominating during sexual activities with children, the children will suddenly loose all control. And if they loose their sense of control, such play may become quite negative experiences, even traumatic.

Try being a cool and relaxed adult who lets the children be mostly in control while generally being together and hanging out, without much of restrictions nor boundaries.

The children will then look at you more as one of their own rather than an average adult. This will make all children feel very comfortable towards you in general; and even feel so comfortable that they might seduce you sexually through play and fun, just like kids seduce each other in the same way.

Try removing yourself completely from the adult role when engaging sexual relationships with children, as in fully avoiding being authoritative and dominating towards them during the play; except for sharing friendly advices and carefully steering them away from dangerous situations.

Let them be in control and dominate, and success will smile at you, while exciting things will come your way.


Many people who don't know much about child psychology, think that children lack the complex emotions of adults, especially the younger ones. So, it becomes easy for many pedophiles to look at kids as just rag dolls and play toys to throw around and enjoy sexually when it fits the pedophile; and then leave them in the dust afterwards, dirty and used.

Actually, children understand a lot more than most think, and much more than they're actually able to express with words, even as toddlers. They have very complex sensations and feelings, at such an intellectual level, that it would probably have scared you if you knew how much.

Even a 3 year old is actually capable of sensing that an adult is only using it for its own satisfaction, which can easily make the child feel abused and less worthy.

Children who feel abused and less worthy are much more at risk of indirectly revealing that something isn't right, through their daily behavior; even telling about it directly.

If you're practicing sex with children close to your own home, or are having longterm sexual relationships with foreign kids, always treat them with care and respect as your first priority. And make all your sexual activities your second.

This may sound boring, but it will be worth it in the end.

Show a primarily interest in their lives and what they do, while regularly asking if everything is alright. Maybe they need some help with any everyday stuff? Like a bike that needs some fixing or a doll that needs some sewing to be kept together? Play with them, as in non-sexual games that they want to play. Buy them something nice now and then and show them that they are important beings in your life.

Show them that you think they are special and worthy!

This will have a huge positive impact on your success and safety as an active pedophile, while it really doesn't cost you all that much when you think about what you'll get in return.


Another mistake that many pedophiles do, is to only think about their own sexual satisfaction when having sex with children. They make sure that the child does the right things in the right positions; but when the pedophile gets his release, then everything is over and the activity is done.

Even how well you treat the children, this mistake will make them look at your sexual activities as nothing special nor exciting. Thus with time, they usually loose their interest and motivation to have sex with you, because it really doesn't give them anything special in return.

If the child has a normal or high libido, make sure to use a lot of time to actually satisfy the child sexually, as well as yourself. Give it orgasms, and make your sexual activities into something delicious and exciting for the child; something that the child can't live without and would like to play all the time.

If the child has a weak sexual libido, and don't get horny that easily, compensate by making the activity a very caring and special activity that makes the child feel loved and special. E.g. use warm body oils and massage the child, while having slow sex together, in a warm an cozy environment.

Even if a child shouldn't feel any sexual arousal during a sexual activity, it can still feel very comfortable while enjoying and appreciating your interest and fascination towards its body, and enjoy being the center of your attention.

By pleasing the children and their bodies, especially when doing long and warm foreplays, you may actually turn an otherwise less horny child on, so it can experience horniness and orgasms for the first time in its life, regardless of age.

This will give you a greater satisfaction as well, as it will make your sexual activities generally more profound and sensitive, while building up much stronger releases in the end, as in higher and longer orgasms.

Adult Behavior

When a human being gets sexually turned on and very horny, its behavior changes. It changes to a more aggressive and persistent state, because reproduction is the most important part of nature, and thus needs to be fulfilled when the process first begins. And this process obviously begins when you're about to practice sex with a child as a pedophile.

Not to mention: heavy breathing, moaning and strong shiver, which also are parts of this sexually aroused state.

This change of behavior can cause problems when having sex with children, especially during first-time sexual play, because most kids aren't used to this alter ego of the adults.

A common problem is that the child misinterprets the adult's behavior and thinks that the adult is becoming angry or mad; because the child doesn't know what it means for an adult male to be very horny, which usually scares most children; especially when the adult ejaculates and grunts while shivering and handling the child a little bit harder than usual.

A good way to handle this potential problem is first of all to inform the child about this in advance of your activities.

I will teach you how to do this later in this guide; as it will help the child to understand what happens, and thus be prepared for it and know that it's not about rage, but instead about pleasure that can sometimes be hard to control.

Second, by being aware about this as an adult, you can try to suppress your natural urges, thus control your behavior when you get very horny. This is all about practice; and you can practice this by masturbating to e.g. pictures of children while being very horny, and try making it unnoticeable.

And finally, masturbating yourself one time in advance of a sexual activity with a child will make you less sexually aggressive. But unfortunately, it will also make you less horny, thus give you a less experience and orgasm in the end.

This problem is especially important for all the newbies to be aware about, especially teen males; as many of them loose all control during their very first sexual activity with a child, and thus end up with a shivering, crying and highly frighted child.

It isn't easy beating mother nature. We're basically owned by her and her intentions with our beings. But luckily, we do have some control, and you should use all the control that you've got to make sure you don't scare a child with sexually aggressive and persistent behavior.

A Child's First Orgasm

Most children will sooner or later experience their very first sexual climax and orgasm. It usually happens when they play with their genitals all alone over longer sessions, but it can also happen when they have sexual activities with others.

However, all children react differently to their first orgasm:

Most experience it as something extremely positive that they would like to do as much as possible. It is not unusual for e.g. 4 year old girls to masturbate themselves to hard orgasms several times a day, just like the older children boys. Thus for some children, this can become a sexual explosion that turns them into true horny, and even seductive, little sluts.

Just imagine having a little daughter or girlfriend whom wants you to be all over her all day long! Which can actually happen, because children can become very horny while lacking all kinds of self-control and self-discipline. So, embrace yourself!

A few children however, experience their very first orgasm as something very negative, usually because they are by nature very skeptical and easily frightened.

The latter children may therefore already have experienced a negative orgasm, which may give them some kind of an anxiety for sexual play. This can be a difficult barrier to break through for a pedophile who wants to seduce such a child, whom don't want to be seduced for this reason exactly.

Those of you with some experience may already have experienced this barrier in one way or another; whether being oversensitivity or fearfulness towards any touching of their genitals, total unwillingness for any sexual play, or that they allow for sexual play to happen, but want to stop as soon as they feel an orgasm coming.

But, a frightful first-time orgasm may also happen with a child when you're doing sexual activities together. The orgasm may come quickly and unexpectedly too, especially if your activity has made the kid very aroused.

Females are also hardwired to achieve multiple orgasms during a single session, so they don't get turned off after just one orgasm, thus being capable of keeping on almost forever. But these orgasms can sometimes come so close that it feels like just one large and never ending orgasm, which obviously amplifies a frightful first-time orgasm for a child.

Orgasm Pedagogy

The best way to handle this potential problem, is to practice orgasm pedagogy with the children in advance of any sexual activity that will involve first-time fiddle of their genitals.

They will then learn that sexual arousals and orgasms are to be embraced and enjoyed, not feared and rejected.

This can also make orgasms become an important part of your sexual activities, as in something that you both look forward to and aim to achieve during them.

Here's an example that you can use to inform any child about arousals and orgasms; which can be used either before a sexual activity is about to happen, or after a frightful orgasm when it lies there in in your arms while shivering and weeping:

"Playing with the pee-pee feels very good. But sometimes it can almost feel a little bit too good. And when something feels so good, it can also feel a little bit scary."

"But playing with the pee-pee isn't dangerous. You can do it as much as you want to, and for as long as you like to; it will only feel very nice, and you will always feel good when you're done."

"There's nothing to be afraid of, even if your body feels strange while doing it; because this feeling is normal, and it is a feeling that all people feel when they play with their pee-pees."

"When you get used to this feeling, you will want to play with your pee-pee all the time, because it feels so good doing it."

This is a great little talk that can be used on all children at all ages. It is a basic explanation about arousals and orgasms, but then again being especially crafted to make the children more prepared and less frightened towards either.

Arousals and Orgasms

Sexual arousal among children can be mainly seen by their breathing. You can easily see this by watching a child's chest during sexual activities; even when not touching its genitals, as most children can become sexually aroused by just having their bodies felt and caressed by an adult in an erotic setting.

If a child starts to breathe faster than usual during a sexual activity or setting, it is most likely becoming sexually aroused.

However, an increased breathing can also mean that the child is just tensioned or frightened. It usually, and unfortunately, requires some experience to fully know the difference.

You may also see sporadic and twitching movements of their hips, legs and arms during sexual play, or just by general touches of their bodies. And such movements become harder and more frequent as they get closer to an orgasm.

A very obvious breathing and moaning may also occur, which would be a clear sign of sexual arousal.

Female children are capable of becoming naturally lubricated as soon as they get sexually aroused, while male children will primarily get erections; all of which regards all ages.

Male children arousals can thus be much easier noticed and confirmed; which is why you should use a minimum of synthetic lube on the girls during sexual activities, so you can much easier see their juices come out, thus more easily confirm their arousal.

A child may also become sexually aroused without becoming wet or hard. You will then have to look for breathing and physical reactions only.

The best thing that can happen during sexual play with a child, is that the child gets an orgasm; which is very likely to happen if the child likes and trusts you, and you having created a nice environment while doing things by the book.

The child will become very serious and very focused when closing by its orgasm, and motivated to either be touched or touch itself. The breathing and twitching, and the moans, will be at their highest during the orgasm itself. And you will quickly see that the orgasm has ended when they suddenly and quickly calm down with a relieved look in their faces.

Little girls are more likely to get multi-orgasms, meaning that some can continue orgasming several times in a row. The kiddie girls with the strongest libidos can become almost like crazy little porn stars when getting those hard multi-orgasms.

There are some insane stories around about super horny little girls, even as young as babies and toddlers, who've cried and moaned for several minutes while having been licked through a long series of hard multi-orgasms; while the pedophiles could almost drink all the pussy juice that poured out of them.

Don't expect all of them to breathe, moan and move around all that much though, as some children actually do get pretty quiet and discreet orgasms.

How they get an orgasm isn't important, the important thing is that they do get an orgasm during your plays or intercourses.

This is one heck of an experience for a pedophile, especially for the newbies who witness it for the very first time.

And the younger the child, the hotter it gets watching it come. Just imagine seeing a sweet and innocent little doll of a 2 year old girl, lying there like a true little slut while breathing and moaning her way through a hard orgasm. Nothing beats that!

Resistance and Force

I guess the most important question in this regard, is what to do if a child starts to resist an orgasm; whether it is before the orgasm initiates, or during it.

You are basically left with just two options; which is either to let the child go, or force it through the orgasm:

Letting Go

Your first option is to be kind and tolerant towards the child, thus let the child decide how far it wants to move towards that steep and frightful cliff, before deciding to stop.

And when it decides to stop, you will have to let the child go, as in stopping stimulating its genitals.

This is the commonly recommended option; bringing us back to that vessel of sex again, which ideally should be controlled primarily by the children, as they are the weakest and most fragile part of your relationship.

This will also be the most safe option for you as a pedophile; as your sexual relationship will then be fully based on mutual consent, which will much better preserve your secrets.

However, there are some drawbacks with this option:

By letting the child stop an orgasm out of pure fear, the child won't gain any orgasm experience, which will cause this fear to stay within the child consistently and indefinitely.

Additionally, when you as the adult indirectly encourages a child to keep on fearing something, by letting it stop, a child may actually think that an orgasm really is dangerous.

And these drawbacks bring us to the fact that some children may then look at your sexual activities as something risky and dangerous to perform, which may give them a negative relationship towards such activities, which again may cause them to dislike what you're doing.

Thus paradoxically, this option may after all not be as safe for you as a pedophile as it initially and logically seems like.

And finally, if we're talking about a first-time orgasm here, this option may cause a child to not want to do sexual activities with you anymore; which will destroy what could have been an awesome sexual relationship between the two of you.

Simply because: it is allowed to fear orgasms.

Forcing it through

When a child starts to resist an orgasm, your second option is to actually force the child through it, which can be a good thing for many children who have such an unnecessary fear.

This option is thus a cure for all the drawbacks of the first.

Some of you may look at this as indecency, or even rape, but it is all about actually teaching and reassuring a child that an orgasm really isn't dangerous to complete:

It usually starts to trip its tiny feet, twist it's body, like trying to get away, and beginning to moan and weep simultaneously; but keep on using your adult strength to hold the child tightly and locked within your strong arms, in a caring and loving way, while rubbing its genitals harder and faster, until the child is so afraid that it thinks it's about to die; but finally gets that violent shiver, and gets that wonderful orgasm, for the very first time in its life, along with a relief like no other.

"There you go. Just let it come. Just let it all out. You see? That wasn't dangerous at all! That just felt very nice!"

These somehow controversial instructions are based on real life experiences from pedophiles and human psychology:

When some young children experience a hard orgasm for the first time: right before the orgasm executes, their brains will think that they're in real danger. They will suddenly feel this unknown and overwhelming arousal, while loosing all control, and instinctively think that they're actually about to die.

This is because their brains lack the important experience of completing this otherwise harmless process, and then learn that it isn't life threatening after all.

Thus, most of them will get an enormous rush of adrenaline and happiness when they realize that they actually survived the orgasm. It will be the same experience of a first-time parachuter, surviving that highly exciting and dangerous jump, ending up on the ground super happy and super enthusiastic, all alive and all well, and much ready to repeat that jump and experience all of it once again. And so will the children, the children who survives that first fearful orgasm.

Keep on comforting the child and being there for little her or him, while being fully calm yourself, until it finally starts to breathe normally again and calm all the way down.

If you haven't done so already, this is the time to practice that latter orgasm pedagogy; but wait until the child stops crying and shaking, and give it time to calm down before the talk.

Unfortunately, this option has its drawbacks as well:

Forcing through a hard orgasm may with some kids backfire, as it may become a little bit too much for them, causing it to become a negative experience regardless.

And this experience can sometimes become so negative that it qualifies as light post-trauma, which will affect the children negatively for an extended period.

This will obviously put you as a pedophile at risk, as it will increase the chances of the child telling about it.

This may also cause a child to not want to do this anymore.

… continued

Regarding orgasm resistance among children, there is no correct choice to be made, thus very difficult for me to recommend anything specific, considering all the different children and personalities that are out there.

If I am going to recommend anything in that regard, it would be to thoroughly practice the already mentioned orgasm pedagogy before performing any sexual activity with a child, as that will make either choice easier to practice while becoming generally more secure. And when that is said, the first option, as in letting the child go, is probably the safest option for the newbies to choose.

Just don't panic yourself if your child gets a negative orgasm. Stay calm and comforting, while talking to the child as recommended, and everything should be all fine after a little while of sobbing and shivering.

Fortunately, and as initially mentioned within this section, the wast majority of children out there will be able to handle orgasms well, and enjoy them enormously. So, any problems related to orgasms among children, regards only a minority of the children, and usually young girls from 3-6 years of age within this minority.

Don't let these potential orgasm problems freak you out too much; as I only want to prepare you for the worst, so you are best possible equipped if you ever should encounter this.

Hygiene Practice

Your personal hygiene is extremely important when it comes to intimate relationships between adults and children. If you overlook this important factor, which too many pedophiles unfortunately do, it can actually destroy more than you think.

The human body produces odors. Most of these odors are related to bacteria buildups at key places of our bodies: mouth, armpits, genitals and feet. Our bodies do actually clean themselves to a certain degree, but not as thorough as manual cleaning with soap and water.

We usually don't detect our own body odors that easily, mostly because we easily get used to them. So, even though we think we don't smell that much, we still might.

In the same time, children are extremely sensitive to all odors. Their smell and taste senses are actually oversensitive during their whole childhood. Thus, adult body odors can be easily picked up by these small noses, which most children repulse.

Just imagine having a close relationship with a child, and the child senses a strange or bad body odor from you. It can be a bitter aftershave or just odors from plain bacteria buildups. The child will then most likely loose its motivation to be close to you, even try to keep a physical distance, which is a very bad starting point for any intimate relationship.

Thus by not being all clean, you may loose the unique chance of becoming seduced by children, and you may be rejected by children whom you try to seduce.

A child may also get a bad first-impression of an unclean genital during a sexual activity, making it dislike it indefinitely.

The solution to this problem is so easy:

Make sure to use floss, toothbrush and mouthwash in this exact order. And don't forget to brush your tongue as well. Having a bad breath is the worst thing that can happen when being close to children as a pedophile.

Make sure to take a thorough shower, as if you accidentally tripped into a pit of nuclear waste earlier that day. Clean your armpits and genital area especially, including your butt crack. Pull the foreskin of your penis all the way back and clean the penis with genital friendly soap, so it shines like a polished Porsche afterwards. And don't forget your feet.

And make sure that you always do all this right before you hang out with children, just in case; especially when you're about to become intimate with a child.

I know it may seem stupid of me to tell adult people about something as basic as this, but I really want to emphasize this because of the children's oversensitive smell and taste.

A nice tip if a child is about to play with your penis for the first time, especially suck it, is to clean your penis for a second time during your shower by using a shampoo that smells nice.

When the kid then comes close to your penis, your penis will smell like candy and flowers in the same time, giving the child a really nice first-impression of the penis, while making it much easier convincing the child to suck it nicely and deeply.

Of course, the kids don't have to be clean at all, only you!

Dirty children may have some interesting scents that can be sexually arousing for some pedophiles. This can give your sexual activities and intercourses an unique quality.

If possible, try this carefully out by omitting intimate care of your little spouse; no toothbrushing nor any bath. But do this with care and only one day at a time, while trying it out.

Children usually start to produce sweet mouth and body odors from the age of 3. And these odors will become intensified by the child's age.

Genital Diseases

If you're a person who have sex with lots of different people, whether being with adults or children, with females or males, genital diseases should always be a concern as a pedophile.

Many pedophiles have actually gotten caught and sent to jail because they accidentally gave a child a sexually transmitted disease (STD); and for that reason only.

When a child gets an STD, it usually starts out with genital discomfort, itching and pain. If not treated, it will most likely continue and become worse with time. Other adults will sooner or later notice this, thus send the child to a doctor. Most doctors will quickly recognize an STD, which can scientifically prove that the child has been 'sexually abused' by an adult whom has the same disease.

Hell will then break loose: child protective services will be contacted, every male who are or have lately been interacting with the child will automatically become suspects, and the child itself will be thoroughly interrogated by professionals.

The risk getting caught will therefore become pretty high.

It's also important to note that STDs can also infect a child's mouth, which will become even more apparent.

Some STDs are very nasty as well, especially viral STDs, which can infect a child for life; HIV being the worst one with a deadly outcome. In some countries, you can actually get the death penalty for infecting another human being with HIV.

If you're very sexually active with other humans, you should always take a control with your doctor before engaging sexual relationships with children; both for your own and the children's sake.

The Initiation Process

A sexual relationship between an adult and a child has to be initiated before it can be practiced. This initiation process is like a set of starting switches on an engine: you will have to push the right ones in the right order to make the engine run properly and right, whether it is for shorter or longer periods.

We're talking about the important transition from a non-sexual relationship, ideally being a nice friendship with trust and intimacy already established, to a sexual relationship between an adult and a child; which may be considered as the seduction part of sexual pedophilia practice.

This initiation process is a very delicate operation that many pedophiles rarely think thoroughly about when establishing sexual relationships with children. It requires special techniques and a general finesse to become safe and successful, especially for longterm relationships with children. If this operation is done in a less fortunate way, your new sexual relationship will become less safe and less successful. Or everything can go straight to hell, sooner or later, if you do this all wrong.

This may become your most challenging task as a pedophile, but it may also become your most rewarding task ever in life, if you succeed and end up having sex with a little sweetie pie.

The initiation process can happen in 3 different ways:


These are the initiation methods that will be the essential parts of the next sex practice chapters.

It is highly recommended that you start with the first method, and only move to the next one if the latter doesn't work.

If the third and final method doesn't work, you will simply have to carefully retry it a few times. And if retrying doesn't work, you will simply have to find yourself another child to seduce.

Unless of course, you choose force or rape as a fourth method, as that makes most adults able to consummate a sexual relationship with most children. But neither is supported by this handbook, because of its potential destructive effect on both the children and the pedophiles.


The most ideal and recommended way to initiate a sexual relationship with a child, is to wait for the child to seduce you, all by its own motivation and will.

This is called a passive initiation, as the adult is the passive initiator, while the child is the active.

This method is so ideal and recommended because the child really wants to do it, and you can be fully sure about that. Since the child is the active initiator, the child will also feel less shame and less as a victim towards your sexual relationship. And all this will make your sexual relationship very secure and successful on a longterm basis, for the both of you.

This actually happens more than most think, and it can happen in various ways. It depends on the child's age, gender and personality, and your friendship and environment. Most importantly, it depends mostly on the child's libido, which is the child's own sexual interest, curiosity and needs.

It usually happens when a child wants to play sexual games, which many children want to do because of the high level of sexual curiosity existing within them. And playing such games with adults is very enticing, because adult genitalia is generally very inaccessible and forbidden for most children.

Being seduced by a child is a process that usually happens gradually over time, as the children usually test a certain adult for his or her reaction to their seductions. If a child senses approval and acceptance from an adult during this process, things can develop quickly towards sexual games.

This will obviously require some patience and self-discipline, as the pedophile has to be sexually passive among children while waiting to become seduced. But most pedophiles enjoy spending time with children anyway, while showing them how much they're loved, so it can happen quicker than you think.

The reward for this patience can be an ideal sexual relationship with a child, within a frame of safety and success. And that's worth waiting for.


Unfortunately, being a passive initiator, as in waiting for a child to seduce you sexually, can be a tedious process with an uncertain outcome; on an indefinite basis.

If you don't want to wait for a seduction to happen all by itself, or you've been waiting very long without experiencing any, you do have the possibility to actually trigger a seduction from a child by using some neat tricks.

This will be almost identical to the passive approach, except for the need of a little detonator. And detonating a seduction from a child in such a way is very easy and safe to perform, with very high odds of success in the end.

This will make the child believe that she or he is the one who actually initiated the sexual relationship, even though you are the one who triggered it. Thus, still making it a passive approach with all of its advantages as mentioned above.


Sometimes, even triggering a passive initiation doesn't work as intended nor expected.

It may be that the child is very sexually inactive, as in asexual, which some children unfortunately are. It may be that you got limited time alone with a certain child, making the Passive and Trigger approaches less practical. Or it may be that you're simply too impatient to wait for anything to happen all by itself, so you just want to go straight for the action.

This is where the suggestion method comes in hand, which is all about introducing a sexual activity or game to a child, and suggesting to perform it together.

This will be a less ideal approach, because the adult will be the one who initiates the sexual relationship, not the child.

As a result, the child might agree to something that it isn't yet ready to do. Like, if the child is afraid of loosing your friendship, or it looks at you as an authoritative person, the child may agree to almost anything you suggest, regardless of what that suggestion is or what the child really thinks of it.

This makes this approach a little bit risky. Because, you may risk initiating a sexual relationship with a child who really doesn't want to do it, but still does of various other reasons; and can even pretend that it wants to do it, making it hard for you to know for sure if this is what the child really wants to do.

I know, child love practice can be very complicated!

So, when suggesting sexual activities and games to children, it is very important to already have a nice relationship and friendship in advance, with lots of trust and chemistry.

Though, my upcoming suggestion instructions in the next chapters have been designed with all this in mind.

… continued

When you've initiated a sexual relationship with a child, the actual sex will happen for the very first time. This will become a very strong and special experience for the both of you.

The next chapters will guide you through this wonderful land of lusts and opportunities. And I will do my very best to help you initiating such relationships, so you can experience having real sex with real children for the first time as a pedophile.

If you're an experienced pedophile with many kiddie hair locks on your belt, the upcoming chapters may still help you refine your techniques, and make things become even easier and safer for yourself as an active pedophile.


For a sexual relationship between an adult and a child to become complete, it will have to be consummated through a genital penetration of the child.

This is the point of child love practice that should make all men very grateful for being born with penises. Having your penis glide into a child, and coming inside it, is the most extreme sensation a pedophile can ever experience in his life. This is one of those things that are almost worth dying for.

A child consists of a maximum of 3 holes to be penetrated:

Oral (mouth)
Genital (vagina)
Rectum (anal)

Not many surprises there, I suppose.

Each hole does fully qualify as a real consummation, but they all are quite different from each other:


A child's mouth is a wonderful hole for a genital penetration, and the hole most used by pedophiles to perform sexual intercourses with children at almost all ages.

For those who didn't know, God's heaven does actually exist.
I know this because it has a wall around it, a wall with lots of holes in it, each of which is a mouth of a child. Your penis is therefore the only living being that has the unique privilege to enter this hole and peek into heaven itself. And as soon as it does so, as soon as a child begins to lick and suck on your cock with its wet little mouth and tongue, you will finally have the proof that heaven does actually exist.

Please note that this qualifies legally as a sexual intercourse, in the same way as a vaginal and anal intercourse.

Having oral sex with children may seem like a minor offense, but it is treated in court as a fully sexual intercourse and 'rape'.


No Physical Training Needed

There's a reason why this hole is the most used one for sexual intercourses with children, and that's because it doesn't need any physical training in advance.

Most children from early toddlerhood and on will be capable of handling oral sex with an adult male pretty well; especially those extra cute toddlers with those extra large mouths, as if they where just born to fulfill this task.

Thus, a fully sexual intercourse can happen with most kids, regardless of age and gender, anywhere and instantly, conveniently by penetrating their sweet and wet mouths, through their shiny red lips.

Safe to Ejaculate

Ejaculating into a child's mouth is next to inevitable, especially for the newcomers, if you think about how warm, soft and wet a child's mouth really is, with a little worm of a tongue moving all around in there.

If a child should swallow your ejaculated semen, either by accident or intentionally, it can swallow it safely and digest it without any problems afterwards.

All children have a swallowing reflex, so even a large surprise ejaculation coming far into their mouths will make them swallow most of it automatically.

If they should accidentally get any semen into their air pipes, it will be just like water or yogurt, not pleasant but neither dangerous. They will just cough it back up.

Please note that this only regards normal and healthy kids with a fully developed swallowing mechanism and reflex.

Children who're either not normal or infants, can actually die from semen ejaculations into their mouths and throats.

Erogenous Zone

Many people aren't aware of it, but the mouth is actually an erogenous zone. This is why intensive kissing, licking and tasting is such sexually arousing and an important part of almost all sexual relationships between all human beings.

Oral sex can even become arousing with the same gender, even if you're not genuinely gay sexual.

When an adult male penetrates a child's mouth with his penis, the child may instinctively become sexually aroused, regardless of age and gender.

Many toddlers, especially females, have started to touch themselves during oral sex with a male genital; and without having been taught nor instructed to do so. They simply know by instinct that this is sex, thus it turns them on.

Most children will enjoy oral sex and sucking adult male penises if it's initiated and practiced correctly.


This position is very unique, refereed to as the sixty-nine.

It means crumbling together in opposite ways to perform oral sex on each other simultaneously, while e.g lying in a bed.

By licking the child into arousal and orgasms, the child will become less afraid of and more motivated to suck you deeply until you come far into its mouth. The child may even swallow your semen willingly if you make it very sexually aroused.

Such an activity with a child can take you to places that you didn't knew existed; licking those soft and delicious little genitals while sniffing into those kiddie bums.


High sensitivity

A mouth is a very intimate and sensitive area, so not all kids will enjoy getting a large adult genital into their mouths; especially not far inside or partially down their throats.

This can make it either hard or fully impossible to penetrate certain children orally, because they will reject it.

It usually has to do with the size of the cock and the age of the child, as very young children with small mouths will struggle to successfully and comfortably suck large adult males properly.

Some children have an anxiety of choking, especially those who've experienced a real choking earlier in their lives.

And children with negative experiences from oral sex with adults will obviously be very difficult to convince otherwise.

Danger of Being Bitten

A child's mouth isn't the safest hole to put your penis into!

If a child doesn't like what's happening, and it gets very angry, it can actually bite your penis with all its strength. And the consequences of this can be anything from cute bite marks to permanently damaging your penis.

First of all, it depends on the state of the penis. An erect penis will be hard enough to stand the pressure and potential harm from a real bite, while a non-erect and soft penis will obviously be way more vulnerable and prone to damage.

The head of the penis will always be the most vulnerable part, regardless of its state, as it's tissue is always soft. There have been stories of adult females who have actually bitten penis heads completely off during oral rape; so be careful.

Second, it depends on the child's age and teeth. The older the child, the stronger the bite. And permanent teeth of older children are much sharper and stronger than the round and blunt primary teeth of younger children.

There's no documentation on children biting adult penises, and the damage effects of such. So, my best advice is to always make sure that your penis is as stiff as possible when you're about to put it into a child's mouth, especially the older and unknown children with permanent teeth who seem less enthusiastic about oral sex; and especially during oral rape.

If a child bites your penis so hard that the teeth penetrates the skin of the penis, the wound can then be infected in a way that it will need medical attention later.

The mouth has so much bacteria in it that it can be more infectious to open wounds than even feces.

When you visit a doctor with infectious children bite marks on your penis, the doctor will most likely recognize it as children bite marks, which may lead to negative consequences.


A child's vagina is probably the most special hole of them all for a pedophile adult male to glide into.

The vagina is the female reproduction organ that all the way from birth will be an erogenous body part and zone, capable of triggering strong sexual arousals and wetness, along with strong desires and orgasms among all little girls, at any age.

Children vaginas are the most clean, delicate and puffy ones, well hidden within Hello Kitty panties and summer dresses, which always smell and taste sweet, and just wait for us pedophiles to touch, taste and slowly glide far inside them.


Crafted for Intercourses

Unlike the mouth and anus, the vagina is actually designed and built by nature especially for sexual intercourses with male penises. It is designed and built for regular penetrations.

This makes the vagina rather ideal for sexual intercourses and penetrations, without having to worry about nor struggle with difficulties, complications and security risks.

When being in the ideal state for a sexual intercourse, it will consume the end of your penis in a wet and delicious way, not to mention being quite tight to enter, while the child itself will twitch, grunt and moan while you're all over it and making love together as adult and child.

Extremely Elastic

The vagina is special, because it isn't designed for sexual intercourses exclusively, it is also designed for births.

This makes the vagina extremely elastic!

The vagina is almost like a rubber band; it has potential room. When the rubber band is in its default state, it may seem pretty small. But as you start to expand it, like stretching it with your hands, it suddenly becomes much larger. When you let go of the rubber band, it transforms back into its default state, without having been modified nor damaged in any way.

This is exactly how a vagina works.

When a vagina is in it's default state, it may seem like a tight little hole, almost like a fragile little tube. In reality however, it has the potential to safely become much larger.

When a female is unaroused, her vagina is almost collapsed, so the walls within the vagina actually meet. But even though the vagina is collapsed, just like the rubber band, it has the potential to be opened and widened up; like when a female e.g. inserts a tampon or going through a vaginal examination.

When a female becomes sexually aroused, her vagina will initially expand some all by itself. And in addition to expanding itself, it's potential room inside will increase as well, making it able to much easier take even larger objects inside.

Due to this very elasticity, especially when considering births, even young children are fully capable of having successful and harmless sexual intercourses with adult males. But only if it's done through proper and regular training, to make a child's vagina accommodated with an adult male penis.

Actually, some of the more experienced adult females actually fist themselves during masturbation, both safely and successfully. And this should be comparable to an average 3-4 year old being safely and successfully fucked by an average adult male. And it can go even larger than that.

Natural Lubrication

When a female becomes sexually aroused, her vagina becomes internally lubricated all by itself; and sometimes so lubricated that her vagina starts to drip of wetness.

This wetness is a slimy and oily substance being released from within the vagina walls, during its internal expansion, when the female becomes sexually aroused.

This is also like a green traffic light that tells the male that the vagina is now expanded and aroused, and is prepared and ready for a penile penetration.

Fortunately for all pedophiles, this function of the vagina is present all the way from birth. Even the vagina of a baby girl will be able to become wet and expanded, and obviously ready for a sexual penetration.

And such wetness will, unlike the anus, make you able to fuck horny children for long periods without having to regularly add synthetic lube.

Nice Body Positions

Just like with anal sex, but unlike oral sex, you can crumble yourself into a nice traditional position so you can glide into a child while also kissing the child's face and mouth. And generally crumble yourself together into very intimate and tight positions while making love together.

You can also use the latter methods to easily lock a child in, so it can't move away if you are being consistent about completing a vaginal sexual intercourse.

You can generally use many sorts of positions, like you would have done with an adult in an otherwise regular setting.


Arousal Needed

As recently stated: when a child is sexually aroused, its vagina will initially expand and be able to take much larger objects than normal inside it. It will also become naturally lubricated, which really is the best lubrication for the task. And all this create a nice foundation for successful vaginal intercourses.

The child will also be able to handle pain much better while being aroused, and generally be less afraid and more accepting of the insertion of larger objects into its vagina.

Unfortunately, making a female child sexually aroused can become a complicated task with unpredictable outcomes:

Some children may not be comfortable with the adult in question, or the situation they are suddenly finding themselves within. Others may not be all that sexually active in general, some even totally asexual. And either can keep a child unaroused, regardless of what you do to try arousing it.

An unaroused or tensioned child will have its vagina tightened up and dry as a desert. And this will make any penetration (training) difficult and painful for the child at various degrees, and very little effective in the end for the both of you.


Most females have a hymen, which is a natural membrane and barrier in front of the vagina.

Hymens can sometimes be both sensitive to touch and painful to pass or break through, causing the most chickenhearted children to either resist or reject penetration attempts, whether being penetration training or regular intercourses.

Quality Time

Ideal training requires a lot of time, and it requires quality time. This means spending a lot of time with the child while being all alone and private.

This is a privilege that some pedophiles simply don't have with certain children, making some of you either less capable or totally incapable of ever having a successful vaginal intercourse with those certain children.

And penetrating a child fully without any training in advance will become extremely painful for the child, especially if the child is below the age of 11.


Kiddie bums are some truly classical temptations for most pedophiles; and they've been that for centuries, probably since the dawn of the human species.

These bums are totally hairless, small and bouncy. They're also very soft, and feel nice to touch. And there's this special hole right in the middle of the buttocks, so tight that it can almost squash your penis flat, almost begging for you to enter.

They are the tightest things in the universe for a male to sexually penetrate, making all adult males able to deliciously penetrate and make love to all children of both genders.


Erogenous Zone

Since the anus is so close to the genitals, it becomes a part of the erogenous nerve system of the genitals, making it pretty sexually sensitive towards fiddle and play.

The rectum is also very close to the internal reproduction organs of both females and males. It stays very close to e.g. the prostate of boys, making anal sex capable of triggering orgasms among children boys close to puberty and older. And it stays very close to the internal parts of the vagina, making anal sex possible to trigger strong arousals and orgasms among children girls as well, regardless of the girls age.

It is generally a nice erogenous zone that many children and adults enjoy stimulating or penetrating during sex.


The rectum is way more elastic than most think. When being properly trained, it can finally take some pretty large objects without problems.

Like all body tissue of humans, it can be gradually expanded. You can thus fit larger and larger objects inside it during a certain time of regular and increasingly larger penetrations.

So, when proper training is exercised with young children, they will finally be able to take average adult males perfectly, while in the same time enjoying it enormously.

Actually, if you start with proper and regular training of a 1 year old, it should be capable of taking an average adult male flawlessly at its 3rd birthday, probably even sooner.

And fucking such young and warm little humans can be enormously hot and delicious, especially for the nepiophiles.


It doesn't get any tighter than anal sex. It really makes your penis feel compressed, making it enormously arousing for males to fuck children, with very hard orgasms while really feeling the cum shoot out of you.

If the child tightens up its rectal muscles, which happens several times during anal sex, especially if a girl or boy gets an orgasm during the session, it will become even tighter.

Nice Body Positions

Just like with vaginal sex, but unlike oral sex, you can crumble yourself into a nice traditional position so you can glide into a child while also kissing the child's face and mouth. And generally crumble yourself together into very intimate and tight positions while making love together.

You can also use the latter methods to easily lock a child in, so it can't move away if you are being consistent about completing an anal sexual intercourse.

You can generally use many sorts of positions, like you would have done with an adult in an otherwise regular setting.


One-Way Street

Unfortunately, the anal isn't designed for sexual intercourses.

The rectum muscle is designed to lead feces out of the body, while making sure that nothing gets back into it. This is to prevent potential outside toxics and infections from getting into the body's digestion system. This is by design.

This design makes the rectum physically reject anything that tries to get inside it. And if you force anything pass this natural barrier, it will become painful while the rectum can be teared at different levels, depending on the treatment.

Excessive Pain

Since any object insertion into the rectum is an unnatural act, as mentioned in the latter disadvantage, such insertions can become quite painful for the ones being inserted, even if the objects are similar to, or smaller than, the size of their feces.

And even though the anal is elastic and capable of being expanded over time, it has to be expanded through stretching and tearing only. It doesn't have all that potential room like a vagina does. Such stretching and tearing can become pretty painful, even when it's done in very small increments.

Some children are very sensitive and afraid of pain, causing both anal sex training and intercourses to become potentially challenging for some pedophiles to perform and succeed.

Such stretching and tearing usually lead to bleeding as well, which takes us to the next and important disadvantage:

Complications and Injuries

The rectum tissue is pretty vulnerable to tearing, which can cause several potential health issues among children who're training for, and generally practicing, anal sex with adults.

Infection is the most common issue, because most anal trainings of children involve some internal micro-tearing when the rectum tissue is being stretched. This opens a doorway for harmful micro organisms and sexually transmitted deceases to enter the human body; all of which can cause anything from light problems and discomforts to serious and even life threatening problems.

Physical damage is a less common issue among careful pedophiles, but it can quickly happen if a pedophile is less experienced in the same time as being very eager and not that careful. Such damages can be cracks, hemorrhoids, prolapses and loss of bowel control; all of which can become serious damages that will later require medical attention.

Any complication or injury caused by anal sex with kids can cause problems that require medical attention, which can scientifically prove that the child has been penetrated anally, and thus become investigated by the law enforcement.

Some complications and injures can also cause permanent damages and health issues for the child in question.

A full tear of the rectum can cause death. A few children have actually died from anal sex with adults, but this is mostly related to hard and assaulting rapes of very young children without any lubrication used. But it can also happen if a child has a dysfunctional rectum or other related health problems that can't be seen or known in advance.

Even the most careful training and practice of anal sex with children won't fully eliminate any of the mentioned complications or injuries. It may even trigger unknown problems not mentioned here.

But, all complications and injuries related to kiddie anal training, and general intercourses, can be heavily reduced by doing things correctly, which of course I will teach you all about when we get to that part later in the handbook.

The wast majority of healthy children will be able to practice anal sex with adults without any problems at all.

Quality Time

Ideal training requires a lot of time, and it requires quality time. This means spending a lot of time with the child while being all alone and private.

This is a privilege that some pedophiles simply don't have with certain children, making some of you either less capable or totally incapable of ever having a successful anal intercourse with those certain children.

And penetrating a child fully without any training in advance will become extremely painful for the child, while being quite dangerous as well when doing it anally, especially if the child is below the age of 11.

Nope. OP is probably just unattractive (maybe repulsive even) or had bad luck with women.

Today was the last day before March Break. It was a half day. My period with her class is always in the afternoon. I also usually end up on lunch duty during her lunch period, but the day ended at lunchtime. So I had recess duty, and she spent recess with me, as usual, but she knew that once recess ended, that would be the last time we see each other for almost two weeks.

She waited for me by the doors until I finished with my previous class, and of course got excited and began hugging me as soon as she saw me. Usually she would just give me a greeting hug, a nice big hug, but she clearly also tries to not overplay her hand, and act relatively casual. But this time she just held on to me, hugging me from the side (since I still needed to walk around) for most of recess. Even if I asked her to stop, because I needed to do something that her hug was preventing me from doing, she'd just latch onto me again at first opportunity. She just kept holding me and telling me how much she would miss me over the break.

I tried to cheer her up by asking if she had any fun plans for her time off, and she did. She is going to be the flower girl at her cousin's wedding tomorrow, and the whole family is going to a nice sushi restaurant tonight. I mentioned that I live close to that restaurant and that it's one of my favorites. She then started saying "well then you should come tonight!" I thought she was joking, so I jokingly tell her I'm flattered by the offer, but I don't think her family would like some random guy showing up to their family event. She explains "No, just come by at the same time and maybe you'll get a table close by. I can tell my mom 'hey, there's the teacher I was telling you about!'" I still thought she was joking, so I told her "well maybe, it is a good restaurant and my friends are always saying we should go there" (which is true). I didn't think she'd take me seriously, but then for the rest of recess, she kept bringing up how excited she is to go to the restaurant, especially since I might be there.

I didn't mean to get her hopes up like that, so I kept telling her "well only maybe, I might be busy with my tutoring job," (which again is true). When it was time to head home, she caught me on the way out and began hugging me again, sounding sadder than I've ever heard her as she said, with a fake sense of optimism, how she's excited to maybe see me at the restaurant tonight. I told her that if I don't see her on her break, it won't be long anyway, and I'll see her a week from Monday. Still hugging me, she nodded and just responded with "Mmmhmm," sounding like she was almost needing to hold back tears. I know she likes to act casual and doesn't try to make a big show of her emotions like this, so usually I try to pretend I don't notice things like this, but this time I had to tell her to cheer up, and how the last thing I want is to see her sad, plus how she wouldn't want her parents to think she had a bad day at school. She's very mature for her age, and was able to suck it up pretty quickly and put on a brave face (albeit one that was still all red and had watery eyes). But still, that affected me.

Now I'm thinking of maybe actually going to the restaurant though. The couple friends I have do love the place and might like to go tonight. I obviously can't go by myself without it being super weird. I might also not be able to make it at the same time, because she didn't know what time they were going, and I do have another job for a couple hours this evening. It's a nice restaurant, but it's also expensive, and I don't want to go unless I have a good reason. Sometimes we'll go on birthdays or whatever, but today I have no reason other than wanting to make this kid happy. She'd be busy, and at most would probably only get a quick smile out of it, assuming I was there at the same time and in a spot where she could notice me. But she's a really sweet kid, and deserves that smile.

No you didn't prove it faggot.

If you actually want to be with a slutty whore you don't belong here get >>>/out/ normalfag.

Personally I prefer /wx/

One’s peers are the vaccuous, myoptic, navel-gazing, stupid, medacious, depressing, boring, ennervating, and pathetic effluvia of the late-capitalist milleau, as is oneself and one’s parents. One seeks their respect only to find it is stupidity, one seeks their friendship to find it is stupidity. We seek something beyond the purely inane to find that inanity, absurdity, and stupidity is the medium in which one moves.

Try not being horny all the time and don't ever expect them to do anything. Normally they want the man to make a move unless you're some beta faggot.

It's not like they hate sex. They just have different sex drives than us so the best you can do is just distract yourself whenever you want to fuck or masterbate and replace it with anything really.

Distract yourself if you want to fug and wait for her to approach or the right moment

I'm one of the staunchest opponents of a lot of the hogwash that some of my fellow compatriots spout, but even here I don't see the conflict between exposing them to sexual contact and them having happy childhoods. The entire pro-reform (pro-contact) position is based around the presumption that simply fondling a willing child shouldn't necessarily (or logically) result in lifelong harm or trauma.

We need to make this a law again. Also thanks for posting this guide, I have some fucked up problems with sexuality, where I taught it was evil and suppressed it and never even cummed until like 23 year old, and didn't have an orgasm… I'm not sure what the fuck an orgasm is like. This stuff I'm reading though is helping me. I wish I was not treated the way I was a child, I was I had a pedophile teach me the proper way :(

Anal disgusts me. This text is further proof it's unnatural and bizarre. I hate people that want to engage in anal sex with either gender. Sodomites are diseased.


If you aren't marrying them you shouldn't be fucking them. Doesn't matter if it's a child or adult.

OP I was like you once. Angry that society explained sex to me wrong. Thinking sex was supposed to be a reward the same way friendship is. You need to change the way you think, and if you do you'll be swimming in pussy. Do these 5 things for a few weeks and see if your luck changes.

1) "Never ask a girl anything, just tell her."
No woman has ever given a straight answer when asked a question. So the solution is to never ask her questions. You don't have to be an asshole about it, just put everything in the form of a statement. Want to ask her out? Say, "Lets go out on Friday. I'll take you to this awesome pizza place I like." if she gives you an excuse just change the phrasing, "I didn't realize you couldn't eat gluten. I'll take you to this place that does an awesome salad instead." She should never have a chance to say "no" to anything. YOU are in control.

2) "The only questions you ask her are to get her to talk about herself."
As long as it isn't a choice about what you are doing ask her all the questions about herself. Just let her talk, don't interrupt, and ask follow up questions. If she asks you anything just give simple straightforward answers. This is how she'll feel relaxed.

3) "Make her come to you as often as possible"
If you tell a woman to "come here" and she does it helps, I have no idea why. When you are ready to kiss her physically bring her closer to you.

4) "STAY OUT OF THE FRIENDZONE WITH ONE SENTENCE." You can stay out of the friendzone with any girl by saying this the first time you hang out, "I think you are cute and I really want to fuck you".Don't worry if she gets a little offended, but she be slightly offended than you get friendzoned and you are now wasting your time.

5) "stop thinking of sex as a reward, and start thinking of it something to take because you want it."
It's an old cliche, but think of a woman's body as a garden. She has to be a little selective about who can eat from her garden because if she let everyone do it will get ruined. If she likes you though she wants you to just come and take what you want. She wants to see the effort she put into her garden be enjoyed. So when you can tell she's relaxed around you, just take it. Don't ask, don't be awkward just think of it as you taking a strawberry you like from a garden. Never apologize either.

there is a little more for the beginner, but that is enough to get you started.

Hey I already do those things naturally.

Could the problem be that I have feminine features and a high voice and the women who are attracted to me must be the kind of women who… aren't quite functioning properly.

Actually I made all this shit up my real problem is I only ever talk to women online and they are never in the same country as me and I'm a hikikomori but I believe my story is true because it's so real in my imagination anyways and the women in my imagination don't put out.

I have some things I don't even want to talk about but I am stuck inside for over 10 years now. I think it will finally pass and I'll be able to go out into the world and talk with actual people in person. For now I am just a lucid hikiki stuck in his room too sick to leave.

I don't know why I'm ruining the LARP right now.

OK man, I can't fix you. But I understand how hard it can be starting out from square one.

I'll even break it down even more, and give you my "day one" lesson that I used to give to teenagers.

1) clean yourself up. You don't have to go all GQ, but just make sure you and your clothes are neat and clean. You can still wear jeans and hoodies, but just make sure they are clean. Got long hair? Fine, just wash and condition it. Shave properly, and wear aftershave.

2) If you seriously have no idea on how to engage girls, we'll start with the absolute easiest step. It's the oldest trick in the book and it's called, "asking for help.". See a girl you want to talk to, ask for help. Like you see a girl at the store when you buy shampoo and conditioner go up to her and just ask "Do you know what kind of shampoo is good for my type of hair?" or you want to chat up the girl behind the counter at the deli ask, "What do you think is good here?". When you do this you are forcing them to lower their guard.

3) EXPECT REJECTION 99% OF THE TIME! I know this is a really hard thing to wrap your mind around but you have to just learn to get rejected and move on. Never, ever, ever get hung up on a girl. If you get rejected move on, if you want you can ask her again sometime but never care if she rejects you.

4) Having confidence will get you a lot. The only way to get that is practice. So hit on every girl you want to. Go to a bar and hit on every single girl there.

I can teach any average guy how to be swimming in chicks in a weekend. Even if you are a kinda fat and not real handsome I can guarantee if you listen you can be getting chicks quick.

Sounds good

user, problem with all the stuff you wrote is… I just don't care about sex for sex's sake. I want a wife not to game girls into fucking them. Furthermore, I'm wayyyyy broken beyond just clean up. Most important of all though is god talks to me and I don't need anybody else but him. If I want to do something god will help me. I mostly just want to shitpost. Women are too much trouble. God says… now is not the time.

This some pleb tier PUA tips, you're gonna suffer greatly.

This is a terrible and a common mistake PUA make.

Dating is NOT an odd game, its about skills.

the skills to recognize where you have an edge.
When a Lion hunts he doesn't chase random pray, he picks up the one he'll most likely be able to get.

If you go after every random girl you see, yes, you'll face 99% rejection. Because guess what doesn't matter how hot you are some chicks won't be into you.

Not only you are wasting time and energy doing that, i can guaranty you that this strategy will take a toll on your confidence.

facing rejection 99% of the time is going to crush any shred of confidence and pride you have.

you're dangerously close to pedonigger territory user

aint saying women arent fucked up, but look at yourselves, you're fucked up wanna have sex with little girls. they're still watching disney and playing with barbies fucking jeez

Attached: pedoniggers.png (2400x1005, 1.53M)

they also finger themselves and hump things. they develop crushes on boys and guys that they find attractive. children are sexual beings. get over it.

user, i….

the question that's probably better suited for you to ask is "why don't women put out for me"

I'm on Holla Forums, which is pedonigger territory. I just wanted a place to talk about how I feel bad that I know a very sweet girl who is clearly sad that she knows she doesn't even have a ghost of a chance with her crush. I just want her to be happy. I wish she was my kid so I could treat her like my daughter and be able to spend more quality time with her, since she gets sad when we can't spend time together, or when the time we have is interrupted by others (which is always, since we're at a school). It's not about sexuality. It's just about wishing I could help her be happy.

See my issue with this is that by doing this I'm furthering the system that encourages women to be so stuck up in the first place. The more attention they get from guys, the more they take it for granted. This results in them becoming more and more stuck up. This is why women end up thinking over 70% of men are "below average." If men could collectively agree to stop giving women so much attention for even a limited amount of time, women would be less inclined to treat men like shit.

t. beta orbiter cuck

I'm sure you're such a chad. That's why you're on Holla Forums.

Attached: Where do you think we are.jpg (944x712, 95.97K)

t. beta orbiter cuck

This the whole mentality of America that is fucked up and is holding back people. Children are basically like mini adults in smaller bodies. Whatever you teach them to do they'll continue to do as adults too. Ayn Rand wasn't watching Disney or playing with barbies are as a kid. The Amish kids I see around me don't do those things either, they instead act like mini adults, mature and reliable and competent. You're setting up your children for failure if you teach them to be useless instead of cultivating adult interests in them.

There is reality to the idea that brains develop over time. Still, this is vastly overstated in both directions. People underestimate kids and overestimate adults. They also ignore the social aspect of this. A large reason kids seem dumb is because they haven't learned things yet, and a large reason they haven't learned things yet is because adults don't bother to teach them or outright hide information from them. Related to this, a large reason adults do things that make them seem more mature isn't because they instinctively feel the need to, but because society expects them to act a certain way. And in private, they frequently stop acting that way. Hell, a lot of adults don't exactly act like adults in public either. And then add on to this the fact that a lot of things that make people seem "mature" don't actually have anything to do with intelligence, but are rather just showings of responsibility. You don't have to be smart to hold down a job and pay rent. You don't have to be smart to get a degree or have kids. In fact, it's usually the dumbest people who end up doing the latter, but people take it as a sign of maturity. I've known plenty of retards who were clearly dumber than their own children, sometimes because the kids saw their parents were retards and that motivated them to be better.

This is all extra surprising because it's like people don't remember being kids. It's not simple aging that changes you, it's events in your life. And even then, most of these will only affect you in small increments. There are a few major things that might change someone's outlook, and I've probably experienced a few things like that, but even then, I'm not a fundamentally different person than when I was a child. I've just learned things since then. My basic ability to think hasn't changed. And I have memories of being able to think going back to preschool, but people will sit here and tell me that my own memories of being sentient are wrong.

And for the record, out of those events that really affect your worldview and change you, despite what tv and movies will tell you, losing your virginity is one of the things that will affect most people the least. And we have threads on this board where anons attest to that all the time. It's built up and then turns out to not be a very big deal. Hell, Chris Chan stopped being a virgin with rage six years ago. Hasn't changed him a bit (though general current year politics did fuck him up worse than ever). What is a bigger deal is being in a relationship and having someone to connect to on a close level like that, but the actual sex isn't, even though people think it's going to be before they do it. All that happens is that they get over the psychological barrier that makes them so anxious over an event like that.

Women want sex just as much as men do, it's BECAUSE they can control and manipulate men that they only have sex occasionally with the men they're manipulating/controlling. This is why the divorce rate is so high, she gets caught philandering with a man who she's not manipulating, and why women accuse men who look at porn or masturbate of cheating. Because when his orgasm is no longer under her control, she decides he's either got to become under her control again or she's got to get rid of him because the game is up.

That having been said, however, not all women are like that.

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This. Men look hornier because society is set up in such a way that men have to actually work to earn affection, while women get to take it for granted. There are just as many vaginas as penises, slightly more, in fact. They all want to fuck. The thing is, a system has been crafted in which women create a false sense of scarcity, so as to artificially inflate the value of vagina so that rather than sex simply being a mutually enjoyable act between two people, it is a situation where a man must pay, be it through literal cash, or more indirect favors, while the woman enjoys it just as much or more anyway.

The other side to this is that society encourages men to act hornier than they really are. If you aren't constantly trying to get pussy, you're a fag. Even if you're in a relationship and aren't the one constantly initiating, your girlfriend will think there's something wrong with you, even though she may not be initiating ever either. This further creates a false sense of imbalance, when in reality the supply and demand of dick and pussy are equal.

Well my point is that it's not actually as nice as you think. She's a very nice, smart, and funny person, and I only want her to be happy. It's very tough to see a person you care about, an innocent child, no less, tell you that she wishes she could spend more time with you, and to express clear sadness that she cannot. I wish I could just give her the happiness that she wants from me, but for obvious reasons, I am not able to. Having a little girl waifu, or rather, being a little girl's hasubando, is not as nice as it seems in my japanese animes.

One’s peers are the vaccuous, myoptic, navel-gazing, stupid, medacious, depressing, boring, ennervating, and pathetic effluvia of the late-capitalist milleau, as is oneself and one’s parents. One seeks their respect only to find it is stupidity, one seeks their friendship to find it is stupidity. We seek something beyond the purely inane to find that inanity, absurdity, and stupidity is the medium in which one moves.

It's not so much about anyone's peers, it's about the particulars of the person and the situation.

Can't be a cuck if she's too young to have Chad's kids.

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I swear autistic lolis are the most precious thing in the world.
I wish you and her the best user, you two seem to be made for each other and I can't imagine being in your situation.
Kill her parents and adopt her

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I wish I could adopt her. But then she'd probably pretty bummed out about her parents being dead, and my whole goal is to make her happy.

I have been trying to think of ways I could encourage her to become one of my tutoring clients. But that's really her parents' decision, and she's doing well enough in school that, while she could always do better, they justifiably don't feel it necessary to pay for tutoring. Of course I'd do it for free, but usually I do charge and she knows that, because I've told her it's a job. I could maybe tell the school I want to tutor for free and make it a public thing for the school's students, but then I'll just get a bunch of students who don't listen in class in the first place and who are angry that their parents are making them stay after school. I wouldn't get kids who are already mature enough to be good students, like my daughterfu.

She has mentioned that she finds division difficult. I'm not her math teacher, so I don't know how well she's actually doing, but I do tutor other students in math. I think she was more just listing the most difficult thing she's doing, though, and not saying she actually needs help with it. I'll need to keep asking her and reminding her that I can help, though, and seeing if any more subjects come up with which she has difficulty. I know she wants to spend more time with me and would enjoy it, but even if she tells her parents she feels she needs help, that won't matter if she's getting good grades. And no, I can't ethically encourage her, however subtly, to purposely tank her grades. However, if I could get her to become one of my tutoring clients by the end of the year, not only would I get some extra cash, but we'd have a good reason to stay in contact with each other, even if I end up not working at this school next year.

And I know this is all sounding too weird now, but don't worry, my tutoring always happens either in the client's home, with the parents right there, or sometimes in a public location like a library or something. I'm not a pedo and know that I need to be careful while doing private tutoring. I just want to make sure I can at least keep speaking with her and being a good mentor, and friend, for as long as she wants that.

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I know my [g/f] enjoys good physical sexual relations with myself, a few times each week.


That's why he put it in brackets. To imply it's imaginary.

prove it

Why else did he say it in such a weird way?

dude my bitch 'girlfriend' literally nags me to buy her cigarettes or weed and basically implies she'll fuck me if I do

I'm a horny retard beta loser and after much argument and cursing I give in

I'm going to dump her soon, at this point she's nothing but a cheap hooker to me

just now starting to finally grasp how badly exploited men are by women. marriage itself is nothing but a lifelong servitutde to a female in return for sex

without sex, who would even be exploited in this way? would you marry a friend, work for them, provide for them? of course not.

women are fucking whores or maybe that's all I've ever met

going back through my past relationships in every case other than drunken shitty one night stands I have been exploited in some way. People take advantage of my 'nicenss' and generous nature. And I'm sure they find me less attractive because of it as well.

Mostly I just hate how I act this way, like a pathetic little beta bitch loser. literally buying some whore her fucking drugs so she'll stfu and fuck me

kill me, and kill my gf please

Women aren't raised to be good partners. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. You have to raise your own waifu.

been there done that. she moved on. lives with her husband now. but i get what you are saying.

How exactly did you raise your own waifu? If you did it right, she'd be with you right now. Saying you did it but she moved on is a massive contradiction.

"Raising" them is a lost cause. Especially in modern society, it's extremely difficult to get one without the corrupting influence of an already corrupted 3DPD, and if you do, it's very difficult to escape the government, which will always be trying to take your waifu from you and corrupt her. There is only one practical answer.


If god's so great, why doesn't he put out for you?

Just do what the rest of us normies do… date girls that aint legally old enough to bleed yet
Problem solved

What universe do you live in? Lul

He lives in Holla Forums thats why he complains he cant get any woman pussy and fantisizes about little girl pussy.

Because in his head, a little girl can't say 'no'

Its a sick power trip.

Death is too good for them.

OP never fantasized, though. He just lamented the cruel irony that the only girl who ever seemed like anything other than a frigid bitch was forbidden to him.

This is what we call projecting. If you can point to anywhere in the thread OP implied anything like you're saying, go ahead. But you can't, because he didn't. You're the sick one, trying to deflect your own fucked up nature by accusing others of having it.

It's all they have. They don't get upset with the physical act of being raped. They get upset because you've removed any notion that they control anything.

WTF user - man says he can't get women to put out and you go right the fuck to PEDO!

Google Salem Witch Trials - you would have loved them.

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You are, of course, correct.

But like any skill it is acquired through practice. Sure, if I had the time an inclination I could write a book, or personally train a guy over the course of a few weeks before they go out into the world. This would increase their chances, but the numbers game is the smart move.

So I encourage to accept failure, move on, and get better. Even the best looking guys who have money and are pros fail sometimes. So in a way it IS always a numbers game.

Lynch yourself pedo

Imagine being this retarded

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But he never said he liked them because they couldn't say no. He said he liked them because they choose to energetically enjoy things. That hinges on the idea that they could say no, but are also capable of saying yes, which he attests older women are not.

Bumping for pure justice

*unzips dick*

Wasn't gonna keep replying, but if this guy wants to keep bumping so bad, I'll at least bump with a little actual content.

First day back after the break today. A few of the teachers were "sick" so it was a bit hectic, with the rest of us trying to juggle our schedules to cover everything without quite enough substitutes. So I didn't go to daughterfu's class or have outdoor duty during her recess periods. She saw me walking down the hall at the period when I normally go to her class and started jumping up and down, waving to try to get my attention through the crowd. I waved back, but then I had to turn into another classroom for the class I was covering today. As I did, I saw her standing on her toes, peeking over the crowd, with a look of surprised disappointment, as I tried to give her a look back that said "sorry."

At the end of the day she saw me walking through the hall and made sure to catch me this time, running up to hug me, saying she needed to make sure I don't duck out on her again, asking me where I was all day. She's really good tempered and I've never seen her actually mad, but she tried to act jokingly angry at me, saying how excited she was to see me after the break, and how I disappointed her. She said it all with a joking tone, but obviously there was a hint of truth to it, or she wouldn't have literally grabbed me to say it.


Actually it's true that girls 'shrink' into women all the great philosphers agreed upon that fact

Are you a festering, fermenting woman, perchance?

Not who you're replying to, but references?

Addendum to this. Today one of the other kids in her class was asking where I was yesterday, and mentioned that the girl that's always following me around just stood around at recess waiting for me, and that she saw her crying. Daughterfu never admitted to me that she cried, but she did say that she never had anyone to play with or talk to all day. I thought some of the other kids in her class were her friends, but now I guess she's more of an autist than I thought, and while they try to interact with her, she gets annoyed by them very easily, or at least doesn't actually have fun with them. Brought me some heavy flashbacks of my own time in school. I'm now realizing that it's the duty of autists like us to try to help the next generation of autists have an easier time with their inability to relate to their peers. It really helps to have someone who can relate to your issues, especially someone who's been there before.