this board is a fucking joke step the fuck up nigga
This board is a fucking joke step the fuck up nigga
>>>Holla Forums11348888
I agree. we should all migrate to >>>/1/
meh…we tried, but got no support from the bo, so anons have been stepping out instead
Pretty much this, tbh.
Pedos got BTFO and anons started posting better stuff, but then Dysnigger made no rules for mods and they deleted everything but the utter shit you see now, a lot of which is actually posted by the mods/vols themselves. So there is no point to even bothering to try posting anything but shit here anymore because this is obviously what Dysnigger wants this board to be like.
"Oh yeah… I deliberately mean to do this… for the keks, you know… it was all on purpose… oh yeah…" - dys
the board is a favela
it lives on garbage and shoots strangers on sight
I put it back. It's bigger this time.
You are my hero.
Thanks. If this one gets taken down I'm just going to leave the massive "image does not exist" on. no buly.
Seriously, if you put you images on a dead board, say /brownpill/, you can link it in the CSS and it cant be mass reported and deleted. Or hell you could make a board that's caps only so the thread cant be spammed off the catalog.
Seriously not worth the upkeep of logging in to make sure someone doesn't take ownership of the board and delete it.
really you cant lift your fat flabby fingers once ever two weeks to do that? how the fuck do you manage to run this board…
He doesn't. Can't you tell? He just lets the shit rain down and blames everyone else for it instead of handing out umbrellas.
The fuck? That image as the background…it's driving me crazy. Catalog was unusable. Goddamn.