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There is no stopping the redpill train
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Natural and organic dubs!
((( )))
shoo shoo CTR
I'm interested in finding Hitler's descendants, as we know that he and his top men went to Latin America. Many were (((deported))) by the kikes, but as far I as can tell, those (((deported))) were a minority. :3
fucking BASED #MAGA
Double Hitler quads
nope, just really edgy retards who wave around a symbol they dont understand.
((( )))
you're either a retard or a kike, nazi influence is big in Latinaryan countries.
Shareblue isn't sending us their best, just look at this shill:
t. /nupol/ kike
go back to >>>Holla Forums and never come back
Not everything is shareblue or shills, nu/pol/. Maybe you should grow up and consider that you've been made into a board of clowns.
that's something a shareblue shill would say
>tells the guy pointing is retardation, to go to >>>Holla Forums
wew, you are really dense
Argentina is 100% white.
whiter than murrica and its jew-loving president, lol
can't argue with that
whites and mexicans stick together in prisons because their both minorities tbh fam
it all makes sense now.
((( )))
Screencapped this post so on the DotR I will have something to renew my hatred constantly.
It's horrible how all those failflue shills are trying to get us to hate our Latinaryan brothers. But only shitskins and single IQ soyboys will fall for that D&C attempt.
Mind = BTFO
Hitler trips ( ) confirmed
checked and double checked; latinaryans confirmed for white