Now it’s National woman day thats a day that woman are special. Actually woman are objects and I hate feminism

Now it’s National woman day thats a day that woman are special. Actually woman are objects and I hate feminism.

what part of ecuador is she from?

she looks Mexican to me tbh

Most outcast fags on this board would strongly agree since wormen are meant to be dominant by men.
t. Lonefag

Is she going to feed her father that cheese pizza?

Just as long as her dad doesn't ejaculate in her mout.

Does woman Go To the toilet???

Woman need to be in the kitchen!!!


We’ve all the same opinion.
White men power!!!!

not an outcast, just have had way too many bad experiences along with anecdotes from divorced guys on the internet; women are the scum of the earth and I'd give my life and lineage to either exterminate them (last resort since they are needed for reproduction at the moment) or completely suppress them to show them how bad it can really get


But you're asian.


The only good feminist is a dead feminist. Purge them and all those who fund them with fire in every town center in the world. Bring the children to roast marshmallows over the screams of their burning whore mothers, grandmothers, and teachers. Then have them make s’mores.

Does anyone else think this national womyn day is more obnoxiously in everyone's face this year? It's on almost every news station, newspaper, tv channel etc. I honestly wish they would SHUT THE FUCK UP about women. They're already a fucking protected class given every opportunity and advantage and they still make out they live in oppressed evil patriarchal system that is against them.


Not sure how it's in here, cause I don't really watch tv anymore.

Tbh you should just die, women are more intelligent than men, they have an higher iq you fucking slipfag cocksucker.


She's obviously from Pedostainia, of course, you dolts!

I need her as my friend.


Where she belongs - in the kitchen. Train 'em young, I say!

They must make good spaghetti 🍝

Potential women?


Let's banish all women from having the right to vote.