White woman are totally superior.
White woman are totally superior
Other urls found in this thread:
India will be a superpower in 2020 tbh
Fug, I can't quit porn.
Yeah sure thing Pajeet.
stay mad
I'll try, but I'll have to get mad first.
stay mad
Fucking brown peole
women are not superior in any way so stop it
this is the worst post ive ever seen
white sluts fucking niggers?
It's good to see white women empowering themselves. Just look how liberated they are, wow. What a time to be alive, just great.
Man, how new are you?
>believing that a (((huffpost author))) learned enough about english litteracy in her/xir's fymynyst studies with degeneracy major
thanks for reminding us why mgtow is still the better option
Oh look. The extremely few white women who go interracial with nogs. Remember anons: white women are the absolute most racially loyal of any of the race/sex pairings.
mgtow cuck faggot KYS NIGGER CUCK die nigger raped cuck bitch
white women love nigger dick
the will settle down with cuck white boi but will fuck nigger dick
+48 seconds
+40 seconds
Hi samefag.
sage this cuck boi
what the fuck is wrong with you people?
If you are dumb enough to try and keep a woman happy; because I don't know anyone with a happy woman. You must dominate them as a benevolent dictator. And fist fuck them everyday, and more if they ever talk about BBC. They crave rough sex, domination and rape by a real man. Or they wouldn't ruin their life by becoming a whore to a criminal pimp and abuser. I hope that you understand what I said. Most women don't need such bad treatment, only the one's with this particular weakness.
Big Cock Propaganda - My Wife is Married to BBC
request for video of white girl on twitter who was begging to fuck blacks
one made her suck his toe
jew thread
there was a video from the twitter account deleted because her dad was going to sue loly
an1 have it?
#3 in higher res
white bois on suicide watch LOL
nigger tyron is fucking his wife.gf RIGHT NOW and he is channing lol
dirty 56% obese orcs destroyed their own country and are trying to do the same to other countries
the cuckhod white bois need to mercy nuke themselves now they have been BLACKED out of living
save yourselves!
you're just asking the cucks to post their shitty porn, aren't you OP?
LOL is the wog on the left in 3rd pic her parents bull?
and WTF is this???
look at the fucking toe
im done
Well who needs (((white))) whores
When we can have asian girls instead.
Ye she looks totally (((white))) just look at that nose.
Aren't you a retard…
america in a webm?
she looks like a jew to me tbhfam
this retard poster thinks that ALL white women seen fucking niggers must be jewish
suicide watch?
jewish (((white))) women do like nigger cock
but non jewish white women are fucking nig tyrone too
most of the videos of white bois recording their gf or wife getting pounded by tyrone and friends are not jewish
why do girls like to be cummed on the face?
White or (((whte))) aside, it doesn't mean you don't suddenly have a problem
don't be mad niggerbro, it's ok if your kind can't yet tell the difference between whites and jews
we whites can't tell the diff between hutu and tutsi niggers either
i heard white cucks and blacks get triggered when we fuck black women
True, just like cucks are triggered when you have WMAF, tbh WM/anyF is triggering for them.
king of the hill dvd in third pic.
the Israeli refeguee policy makes sense now. the israeli patriarchy is afriad of jewish women loving black cock so much the next generation of Israel is Chocolate Halva.
Open borders for Israel, Opens legs for Israeli Women, Average cock size in Israel goes up by a foot in one generation.
No arguments so quickly, that you resort to posting a kike image?
How much did level of convos felt on Holla Forums
Something something degeneration of our women something something "White Sharia"
I'm not the one promoting racemixing here
I never promoted that shit, so stop trying to put words in my mouth.
haha nice try 56% shrek
you put cut jew dick in your mouth kikenigger
I've seen one example of this taking place before and I'd love to see more. The triggering this good looking young WMBF triggered was delicious
Found an jewphile.
white boi so far cucked he tells himself all the white women (LOTS) fucking niggers are all jewish
both american white and ameri jewish women are craving big nigger dick and white cuck bois want to see their wives GET BLACKED
this is the new 56% reality for you cuckboi
pic related what ur mommy n dad are doing lol
nigger, you save and porn cuck porn
no one is going to read your posts
fucking retard
I would be so embarrassed if I were the son of that woman.
I love cuckporn tbh
Stop doing that plz. How many cocks are currently in your wifegf?
cuck husband is teasing his wife with tyrones BBC
hahah op where do you find these?
in america lol
polboy luv seeing the BBC huh?
Go post that there and find out.
>>>Holla Forums I think they will love it.
we all know polbois and britpol cucks secretly love da BBC
Incomplete list of my cuckold porn collection. I've been watching it for years now, I love it.
Then what's keeping you there?
Don't you want to make them happy?
Make dump thread on Holla Forums and share your collection with them.
Additional points for convincing some of them, that cuckoldry is supported by trump, or that they helped him win the election.
is most of it real amateur clips?
not movies made by companies but real husband with camera filming his wife being blacked?
there are many white american couples that do this. they find a BBC online then meet up in hotel. cuck watches BBC pound his wife then posts real amateur clips and pictures online
A lot of it is real amateur yes, where the guy tapes his wife getting fucked by Tyrone. It’s pretty hot
In all honesty niggers fucking anything even sheboons disgust me.
But whatever works for you.
Btw do you have anything where niggers/jew/asians are cucked by whites?
post some webm clip or pics of the BBC pounding
thoughts on this ?
Do you think you could like a fetish that's a little less sad?
I dunno, I just feel like it dehumanizes all participants involved.
because of the placement of the male role in reproduction, evolution has made human despise weakness in males, being a cuck means you're weak, and a weak male in the household as just as bad a single mother, and we are able conceptualize and acknowledge the dysfunction that it causes, because of the cucks are male, and thus do not benefit of the disposition of humans to see women as angelical, that is why it hard to most people to except that single mothers are shit. The weakness of cucks and the dysfunction they cause by indulging their retard fetish is what people view as sad. Also the fetish it just fucking stupid, you're paying for a house, and letting someone else live in it rent free.
cuckolding is primarily rooted in being bisexual, as well as being an emotional masochist, so just let yourself get fucked by a nigger, and stop enabling 3DPD. that would be when everyone wins.
Some faggot ass mod deleted my posts for no reason. Anyway, it's just sexual pleasure and a fetish. No need to take it so seriously tbh
see video
human sexuality is very complicated, and deserves study, as it is a very powerful force, and I will not stop being serious, I don't like you, you are disgusting. I want you and your ilk to fuck off.
t. virgin
He is right, though. Statically speaking, white women are doing the least race-mixing of any demographic, while white men are steaming the rice in droves. All men are whores and have a concept of loyalty to anything outside themselves, but of course, it's always women who shoulder all the blame.
all of aspects of humans deserves study, as they affect all of us, and understanding something is the first step in controlling something
really rich, coming from a cuck
You know, people who actually get fucks don't think like that. They just fuck. I think you're overanalyzing things
I try not to take any fetish srsly because it's just a fetish, but for some reason the cuck fetish makes me feel bad for all parties involved.
Why? Literally all three parties enjoy it
I realize that, that's why I don't make a fuss about it, it's just one anons opinion.
if there need for something, then evolution will tinker until it has unfilled that need
this means nothing just happens in organisms, there is always a reason for why that happens,
knowing the why of organisms' behavior allows understanding, allows to you to predict further behavior, and makes you able to manipulate things to change the behavior. You stupid or unobservant to understand this, just makes you stupid or unobservant, it doesn't say anything about my character.
you're a cuck, you are unfit to carry my shit. I don't give a fuck about what you think, you retarded fuck.
At least I'm not an autistic overanalyizing virgin
most people would be an autistic overanalyizing virgin, rather then a cuck.
Right here. I'd rather be a super beta then a cuck, but luckily I am neither
t. beta cuck
Sounds like a beta projecting to me
tattoos, and shitty ones in top of that.
She's degenerate tbh.
YEAH, i dont like tattoos either. But take that aside and she becomes a 8/10. At least for me
I have no issues with tattoos as long as someone doesn't get a tattoo just for the sake of getting a tattoo. If it has meaning behind it then more power to you
Can't argue with that.
A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own.
The word cuckold derives from the cuckoo bird, alluding to its habit of laying its eggs in other birds' nests.
Theories in psychology
Psychology regards cuckold fetishism as a variant of masochism, the cuckold deriving pleasure from being humiliated. In Freudian analysis, cuckold fetishism is the eroticization of the fears of infidelity and of failure in the man's competition for procreation and the affection of females. In his book Masochism and the Self, psychologist Roy Baumeister advanced a Self Theory analysis that cuckolding (and other forms of sexual masochism) among otherwise mentally healthy people was a form of escapism. According to this theory, cuckold fetishists are relieving themselves of the stress of the burden of their social role and escaping into a simpler, less-expansive position.
If a couple can keep the fantasy in the bedroom, or come to an agreement where being cuckolded in reality does not damage the relationship, they may try it out in reality. However, the primary proponent of the fantasy is almost always the one being humiliated, or the "cuckold": the cuckold convinces his lover to participate in the fantasy for them, though other "cuckolds" may prefer their lover to initiate the situation instead. The fetish fantasy does not work at all if the cuckold is being humiliated against their will.
Theories in evolutionary biology and psychology
In evolutionary biology, the term cuckold is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own. As noted above, the term cuckold is derivative of the mis-directed parental investment of birds who direct parental investment to the eggs that cuckoo birds have laid in their nests.
In his book Sperm Wars, biologist Robin Baker speculated that the excitement and stimulation of the cuckolding fetish emerges from the biology of sexuality and the effects of sexual arousal on the brain, although it is important to note the word "cuckold" does not appear in his book. According to one of his theories, Baker believes that when a man thinks that his female mate may have been sexual with another man, the man is prompted by biological urges to copulate with the female in an effort to "compete" with the other man's sperm. Baker is also one of the few proponents of the theory of Killer Sperm, the idea that sperm compete not only for first access to the egg but by "attacking" other sperm. Although this idea appears frequently in cuckold fetish material, very few biologists share this view.
Baker and his proponents' views conflict with the hypothesized foundations for sexual jealousy in evolutionary psychology, which is rooted in the idea that men, specifically, will react jealously to sexual infidelity on the parts of their mates. Infidelity is also the number one cause for divorce.
The cuckold’s urge to thrust, through intercourse or masturbation, is often enhanced by the presence of the bull, whether real or fantasized. A study by Gordon Gallup and coworkers (2003) concluded that one evolutionary purpose of the thrusting motion characteristic of intense intercourse is for the penis to “upsuck” another man’s semen before depositing its own.
thats only cuz whites been stealing all the other races pretty women for thousands of years
that would be true, if there were pretty women fromther races. But there are none
Wew lad
Enjoy your white women
That's only because the black woman is inferior to the white man and knows it, so she's more loyal and will try harder to keep him. But a white woman is desired by all and she knows it, unfortunately. Almost every time you see a WMBF, the white man is not the best looking fella around.
Regardless, while it may be easier for you to date a black girl, it's extremely selfish. Your children won't fit in anywhere and won't have a strong identity of their own. Mixed race kids really have a rough road.
yeah, I don't believe that for one second.
How come.you never see hot black or light skin girls fucking white guys being posted? only the average or below average girls?
Yet there is much better quality of white girls fucking black guys. If we were to rate the two types of girls then the average white girl that fucks a black would be like a 8.5 while the average black girl that fucks a white like a 6.
Yeah I don't care how much anyone talks about it, a women will never respect her man the same way if he not only allows but encourages her to get fucked by other men while he remains a loyal provider. It's disgusting on a primal level.
this tbh
yeah, that is what I was getting at
I dunno, I've always preferred women of a different flavor than myself, but you do you
I dont understand how anyone would want to have kids, tbh. They're noisy, dirty and annyoing as all living fuck. Besides all they do, is eat, poop and cry. Kids are iterally the spawn of (((Satan)))
Some people think there's more to life than just mindless pursuit of pleasure until you die. This modern mindset of nihilistic hedonism, consumer culture, is a cancer.
Still it serves very important purpose.
Since wars are not so common anymore, and you can't even duel if both parties would agree.
It remove shitty genes from future gene pool.
Nature will always find a way.
Then you shouldn't do it, because you are not a masochist, and don't enjoy pain.
I wouldn't mind having a kid, but it'd take one hell of a woman to help me get over my trust issues. A shit woman could emotionally/financially destroy me if I knocked her up
I have wanted to have all my limbs remove by a yandere so she could keep me, and let no one have me.
In most western or over all European countries law favors females when it comes to matters of family/marriage and kids.
I think it's even worse in USA with the shit that happens there.
Then we have Australia, and that's just another level.
It still surprise me that they have any population growth.
Almost like it's on purpose.
What kinda shit is going on in Australia? I haven't heard anything
for example this:
"A de facto relationship is defined in Section 4AA of the Family Law Act 1975. The law requires that you and your former partner, who may be of the same or opposite sex, had a relationship as a couple living together on a genuine domestic basis. However, your relationship is not a de facto relationship if you were legally married to one another or if you are related by family."-familycourt.gov.au
You can live with some friend, and later on he/she can claim you were in this defacto crap and sue you to pay them money when they will leave.
I think I read it somewhere you don't even need to live with your "partner" just have contact, and you may be sued to pay them for jack shit.
Christ. I'd like to know more about how shitty it is. Any tips on a Google search that might lead me in the right direction?
It's basically treated like marriage, and it's determined by some gov official if truly were in this don't matter if you like it or not.
The absolute state of white women in 2018
This is not a nigger thread.
save and spread this everywhere$$$$$$$$$
T or ? I am a virgin
r u a cuck?
Wow… sounds like wife material to me
who is she
and is that tyrones cum on her face?
I know a few (maybe 5 or 6) girls like this. We have a term for them between my friends and I.
why meme thots?
because they only fuck niggers
Is she crying semen?
cuck white boi triggered?
what is he thinking
has she been blacked?
your obsession is dumb, unfunny really
Insert cock here, user
I'm completely shocked. Is this really happening?
"Daddy? Why do I keep getting wet down here, whenever I see you coming out of the shower"
how do i get my gf to try this?
is there a sauce for the milf wife sucking BBC?
made me hard she worshipping it
Stay mad, bitch. I would go too for a woman that shows at least some respect on the surface like most Asian women yet. Despite their pitiful looks naked with small tits and thighs.
I'm not an expert in monkey but that toe doesn't look healthy or clean.
Can someone confirm?
Women running around like that are literally begging to be raped tbh
they wouldn't feel it if you did.
This place can no longer call any other imageboard cuckchan
can confirm
married american women sucking fucking niggers in front of the husband..
I suck white dick and Asian dick.
moar sauce
THIS IS horny
i need a buddy so i can do this
i dont know what to say
If the le 56% meme is true, is it still cuckoldry if porn involves a black guy?
fuggin moron
All me.
u wot?
i found the video to first picture
who cares thoes are the whores that we dont want anyways. they end up getting pregent at 23 and left with 3 kids too raise on welfair. lmao
We have qt Mexicans in our movie tonight:
the whole bbc thing isent real its just pushed by the porn industry. black guys and white guys have about the same size dicks. you also have white guys with huge monster dicks just like black guys lmao.
I wouldn't even care. glad i found out shes a whore before you had kids with her lmao.
they want to be degraded. litterly whores who have no self respect.
white boi suicide?
niggers have bigger dicks retardy
why are married white women (not pornstars) finding BBC bulls to fuck them in front of their cuckboi husbands
56% is making excuse to delay suicide
you have been BLACKED
that only works on the weak minded my friend.
so is all the bestiality on the site because most of the people are mgtow faggots, or are they actual cucks. or are they shills.
stay mad nigger
They are
post video
did they get BLACKED?
over 100k israelis are ethiopian jews, you nignog
dirty nigger ass again
her name is Brooke Wienecke
Brooke Wienecke
Brooke Wienecke
Lmao at 30 she'll be like "i'm done partying I wanna settle down now"
Nigger's are funny.
How can a cuckold be dominant? What would a dominant cuckold behave like? Think about it.
Yes nigger's certainly are ugly assholes.
this dirty black cock slut let some niggers run a train on her in a motel
I love how there are so many fellow cuckold enthusiasts on Holla Forums
Shareblue should lay off the soy.
I you can't satisfy her in bed you can't be happy in marriage, you can only try to dominate her. But eventually she will leave anyway to find what she really needs.
Wives and girlfriends love BBC
What women really want
Objectively speaking?
Whores are an example…?
The White women prefer Black Master Race, because we have a bigger penis on average. White dwarfs cannot compete.(NIGGER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
I'm black and even I know you're full of shit.
And so is your mother.
sorry white boi :DDDD
Nigger is pissed at this shit
top kek
Close up of me creaming on a big black cock
I suck big black cock in high definition now
Sorry I only fuck big black cocks
I apologize but big black cock is superior
niggers have bigger dicks on average mayb yes
Black master race? lol never why?
niggers have lower monkey level iq
never will do anything
we wuz kangz n sheet u will be saying this until u die so suicide now nigger but u will do nothing
still begging for free reparashonz stupid niglet
Are you okay user?
Chloe Bessen from the netherlands
Brooke Wienecke
Claudia Centis
Welcome to hell
As a crossdresser it enrages me whenever I see disgusting apes having sex with my sisters. They need to keep their monkey hands to themselves and stop brainwashing my kind to think bbc is "cool".
I'm pretty sure they do it because, one way or another, they want to or like it.
I've read that some of them do it because it's degrading, and that turns them on, and the closest they'll get to having sex with an animal.
Also, a lot of self-identified sissies I feel have a death wish and extremely poor self-image stemming most likely from some sort of abuse.
I feel sorry for them, not because they do it with black guys, but because they do it because they hate themselves so much they want the most revolting sex possible.
but true
not really. Slavs and aussies are ok, but anglos and other caucasians are awful. They wont crush bugs either.
non-whites are better.
Niggers fuck a few motel whites and think all white women want a black dick…. Ridiculous and hilarious..
what a racially-vilified meme
Her you go fam
Step your game up
Nigger's are just jealous.
that woman isnt even white
dumb nigger r U blind?
she doesnt look white
she looks like a nigger
Bad Dragon is okay, you can suck her shitty dildo.
Just giving you something to hate. :D
She looks black but she's white
Don't think she cares what you say.
Super hot woman screams while fucking with huge BBC…she cums really hard on his cock.
Man, the asspain itt is delicious.
hot wives love nigger dick.
they only love the big cock you dumb ass.
your Irish wife came hard too.
He is the founder of /r/aznmasculinity because he feels inferior to Whites.
ye the sub asianz that chan are very insecure
Niggers a the world's premier degenerates.
Black guys are low IQ retards.
Funny dumb ass monkey….lol