Who would win?

Who would win in a fight Hikkichan or Boxxy??.


That's not a choice fag.

Me. I would beat the shit out of both of them, easily.



Rozie would

I want Hikkichan to be the mother of my huge family


Same here.

Are we able to share? I mean, the kids, of course?


Asians have an instinctual next gear go psycho fight mode where as this same mech has been pretty much washed out of the west for purposes of statist human farming. My moneys on the fries rice.

Fried nigger dicks as it were

How about you man up and put Lera B in that list you Homo.

boxxy's got the weight advantage

dat nose?

boxxy looks lil lik shoe on head, wouldent mind a gobby from her

Ashley would win because of 2 reasons:

Of course

No idea but I would fuck boxxy a lot harder.

Hikkichan, no questions asked.


boxxy's way more masc, she's like part greek or something. hikki looks like some brittle boned happa


Hikkichan is winning so far - and for a good reason.

i vote hikkichan with our resident hikkiposter as her coach

Not an option Mr. pedo.

gmt is a faggot

Boxxy would kick her ass

Agreed also he should go back to 4chan where he belongs.

I like the way you think user.



who in the fuck is hikkichan?
fucking beta orbiter cucks

Lurk more newfag.

t. beta orbiter cuck

You're using the term cuck incorrectly retard.

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I desire Hikkichan to be the mother of my very large family

I absolutely agree with you, user… Hikkichan would feel the swelling of my seed within her womb

fuck off gmt

Ashley is the queen of Holla Forums.

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Boxxy lived near me a half a decade ago. Hung out at my mall. Sierra or something

She'd be so lucky to hook up with me tho

Did you two hangout??.

I wish I was that dog tbh

I haer you, anonfam



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Hikkichan is a GODDESS, and deserves to be worshipped as such




Hikkiechan - marry me

Neither, because they wouldn't fight in the first place. Anymore stupid questions asshole?