What was your favorite part of the debate?
I think the "because you'd be in jail" line along with the crowd cheering was mine
What was your favorite part of the debate?
I think the "because you'd be in jail" line along with the crowd cheering was mine
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Trump was really sharp tonight. Turning Hillary's Abraham Lincoln reference into a juxtaposition of her as a liar versus "Honest Abe", and then when she criticized him for tweeting at 3:00 AM he nimbly transitioned to saying that at least he could answer the Benghazi call at 3:00 AM.
"Because you'd be in jail" was a great one-liner and will probably go down as the most memorable of the night; deservedly so. Hillary was like a deer in headlights the entire debate. I'm not joking when I say it probably would have been best for her polls just to not show up at all. She already has the kike media batting for her, the only way she can lose the election is if she lets the American public see what a corrupt and pathetic cunt she actually is – and she was on full display tonight.
all the flies landing on her shit-stinky-granny-ass
Probably the Don repeatedly naming Soros.
My favorite moment was when he said that Assad, Russia, and Iran were fighting ISIS.
I don't know about favorite, but I loved seeing Anderson and the hideous shiksa Radditz sperg out at the crowd and at Trump. There is no way that didn't make them look bad to people at home.
When her colostomy bag burst and the flies started swarming around her.
The debates happen when it's early in the AM where I live, so I don't get to watch them live.
I was going to watch the first debate on youtube but read multiple reports that it wasn't great from either side. The second debate though, as soon as I get home today I'm watch the whole thing.
"You'd be in jail" was my favorite.
two words
yes that was fucking great as well. all true, he just had to sit there and take it like a bitch. also the fact that Trump mentioned Hillary defending that child rapist and laughing about it. should check the google trends on people searching for that, I bet it will spike after tonight.
it's amazing how the shit you've done won't be over until you're dead.
Does anyone have any of the good pictures of Hillary near the end when she stopped smiling and her eyes got all glazed over?
bumping this because I honestly think the "you'd be in jail" comment was one of the greatest Trump moments ever. Fucking mic drop it's over GG NO RE
Oh my fucking god I thought you guys were just shot posting.
Up there with this classic.
It was the best line that everybody will remember
When the crowd actually booed Clinton my sides entered escape velocity.
Does anyone have footage of that?
Wasn't that when she claimed that everything Trump had just listed (emails, the usual stuff) wasn't true?
I also liked the end where, when prompted to compliment one another, she gave a backhanded insult, and he gave a genuine compliment.
Praise kek
I don't understand this. I've heard less about these "Trump Tapes" than shit like Trump University, and that was absolutely fucking nothing. If this is their biggest ammo on him - that he said mean things to people - then they are absolutely desperate.
That needs to get put into twitter, reddit, all these cancerous places the mainstream get their news. We need to push forward the things that he brought up, the debates good but what you've gotta really do to make it work is the follow through. Its not over yet, but its finally really gotten started. Now is the time to push harder than ever honestly.
I think there is a rumor in shitlib circles that there's a tape of Trump saying "nigger" that's going to come out. But it might be bullshit.
'Nigger' is important, because if you don't name the problem, you're never going to solve it
I liked when Hillary's spokesman on foreign policy tweeted to trump "Go Fuck Yourself."
Muh Temperament
We WUNNA REMIND the audience to please not UHHHHH?!?!?!
where's your dedication? I got up at 3:45am to watch
What has been seen so far is that Trump, as a maverick, doesn't do well on the defensive. He isn't the best speaker. He's at his best when he's leading the attack. That's why the first debate was bad. Also the direct ways Trump brings up bias is great for normies. He's not even really complaining, just stating a fact. Lets the viewer think about it for themselves.
mein gott
That was BRUTAL.
he may have also been giving her the backhand though - refer to Colin Powells emails about her… His criticism of her: "A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still d—ing bimbos at home"
Unbridled ambition
Definitely the jail comment.
We need a MLG version of this
When I heard him say that, I was so relieved. We really do have a chance.
I like how they gave them both chairs to appear fair for poolary and trump decided to stay standing.
favorite moments
Holy fuck he was on fire tonight. The gloves are off, boys.
Also, this picture that was taken tonight. Priceless. Literally priceless.
I don't know how they honestly think they can sell this Assad is killing people "rebels" that us burgers are so supposed to be butthurt over. Even if you want to argue that the majority of us are stupid sheep that can be lead around by the media, they've gone to that well one to many times in to short a time. I just hope that all of their escalating pushes more people toward Trump, which I suspect it does.
I believe it has already pushed many normal people away, and will continue to do so. I've asked a few myself and they all say they're sick of hearing about "Trump said x" and they just tune out.
(((They))) is are digging their own grave, and they don't know how to stop.
he did warn her about this personal shit
but she decided to go full Jeb and will pay for it
Guys I work at A gas station so I see a lot of normies and even they think trump crushed it the also loved all the one liners. We're going to make it stay high energy guys
I just came
Imagine he would also have bantered her after Hillary said "as a mother and grandmother" with Bill not being Chelsea's father. Lel
Bill's reaction, by far. Someone post em. Priceless, he even broke down into tears. I wonder if he released a press statement yet before Trump fetches his best lawyers.
Imagining Farage cracking up laughing so hard he spills his beer at that "because you'd be in jail" line is making me very happy right now.
The Rosie comment took all the wind out of that bitch's sails. Megyn was so, so bitter tonight. At the end of the debate program she literally looked pop-eyed, with her mouth all pursed like she was sucking on lemons. So good.
Nige still namecalls better than Trump imo.
The difference between their expressions is fascinating. I think Chelsea knows what Bill is. And Bill: pure guilt, pure fear, pure "they named me." He's not even angry so much as paranoid, hunted. A photograph for the ages. We have to win this now.
Nigel is not just intellectually brilliant, he's verbally brilliant–quick, eloquent, such an organized, clear and sublime communicator. I love listening to him speak. I wish we could steal him. Glad Britain has him, though. I'd give my fucking teeth for him to be PM though I know it probably can't ever happen. A large percentage of modern English people are utter fools. The English of the WWII era would have adored Nigel with their whole hearts.
Holy shit, her face after he brought up the Bernie swindle. For a second I thought she would cry.
Don't they remember what happened when they tried that with the Hulkster?
What has Chelsea done in her life? Is there anything really bad, or is she just along for the ride, so to speak?
Holy fucking kek, youtube source?
The Clinton foundation is a money laundering scheme, and she is legally tied to it like a witch about to be burned at the stake. If Hillary goes down via the Clinton Foundation angle, Chelsea is going with her.
I encoded the webm for it, but for those who haven't seen it, this is the YT source. That debate was incredible at this point.
She will go down with the ship
When Hillary said that she meets people who are dependant on Obama Care all the time.
Never had such a good laugh.
The honest Abe comment.
Didn't watch it since it was middle of the night for me, but the public response seems great for that one, no ? After the prison one-line, are they like shocked or laughing with satisfaction though ?
All in all, can you say, with objectivity please, than this time was better than the first debate ?
Absolutely. The first 10 mins were Trump being soft and laying back, and then he just turned it on. It was classic Trump.
Discovering Hillary was a fly attractant.
Well flies do love the smell of shit
Oy Vey Gevalt
The crowd booing her about the emails when she said she didnt delete them
Dubs decides what Hillary's prison sentence will be. Go
my bad
Hillary's performance was so bad, Beelzebub himself had to turn up to prompt her.
Hillary's called Arab dunecoons and sandniggers in the podesta emails. Shame their isn't more coverage on them really
EXECUTION. Death via hatchet.
Six million years
500 years in Guantanamo Bay
Firing squad.
It's what traitors deserve.
Drown her in her own shit.
Seriously? We should make a bugger deal abut this to piss off some arabs. Maybe they will declare jihad on Hillary as well.
Atmospheric immolation
Have sex will Bill
aquital of all charges on Obama's last day
Atmospheric immolation WHILE having sex with Bill.
Oh shit, we have a winner
The Jail line is an instant classic.
If he wins this election, that line will be remembered the way Reagan's "there you go again" and "youth and inexperience" are.
Lügenpresse goes full "it's a tie goy" in France while the comments range from "they're both bad fellow french" to "Hillary is infinitely superior to Trump, my dear compatriots"
Lemonde (literally : TheWorld) is a zionist piece of crap though but all the papers are this way, same as the first debate.
I actually liked the Hillary praise, because by emphasizing that not giving up was an important quality he showed he could actually praise her (while Hillary just deflected to externalities, even if the Don did raise them) and at the same time he's planting the idea that he's not his lesser in that camp at all. The jail line and the Lincoln line were also pottery. Give Farage a State or something.
It's important to note that hillcunt kept hobbling back to her chair to catch her breath while on the other hand Trump stood up the whole time after he decided to let 'er rip after the second question
Imprisonment for that bitch is too good for her. I suppose that will have to do.
That zoom is hilarious, she looks like absolute shit when the camera gets in close. Her eyes are all red and she looked like she was about to take a dump in her pantsuits
Its working.
Scorch the Earth.
Nobody ever brings up that speech…
…. I wonder why?
That little song is going to bug me for the rest of the week, I know i've heard it before in some animated movie
is she basically admitting to being a puppet?
what the fuck :D
I was a slaughter, he was a bit shy on the first 10min, but after that it was a trainwreck for hillary.
You should really watch it, it was great.
it was*
It's from goldeneye, yah dolt
As other said, Trump started soft, probably as bait. Then he went for the kill the rest of the night when the leaked tape came up.
I might get some shit for this, but I think Trump's biggest weakness is meandering/sidestepping questions. He'll go on really off topic rants and flurries. Hopefully Nige can shape Trump into a true Stumping machine come the third and final debate.
TV news time on my country, they are talking about the debate. They are talking how Trump bring the girls raped by Clinton.
I loved the "I'm a gentleman, Hillary". It was right after the whole trump tape thing so it made the females laugh / sympathize with him. After that it must have been seeing him stare holes in the back of Hillary's head throughout the debate. There was anger in his face tonight, and he is a man who handles that emotion well.
I've been out of the loop for the last day or two, but I thought the Trump tape was leaked by Trump as bait for the MSM and Hillary? It worked out perfectly for him.
driven over by in a tank by isis
A bit too late but still, nice digits
I actually want to cry with happiness on behalf of you yanks
This man is heaven sent
The commentators in this video.
I bet she's scheming how she can have the Don assassinated right there. When she looks into his eyes and you can see her soul leaking its evil black slime out of that menacing, malicious microexpression. Right here, you can see it, if it were anyone other than the Don she would have him killed, but it is him and he knows she wants to more than anything, she knows she can't get away with something that boldfaced. Look at that fucking face. I won't be surprised if she has a relative or friend of his killed just to spite him. That's probably why trump waited until the second debate to bring out the big guns, to minimize the time duration his friends and family would be endangered by yet another clinton related mysterious suicide by eight gunshots to the back.
You can hear in his voice his conviction. He's so pissed it's coming out as cold anger, condensed and ruminated on for 15 years. This is why I love Trump. He isn't in it for himself, he's in it for revenge on the perversion they've made on justice and democracy in this nation, for all the good men and innocents they've killed.
Oh my god I would follow the godemperor to the end of the earth and be his shield and sword. Praise Kek and Praise Godemperor Trump!
What's sad though, we all view him as a hero for doing something as basic as pointing out plain truth. Because it takes a hero to do that in this lugenpresse controlled pseudodemocracy. What he is doing shouldn't be exceptional, it should be a given.
Holy fuck, has there been a JUST edit yet?
She also talked about herself more than anything.
could just be a typical woman thing, though
or whatever female lizards are called
After sleeping on it, I've changed my mind. It wasn't the jail comment that made my night's sleep much easier. It was his promise to avoid wage war on ISIS, and not with Russia (who hasn't done anything wrong). That was the point at which I felt good about our election system, the time in a long time.
Now comes the spin of the media… who are complicit in the manipulative insanity towards a one-world government dominated by the elite.
Whiptails - they reproduce assexually.
en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Teiidae
Debora not Debbie. Nice touch
I didn't get to watch it live with you fucks since I completely forgot to set an alarm, but my mouth was agape at the "special prosecutor" bit. This election season really is one for the history books and I'm so glad I get to see it unfold. On the other hand, I raged pretty hard when the cunt moderator had the gall to stop cheers for Trump and yet let Clinton's go for a good 5 seconds or so totally uninterrupted.
Are the streams saved on jewtube legit or edited already? I wanted to see a pure, distilled version of this major verbal shitstorm.
NBC one is butchered and cucked from the very first second, this is the one I watched and it's totally unedited as far as I can tell.
Thanks user! I have the day off so I want to get cozy and smug watching this. Feels bad that I had to miss it yesterday.
my 2 favorite parts were
1) when it was only 10 minutes into the debate and the moderators sounded nervous as fuck
2) the moment hillary realized she was fucking destroyed and started stuttering
Some user said Clinton's compliment to his family was actually a threat, which kind of makes sense with how passive aggressive this cunt is.
Oh no.
Oh….. no………
Please don't hurt his family, wicked witch!
i agree
when is the "You'd be in jail" LP dropping? its going to be the dankest yet
thats very… that makes sense. Have anons bombed trumps twitter "We think Hillarys compliment about your family was a threat please be safe"
I don't use the E world lightly, but god it was fucking epic.
Hillary couldn't do anything but simply lie about that. Syrians want Assad. The "rebels" the US is supplying and Russia is fighting are in fact Al-Qaeda and ISIS lunatics.
Globally, the US is spending billions of dollars to fight itself, and rich 0.1% politicians like bag o' shit Hillary are reaping the benefits.
ummm, you sure the fly was on Hillary and not the TV screen?
for you user
hope i did well
The Brazen Bull
If tips Obongo goes in with her
If quads SOros joins them in as well
Did he actually do anything? I thought this was a false information, so it wouldn't be right to take things away from Trump and give it to him.
They won't do it.
The Don would go full Comte de Monte-Cristo.
#2: repeatedly name dropping Soros.
Holy shit, he went balls out and even the crowd was shitting on the moderators! I fucking regret missing seeing this live on Holla Forums. Thank kek there is a third debate coming up. If he was this angry now just think about what he will bring up during the final one.
Too bad they were stuck with the traitor Churchill. A man who loved Hitler but turned his back on him as soon as the jews asked.
You after when Donald talked about her email shit, laughing about a raped kid and Bills victims and she responds with "thats all not true".
Yeah, I almost fell laughing from my fucking couch.
Trump put the "You'd be in in jail" line on his website. It's one of the first things you see.
soldiers get the firing squad
traitors are hung
The "to be continued" should be when he raises the mic
yep I saw this too, blood coming out of her eyes for sure. Baier was trying to give a somewhat neutral take on events, saying the Trump tape had probably met its expiration date, with Megyn gleefully reassuring him "it won't be dropped", showing quite clearly she still simply does not understand that the jig is up and this gotcha shit does far, far more harm than good
Come on user, we are just playing the odds at this point.
Kek confirms he is Heaven sent.
Just as (((they))) feared
The 'you'd be in jail' line demonstrates that Trump can think on his feet. A survival skill we can all do well to emulate. As a Britbong I want Trump to win, so that they won't try to convince us that Brexit wasn't just a blip. And that that liberal initiatives don't solve shit.
He got her to apologise for calling people deplorables and said she was full of hate.
He got her to apologise to racists and accused HER of being full of hate
Stumpening levels of reality-warping might.
Oy vey all those stars
Too bad good ol' Bill is 300 years old… he gets his fill of orphan blood.
Power went out thanks to the hurricane. managed to get a radio out and up in time for the debate to hear him say this. it was fucking amazing.
Trump rubbed his microphone to his clothes when Clinton gave a weak argument. I'm sure he has been thinking on the "mic problem".
This is some wrasslin' type of shit. What a farce democracy is.
Now that you mention it.
Kojima was right Have we gone full War Economy yet?
Dammit… Metal Gear Solid 4 was the worst one, too…
My favourite quotes off the top of my head.
They already murdered hundreds of his friends. He's prepared for their worst.
Am I the only one here who thought he had a few incoherent answers this time? The post office thing along with his opener about the locker room talk and relating it ISIS..
I don't know, it just has me worried because Trump has to be at 110% at all times
He started off slow, but no one's gonna remember that.
Well, he had to get the awkward part out of the way so he could steamroll the debate (which he did).
Eric looks like he wants to choke her (and I don't fucking blame him). Even Ivanka is trying to hold herself.
[picture of Scott Adams being persuasive]
After he said "1 on 3" every subsequent interruption, no matter how warranted, is thought of as unfair.
The beginning was a bit shaky, but once he picked up speed, it went quite well.
Definitely could've been handled better. I think I know what he was trying to do, but for it to have worked he needed to emphasize that irrelevant locker room talk is a non-issue and manufactured controversy and it's ridiculous that Clinton and the moderators would rather focus on that than very real issues like ISIS. He didn't get that across effectively and it hindered him until he was able to come back from it.
Sup Vance, I'm already subbed to you fam.
from what i remember, an advisor of paul ryan leaked it
Trump calling Bill a rapist.
Shame the media it's its entirety is ignoring that.
I was worried at the start, but he picked up energy. I actually think that he might have been shaken after talking to Clintons victims.
If they strike him down, he shall become more powerful than they can possibly imagine.
He could have just dropped the mic and left at that point. Love the impotent butt-pain in the mod's voice.
Notice it was 1 on 3, and not 3 on 1 which would convey the idea they were winning.
I just realized why Slick Willie allowed the cuckoo to be raised as his: he can fulfill his incest fantasies without worrying about flipper-babies.
That's such a high energy pose. I would never even think of doing it myself.
Off topic here but is anyone else's family completely brainwashed by the mainstream media? Every debate they've seen they say Clinton has won. They keep parroting john oliver talking points and cnn/msnbc "trump is literally hitler" talking points. Whenever I casually try to go into why i'm voting trump and all the criminal shit Hillary has done they just look at me like I'm retarded or falling for conspiracy theories.
It's gotten to the point where I can't even discuss this with my own family because they don't have a fucking clue what's actually going on here aside from what the mainstream news tells them. Last night I got a 20 minute lecture about how Israel is our greatest ally. I was fucking dumbfounded. Any other anons go through this? Is there any hope?
I'm getting to the point where I'm just going to steer clear of politics when I go and see them because there's 0 point in discussing it.
feel you man.
even here in the netherlands, i can't even discuss this with family and friends, since they absolutely gobble up whatever our news parrots from mainstream murrican news. they genuinly think trump is sexist because that off colour remark, instead of just a jock talking a bunch of macho shit to a pal.
Why does Hillary have 2 microphones?
The clip mic on her shit, is that so she can say things to the men behind the curtain away from her other mic?
good point
Lincoln. When Hillary tries to cover her tracks on an e-mail, and said she was had sent classified e-mails because she had just watched the movie Lincoln and was so taken with how he brought both sides of the aisle together to bring the 13th Amendment through. It was such a cringey thing to say, especially because it sounded so hollow, so rehearsed-and then Trump's retort. I liked it better than the "you'd be in jail" line tbh. It showed Hillary's cover for everything it was, lame and lazy.
"Now she's trying to blame her lie on the late, great Abe Lincoln." I was in stitches.
Even Trump said something like "not sure that was meant to be a compliment". I can't recall exactly, but I can see this possibility.
I love this guy. What is this room? He's got a bed, but it doesn't look like a bedroom. It's big and kind of commercial/government looking.
Is this how Japan pictures the south?
The Beast summed up the debate pretty well.
Makes sense