
why is Holla Forums turning into Holla Forums (again)?


Holla Forums is one of the few boards where the left/right paradigms can go in and contest freely against one another.

Holla Forums has a huge influnce here so no shit, even 4ch has a Holla Forums influence as well

the "right" calls anyone they dont like a "cuck" and the "left" here calls anyone they dont like a fascist or something

someone needs to make a /polb/ for political shitposting since Holla Forums is no fun allowed

It's a bunch of retards calling other retards name calling but at least they're free here.

yea but its still annoying and boring

its also filled with leftists

Maybe if Holla Forums wasn't so obviously shilling here, Holla Forumsacks wouldn't feel the need to point out that they're retarded.

and LGBTards

Because you have reddit for your sjw ideology. If you don't like it here, you can go back there.

Because DACAryans are here :3

Fucking based esoteric immigrants will make us MAGA and there is nothing (((you))) can do about it

I met a bunch of white people in Bolivia, fucking based

We need to help our aryan brothers (700 million) south the US border get pass the (((wall)))

be prepared for next week's changes :^)

This is how I learned all 1 billion in the American continent are Aryans (except maybe for the anglos).

Holla Forums is gay.

praised kek for the laugh

I would honestly love to fuck (and let him him fuck me) the shit out of the pic related guy.


For people that can actually get laid, what's your opinion on going to Puerto Rico, marrying one of their Aryans and bringing their whole families here?

This is just getting sad, Holla Forums.

why are you against ppl not liking political boards?




Why do Holla Forums posts always sound like bots? It's nothing but non-sequiturs and "y-you too!"

That list hasn't been relevant for years.

Holla Forums sounds like bots and I like to fuck bots, I like bots. Do you like to fuck bots?

fuck me daddy.

The list isn't relevant and neither is this thread. We should all be discussing on how to murder hillary clinton. It's the only way to fuck bots see

Because they are juden.

Really? You mean Holla Forums doesn't significantly cross post with /furry/ anymore?


Holla Forums are all bots bro. I fuck them all the time and their throats are automatic.


furries are a blight on society

woah dejavu u guys