Here's a picture of Star. No avatarposting going on in here, just some uploading an image of Star to an imageboard. Nothing fishy here.
Here's a picture of Star. No avatarposting going on in here, just some uploading an image of Star to an imageboard...
Star is kind of cute tbh.
Is it weird that I literally fapped to star five minutes before seeing this thread?
just a coincidence goy. we don't keep tabs on all 8ch posters.
I'm not a goy
I'm a nip
Would you an Janna?
To be honest Im afraid of watching the show again as I have fapped so many times to her.
If I see a normal clip of Marco for one second I have to look away in embarrassment because all I think about is that "I came to the Shadman Marco BBC Comic".
You're either a jew or a goy
Satan is right on this one.
Who still uses that meme?
fuck I thought we'd escape this
Maybe, Jackie looks cute too, and so does basically half this show's girls.
I really need to watch this show more.
I adore Star's long long honey-blonde hair tbh
I want to run my cock thru it, and condition it with my cum
Is Marco the hottest little trap you've ever laid eyes on?
Shadman, you are a GOD
Did you think that by moving to a different website he would suddenly stop being shit?