Anybody else here want a "out of the usual" pet?
I have a obsession with owls and really fucking want one but sadly can't do such in burgerland.
Anybody else here want a "out of the usual" pet?
I have a obsession with owls and really fucking want one but sadly can't do such in burgerland.
Why doesn't yankistan let you have owls?
pet owls are a thing in the us. reddit is saturated with cute domesticated owls.gif. the only problem with fucking owls is they don't do anal without a fight
I used to have millipedes, they were pretty cool. They just eat old fruit and lettuce so they don't smell to bad and you can take them out of their tank and let them walk around a bit.
I would get an otter, but the upkeep and price tp buy it/feed it os way too high for me to afford.
Fuck yeah OP, Owls are awesome, and definitely doable in burgerland, when I have a stable house and income I plan to get one myself, they really aren't that difficult compared to other birds, and are intelligent (and adorable) as hell.
t. burger
Dude that's so cool, and definitely odd. I'm sure they were pretty cute in a bug-y sort of way!
op here, just checked. I was mistaken. I can have owl, when I move out, I'm getting a baby one.
holy fucking shit
I enjoy my pet.
Get a crow owls are shit
Are you a nigger?
tru tru
0/10 would not pet
True, they're incredibly intelligent. I'd love to get one.
Crows are the thinking mans pet of choice.
buy a gun instead
im feeding seagulls at my window now. I hope ill get to pet them some day. They r still reluctant to get the food, when i stand behind the glass
Seagulls can be pretty nasty you should exercise caution
niggers have to get the government to take care of them, even then it barely works. see Africa.
nasty as in what?
They can be occasionally. I think seagulls are generally cunts actually. I've never met a seagull that I liked.
It can be occasional and my ass is rotational, you're dick is motivational. We need a station full.
My ass is a playstation bitch!
i dont see any of that, at least yet
if they gonna be aggressive, what stops me from being aggressive back?
You really wanna be making enemies with something that can fly and shit?
le dogmom
u wanna fuck with an enemy, that can shoot guns?
I have a pet tapeworm.
Get on my level.
Seagulls can be dispatched with alkaseltzer a lot more amusingly than with a firearm.
ive got intestinal bacterial flora
That's a myth it won't do anything