Star wars general

I want to violently punish "her" boiclit


Post droid porn

She looks so bland and has a butter face.

A normal studio would have chosen someone memorable and with god tier acting for the leading role, but not Disney, all they care about is sexualizing children and adults that look like children.

I bet Daisy wouldn't have drowned in semen like that Jap porn chink.

That mouth is unfillable!

Could they have found a more blander, flatter, plainer girl to play Rey?

The only thing that would have made the Force Awakens some what tolerable would have been if it had titties in it.


You mean this stuff right?

gross tbh

Honestly the sexiest picture of her there is.

She was only picked because there are two memes in her name


That's acceptable but I'm more talking about r34

Daisy's Destruction + Ridley Scott?
What did they mean by this?

Honestly I hope that rey got spitroasted on the dance floor by these 4 bucks. Just completely getting annihilated by BBC until she passes out from pure ecstasy. And if not these 4 bulls completely smashing her pussy, she at least needs to get a taste of Boyega's BBC, every white woman at least once in their lives needs to ride the bull in order to truly reach adulthood. Honestly could you just imagine Rey getting fucking spitroasted after they got home from the club all drunk? Completely loving it while her eyes roll back, and there's just one thought that crosses her mind, I can never go back to the inferior white cock after being delivered to Nirvana by these righteous BBCs. That's the best part of the new agenda now is that their is a BBC factor in most film/television, it's just shameful that JJ got the most mediocre BBC that he could find. Shows and films need complete bulls like in Jessica Jones's Luke cage, complete fucking bucks that you know have an anaconda under that delicious dark chocolate. Hopefully Rey has gotten a taste of the BBC, for her sake, and for hours. They expect at least one of us in the aftermath of the white genocide.



3rd could make a great screamer.

this count?

You do realize she's only there to appease feminists, right? Can't have an extremely attractive womyn.

ridley is cancer


her cunt double is hotter

Those broad shoulders.

More like Star Worse amirite?

More like starSHIT amiright

I want her to beat me up

What did he mean by this?



spoiler that shit, nigga

2/10, wouldn't cumpress her boipuccer.

I am not going to reply to a pink poster.


(((starwars))) is for faggots