R 117H - Malum-in-se Edition. *** This update features new weapons, and new Romanesque areas for DarkHold and the building system. *** Two new weapons: A brutal new spiked mace that is quick to swing (being hollow and light) Sai: these can interdict weapons far above their own weight class (similar to the special ability of the quarterstaff and elven staff) *** New building: Romanesque Belltower - A tall belltower in the old pre-13th century style. Map update: The Darkhold Dungeon got more complex: A Romanesque area modeled after an 11th century church has been added to the crypts below. *** (Thought Theme for this release:) _"Fight to the end"_ _"Conquer the enemy"_ "Far as the eye can see" "I see my victory" "I'm not afraid" "Never afraid" _"Never give up the fight"_ ...... _"I'm a solider in a battle"_ _"Never ending, Never ending war"_ -Yngwie J. Malmsteen *** NOTE: This game now has over 140 weapons and has expanded to 2 DVDs (Download both!) "How can less be more, more is more" *** "Out of the darkness the voices are calling..."
John Jenkins
>>>Holla Forums
Lincoln Cox
pedophile blogspam thread
Hunter Stewart
Cooper Phillips
Adrian Murphy
Asher Garcia
White men are not called cattle (goyim) for nothing. White men earn their label with every utterance. The white man's goal is the same as a domestic animal: to survive. He is opposed to truly living and wishes to stamp out such in the world completely. He is successful in that. He just wants to rut with proud ADULT women and make babbies and then go to work and slave away for some master.
He is cattle, his masters are farmers of men.
Christopher Bell
Why don't white men like cute young girls?
Jordan Rogers
Thoughts on game?
Jack Stewart
Gabriel Reyes
Y cant Holla Forums handle this game?
Kevin Rivera
kek this kiddy fiddler is so easy to trigger
Luke Kelly
We do. Hence why we don't ruin their lives.
Aiden Nelson
What does this have to do with technology?
Lucas Garcia
Video games don't belong on Holla Forums. Please take your game to >>>Holla Forums
James Hall
Even a drunken Russian does a kitchen sink mod much better then yours is.
Gabriel Cruz
This is why you fail, you piece of shit. You follow Jesus rather than God. You are being replaced by people that follow the way of God (possessive love) and reject Jesus the false prophet.
White men are complete cucks to women. They see taking a female child as a bride as "ruining her life": this belies their belief that the first-order being in their social system is the woman: the man serves her: the female does not serve the man.
White men are scum and it is good they are being eradicated. All us "non whites (anyone that isn't English or German)" will be-able to then rule over cute young girls once you are all dead or driven from power.
Julian Reed
Lets see it, shithead. And lets see what YOU have done
Jaxson Wilson
Best opensource game btw, weather you pro-women's rights anti-marry-girl children white supremacists like it or not.
David Gomez
Nice blogpost Ahmed.
Easton Nelson
it's an aut-right shilling his fangame built out of stolen nexuiz assets or some shit