
literally Oy Veys

Two white gentile girls, a nigger, and a jew. So fucking blatant, it's insane.


I don't get it. Is this supposed to be a sequel or a remake of the original Jumanji? What a fucking joke. Also, the CGI sucks ass.

Adam Sandler's Jumanji

Starring Kevin James, Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, and Rob Schneider.

Would've been better than this.

Why bother then?

AND YET normies will devour it.
I almost hate der normie as much as the yids who manipulate them.

I don't even know. The first movie was about a magical boardgame and this one is about a magical videogame. I'm hoping this one is a sequel and the pajeets from the last movie ended up destroying the boardgame and that's why it ended up in a videogame.

The oy vey guy looks like the offspring of that kid from the first movie too.

Why do Jews ruin everything.

Guess we know why they're pushing all that interracial everywhere.
The redhead is practically the only gentile girl inthe whole movie.
the samoan would be a good Teal'c though

The Rock finally made to the inner circle, its hard to hide his power level now

How many kilometres of kike dick did Karen Gillan suck to keep getting all these big budget roles?

She's pure fuck you!

How on earth did her hair get so long so fast…?


I don't think she shaved her head for GOTG 2.

no but she did for one though…

there's no jailbait period

shaking my head

reptilian shapeshifter

If I'd had the opportunity to make movies, she'll be in all of them

Feels good man

you only got two though…

From the thumbnail I thought it was a remake of the Rundown.

This is fucking Holla Forums. One (you) is a fortune.

It looks cool, except the video game part, talk about gay as all fuck.



This feels like a sequel that should have come out in 1998. I wonder how long that script's been knocking around.

I mean there has to be some Holla Forumsack behind the scenes there shitposting right?

Why bother making this a Jumanji sequel if you are just going to throw them in the jungle and turn it into an action adventure? Couldn't they com up with something better or make it more like the original in which to life in the real world not you get sucked into a magical whimsical world full of adventure and super powers.
What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood?
These fucking jews better step up their game or the Asians are going to become THE moviemakers.

I mean there has to be some Holla Forumsack behind the scenes there shitposting right?

Why bother making this a Jumanji sequel if you are just going to throw them in the jungle and turn it into an action adventure? Couldn't they com up with something better or make it more like the original in which to life in the real world not you get sucked into a magical whimsical world full of adventure and super powers.
What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood?
These fucking jews better step up their game or the Asians are going to become THE moviemakers.

Shes a better Lara Croft than current year Lara croft.


There was a spiritual sequel called Zathura in 2005. Similar premise but in space. I thought it was alright.

This though looks like a modern adaptation in the worst way. Turn a board game into a video game. Teens transform into avatars of adults with wrong race or gender transported into the world of Jumanji so you really don't need to care about the kid characters anymore. Action packed with forced comedy where they'll probably try to cram a lesson in it. They also just really picked actors they think would be popular instead of if they would fit in the story together. This feels like Goosebumps movie or Land of the Lost movie with Will Ferrell all over again.

Also, the only reason they titled it that way is so they could get that Guns n' Roses song "Welcome to the Jungle", which they used in the trailer. There was no possible reason for that subtitle other than to have an excuse to license the song for the movie.

didn't they already make this movie

This star wars, jurassic park, spiderman, wonder woman, ghost in the shell, kong skull island, KEK all shit

she's a dishonest actor who does capeshit and shitflicks whats so hard to understand

needs more maisie tbh

I hope your death is soon and I hope it is unbarably long and painful.


I actuall really liked the first one with ==JUSTEN== Fraser and that hot Scandinavian chick in it.


She wears a wig. She did the same after filming the first Guardians of the Galaxy moivie.

Why did Kristen Stewart decided to become a lesbian T_T

As usual with movies produced by Sony, they have to cram all their products into every frame.

how was the first jewmanji?

Is Zathura any good? I remenber seeing a commercial for it on TV and even though the idea of Space Jumanji sounding really cool, the movie seemed a lot more toned down… like it had a low budget and more kid focus than Jumanji.

Chicks are hot. If I were a girl, I'd go lez. Besides, she was recruited by Jodie Foster. Who could say no?