How will he ever recover?
The media isn't even trying to hide their bias.
How will he ever recover?
The media isn't even trying to hide their bias.
Other urls found in this thread:
Are these guys autistic?
This is real?
This can't be real… of course he was speaking figuratively.
Is this real life?
Poe's law has co-opted the laws of physics and broken reality.
Do they have any idea how fucking retarded they sound?
This has to be work of a saboteur in the lying media, right? They can't be this stupid.
(((Fact Checks)))
Are these people fucking serious?
Sorry mediafags but checking things is Kek's domain and
Someone tell Wikipedia to update their map.
The media never lies, goy.
Here are a couple more to spread around twitter and the like.
Oh its real alright.
I can't believe how stupid it's getting
These particular headchopping jihadis who want a caliphate and think 9/11 was wonderful are NOT the same headchopping jihadis… as ISIS!
My fucking sides
Archive that one before they shut it down.
I've got to hand it to them, a fact is a fact.
Good job.
Are you fucking kidding me?
they're going to tally up all these little bullshit fact checks and present that to people as if it's something they should base their vote off of.
The claim: Hillary is going to spend the rest of her life in prison.
The fact: Hillary is going to die from her health issues before she can be convicted.
I neglected to add that many people will vote based off of shit like this, unfortunately. It just shows how bizarre and fucked up it's all gotten.
Man these kike news fact check memes are great
Claim: holohoax didn't happen
Fact: holohoax didn't happen but it should have
It seems "fact check" is a code phrase for "we'll rewrite reality until it suits our leftist agenda" nowdays.
I mean…
It's the ministry of truth
Lefty shills and even the media bring those shitty sites as proof
like this
Their using fact check on jokes and largely stupid interpretative shit could be turned against them.
Statement: "The Holocaust has 6 million victims"
Truth: "It never happened."
One lie as good as any other
I hope those articles were archived. That said, we should make an infograph showing the financial ties all these news organizations have to the Clintons.
fixed spelling
He baits them into delivering his message every single time. I can't believe he gets so much millage out of the same trick.
The (((media))) only has mode, attack mode.
whay are they doing it to themselvses? do they have no self awareness at all?>>7807546
Hello fellow Holla Forums.
can't stop laughing
And that, children, is why Jewish inbreeding is bad.
Glad I wasn't the only one triggered by app.
Jews, my friend, jews.
I guess this is how /g/ feels.
Look goy, those white people deserved to have kill them because white people are racist against blacks for no reason.
We are legion.
I never noticed this before.
My sides have been wiped with a cloth
- Hillary
So after looking this up and seeing it's real: twitter .com/NBCNews/status/785299709342654465
Can someone tell me if NBC is no longer part of the MSM or if they're just gone full retard?
Nigger what?
Go back to cuckchan.
I tried to put them together. Scaling's not very good, but it works.
Holla Forums is a board of peace, because (((the alternative))) is war.
From what I've seen, the whole MSM is sperging out hard in full denial mode after the debate.
It has been interesting to see normies reacting to this.
Funniest part about this is that it's probably not good enough to properly get rid of data. I heard forensics can get data from anything that isn't destroyed physically.
That is one whollop of a redpill
How did you fuck that up?
What the hell are you doing? Just put them side by side and white paint bucket the empty space.
I can't verify the first. The other two are still up. This is the problem. I think they might be deleting the worst of them.
Go on, have another go.
When I see "app", all what comes to my mind is "mobile shit".
Riddle me this
What about places like south Africa where whites are scarce at the top? Why do whites have low crime rate there?
What about all the anti white racism today? How come white crime rate isn't soaring from all of the anti white racism
Full fucking retard.
You can't be racist against whites you stupid goy
Anyone have a clip of Trump calling Bill a rapist when the camera pans to this image?
This triggers me too.
When you don't categorize them correctly, it becomes hardly to learn what their function is and how they work.
It's entirely fair to call it an app because apps are garbage and if they were capable of using non-garbage they would be nerds, not reporters.
Huge victory lads. If Trump talks about Hillary's weakest links, aka the people she barely paid to break the highest laws in the US, then there's going to be trouble. Saying 33,000 emails almost means nothing to most Americans. Talking about one guy, a guy who asked Reddit how to properly delete emails, is much more tangible than an arbitrary number.
this is bizarro world 100%
not real
this isn't real
this can't be real
The images were different sizes to start with (I didn't take screenshots of the pics). I was thinking of wouldn't display properly on sites like Facebook with such a large resolution, so I… failed. :^) However, it uploaded quite nicely.
There's still so much Trump didn't mention. I don't think he even mentioned the Clinton Foundation.
He did but not in depth.
The Clinton Foundation angle is a dead end. To Holla Forums its not since the average user has an attention span to understand what exactly the Clinton Foundation did and does. To the average American, they'll get a little foggy after 5 minutes of reading information, if they do research on their own at all.
Talking about some guy who deleted Hillary's emails being granted political immunity is much more easy and exciting for an American and is much easier to explain in those 2 minute windows than it is to actually explain how the Clinton Foundation works without being interrupted.
All he had to do was smile and point to Clinton and say "Her friend Soros"
Damn this debate was spicy
I think the 20% uranium would be the best one to pick. It's a very simple explanation, and completely goes against her trying to tie Trump with Russia by saying he has buildings there (he doesn't). Because she's projecting 24/7.
Everything else with it would just take too long, as you said. Maybe Haiti.
Re-scale them in paint mate.
This one is legible:
If you think it is better with the text though, by all means spread that one
I don't believe they are this stupid or this insane
there must be a redpilled dude in charge of typing answers on this page who is dropping sarcasm to ridiculize them while hiding his powerlevel
the world would be too warped if an overpaid media whore drone gave those genuine answers
Literally just copy and paste.
You should feel bad.
u do it
I made a second version of this one
Someone with video-editing capacity:
Make a video of every instance of Clinton's near-robotic false-smile slamming into place from a cold, dead expression.
It will work, trust me on this.
I just realized that the first is fake. There's no way that blacks are responsible for killing 81% of white homicide victims.
It could be disinformation. Someone who wanted to discredit the fact checking of the fact checkers could have made a bunch of fake ones.
looks like someone is posting a few fakes in with the real ones.
the nbc and ap factchecks are disturbingly real, however.
That usually happens when she comes into contact with hard truths
Bullshit. All Trumps needs to do is make a commercial with a black Haitian mother saying that Hillary Clinton stole food out of her children's mouths.
Updated version.
They're incompetent.
Holy shit, I didn't notice that
This should have archive links on it
Even Apple only says ‘app’ for mobile devices. Application is the term for desktop operating systems.
With archive link.
wtf i love el rato now
i've got some good shit coming for you guys in about an hour.
Wait hold on, what the fuck is the official argument there? How in the hell do you accidentally wipe an email account? Did the fucking basement get flooded or something? I'm genuinely curious. Her double-speak on that email shit is hard to keep track of.
Sam Hyde looks more like Trotsky 2bh
Here is the page
It's a fun read. Here are some choice quotes:
They basically say "yes, Hillary deleted the emails and yes, it did happen after the subpoena but you can't prove that she did it to avoid scrutiny so there."
I don't know why anyone finds this shocking. This is coming from the same people that said getting a blowjob isn't quantified as sexual relations.
face blindness is a common trait of autism
Depending on level of forensics. Simple double overwriting by 0xAA/0x55 thwarts police searches quite reliably. But there is always some chance of data stuck in relocated blocks.
Also that's why you should always encrypt your drives: even with 'password' password, you gain benefit by massively reducing amount of data that need to be purged - keying (For LUKS it's 2MB block, designed to resist 'relocated block' leaks) vs. whole drive
Great trips, but he looks nothing like Trorsky. More like Channing Tatum, when Sam Hyde is slimmer.
This is ridiculous, how do you burgers allow your news to manipulate your masses like this?
its the 10th baka senpai
didn't make it, stole from 4/pol/
It's the 10th now because we're in the AM.
second pic really makes you realize how jewish he is lol
top kek
I can't find any evidence that Channing Tatum is jewish. He went to a Catholic high school.
Trust nobody, not even yourself
no i meant tatum is obviously aryan and al-hayyid's desert aesthetics show through when juxta-posted
Yeah. Their much-vaunted "high verbal IQ" is really just a form of obsessive semantic pedantry.
collaged. can I get archives?>>7806495
nigga just go to
if your software sucks that much
I knew jews that went to a catholic school and high school. There are more than you might think.
literally six hundred billion gorillion hours in photoshop
I was just pointing out 1 piece of evidence that suggests he's not jewish to 0 that suggest he is. I don't really care if he is or not other than it's pretty stupid when people here assume every actor is jewish. There may be a lot of jewish actors but they're not all jewish.
dowloaded. thanks. I will spread it.
Oh shit that last one
checked and appreciated user
This maxim is, without a doubt, the most succinct way to completely trigger a jew.
top fucking kek
I'm only pointing out that jews will attend catholic school. The fact that someone attends a catholic school does not mean they are not jews. In my experience I've seen jews do this and they make a huge point about being jewish they wear the jew hats everywhere when in school (they remove them after they leave the building) and make the teaching staff particularly the religion teachers/decon/Brothers/priests uncomfortable enough that they appease them to no end with special treatment and privileges. It was disgusting & my first red pill.
Come on OP, that must be a joke…. right?
Its also why i tell people to smash their drives when they throw out old PCs. Broken platter means no identity theft or any of that nonsense. Cheaper than having a professional "recycle" it as well.
by the way anons, if you have any other good "fact checks" let me know and i'll make it for you guys
No… fucking… way.
he did mention bleach, but he wrote it off as acid washing, while the method is wrong, the result is the same.
since bleachbit can be used to shred temporary files, cookies, garbage in general, while also going the nine yards to rewriting every single bit to a 0. the result is still the same, removing countless of confidential emails after being notified a subpoena.
bleachbit doesnt even like hiliary, they even have a fucking sticker that literally mocks one of her quotes
Could you redo this one to make it look official? I had to put a black box behind the text to block the old text. I've no idea how you managed to recreate it yourself.
I changed the wording slightly user, hope you don't mind.
This is pure gold
Can you make one about all basic bitch leftist argumets?
Claim: Diversity is our strenght
The truth: Kebab, rap music, rapes and domestic terrorism are not a strenght
Claim: Black crimianlity is due to white racism
The truth: Nigs are gonna nog
here's an ACTUAL clinton fact check
it's hard to make those look realistic - i kinda feel like it needs to use nbc-like language. i'll see what i can do though. kind of want to make one on nigger crime stats / black lives matter too.
holy kek
They dont need to look "realistic", by using our language and memes they become real by virtue of being hilarious.
Man this is the fucking meme election and reality literally has no importance anymore
It's too late for that. We've gone beyond the point where pointing out any sort of vulgarity could ever possibly work.
He could now not only shoot someone on 5th Avenue and have the people cheer, he could do it six million times in a row.
Nice work user.
Tweet to Trump user.
Kek awarded you with dubs.
he SHould do it six million times in a row.
Fixed that for you user.
package up the fonts and psd. upload to zshare or someshit.
I accidentally 33,000 emails.
Checked and saved.
another real one
Are you rusing me right now, user?
it's real as in it's an actual fact check of hillary. i made that one too.
Think its legit, i havent had much sleep but think i remember her saying she didnt. Im sure someone more on the ball than me will have a time in the debate when it happened.
d-did you save a template with the text blanked out?
Holy shit this thread is full of top-shelf OC. Saved everything.
There is no evidence NOW because the (((pieces of shit))) deleted (almost) everything there was to prove it (i.e. stonetear aka Mike Combetta asking for advice on how to wipe servers on Rebbit).
I may have believed you if you didn't choose the most odd-looking picture of Sam to prove your point.
Omergod! Thanks user. I used to have sides.
Checked. Top notch work, user!
it's real, user. those aren't photoshopped.
What if this is Trump's 4d interdimensional chess at work. There is no way he didn't know what she used to wipe the server clean. What if he did it because saying acid wash would queue fact checks regarding that particular statement to get the fact checkers to literally bring up the point that she used bleachbit (bringing in intention) to remove all evidence. To the people that only believe the fact checkers….
what do you mean? i just used the one we were using earlier today on twitter.
t. nbc employee
i'll probably post the psd and all relevant source material later today. either in this thread or in a new one i'll make. and no i don't actually work for nbc, i just reproduced the entire thing from scratch.
"Recycled" PCs are likely to get dumped in some shithole tech-graveyard in Africa UNTOUCHED and can be left for dead. Because of that, some (even government ones) were stolen, and data was recovered from them.
It is a common tactic with a lot of tech devices nowadays, the Chinese use it a LOT.
A quite probable reason. (((Fact-checkers))) are much less (100% less to be exact) probable to report a truth rather than a lie. Makes me believe the "39.000 emails" slip yesterday was intentional as fuck too.
Pls do.
Godspeed you animal.
The Cloth-or-Something is real?
yes. the people behind bleachbit fucking hate that cunt. she's been great advertising for them though.
God I hate jews.
oh shit what the hell is this
This has no right to be as funny as it is
tip top kek checked
Bretty gud
truly we have been blessed
It's a shame because it's brilliant but only works in this thread.
that's what caps are for user. plus the transitory nature of humor on here is why the in jokes are so fucking funny
I can't stop laughing.
Please tell me that the second one is a shoop.
Is this shit for real? I mean really, it isn't a shoop? Are nbc literally retarded?
They think they can get away with it because the moron normies only read headlines, not the whole thing (reading takes them 5x as long as a normal human and gives them a headache, which can only be solved by a mcdonalds binge and a frappaccino.) Unfortunately I fear they may be right. Thanks (((education system)))! Now you know the point of dumbing us down, so they can rig shit with zero effort and have no one notice blatant lies.
Also, 4d Chess. Trump got the media to roundabout admit everything he said was true. BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT…OKIE DOKIE.
(((Fair and unbiased)))
Either the kikes are this fucking stupid or one red-pilled guy managed to crypto himself long enough to redpill by "ineptitude".
So it was done? SO IT WAS DONE? Oh my god please lord kek. All that shit about "nuuuhh uhhh she didn't delete emails, hurr conspiracy theory", and turns out we were right (Holla Forums is always right), and now they move the goalposts and go, "you can't prove intent." What area of the law has intent ever mattered? Any normal person would go to jail for what she did, but I guess law is only for the little people. What the hell is wrong with this election, Trump is ripping off the drywall and exposing all the rats hiding in the framework. And people are emperor's new clothes, saying the rats don't exist, you're just a ratist, as they scurry around nibbling people's shoes and defecating on the constitution. Orwell tried to warn us and we didn't listen.
I just wouldn't be so angry if they were at least good at lying. Then I'd say, okay, if you're that skilled and worked that hard, you deserve it. But they're terrible. They, msm, the clintons, the kikes, they're terrible fucking liars, they let their secrets leak all the time, it's common knowledge, it's easily accessible on the internet just by asking. They've been bad liars since the beginning, look at the holohoax shit about masturbation machines and human lampshades, it's ridiculous, a child could tell you it's bullshit. And they still get away with it. They're complete fuckups at this and they still get away with it.
A severe lack of archive links ITT, please include an archive link when posting these. This shit is almost too good to be true
Media is 'all in' on Clinton because they know Trump is going to have his attorney general investigating them too. He mentioned holding media accountable once and has held back on it, but they know if they can't make Clinton win they are at best out of a job, likely imprisoned and hopefully publically executed.
Lies are but shadows cast to obscure the truth. The Truth is light.
Lies have to be repeated and reinforced constantly. this repetition and reinforcement of lies costs resources. Why? There are 2 reasons that lies are told, 1) to hide a crime 2) the lie will provide some type of profit. Those that work for the kike bosses as underlings spread the lies in return for monetary compensation. etc.. etc.. etc…
This is where the beauty of the truth comes in. Not everyone will speak, or even see the truth. But the ones that do will make it their life's goal to spread it, they do not do so for compensation… seeing the truth spread is compensation enough. If a lie is grand enough it takes a long time for the truth to come out.. it may start with one person and that one person may be only able to get one other person to see the truth.. but eventually it becomes a mind virus… a meme.. and it begins to spread on a logarithmic scale. The bigger the lie casting a shadow on the truth the bigger the scale of spread will be once the truth comes out. And there is a point in which the scale of spread guarantees the emergence of groups dedicated to ensuring those who hid the truth will pay for their crimes.
TLDR; their foolish determination to continue their lies long after they have run out of any form of plausible deniability only ensures RWDS will come for them
Taking figurative speech literally is a classic sign of autism. The media is legitimately autistic. What a year.
The audacity of these niggers. Especially after an "accidental" US strike hit SAA forces and allowed ISIS to make advances a few weeks ago.
firstly checked, second pathoflight has done exactly this. I never thought I'd see the day a mongolian carpet weaving board would have so much influence, but now a huge faction of even reddit has started to believe and emulate us. I started browsing here because I thought it was an amusing joke board, but Holla Forums was literally right again and again and again and I grew to believe; now I'm one of you, and spread it myself. What a beautiful movement. WE DID IT FOR FREE.
Larping aside, do you really think we will have the pleasure of seeing the lugenpresse hang? Like literally? It seems like a fantastic, beautiful dream, but we could have said the same of a leader like Trump. I've never wanted anything more than to see the tower of lies fall and all the shit-stirrers, agitators, and liars swing. But will there literally be a dotr? I think a blacklisting is more likely, but if we were to go full french revolution, I mean a bunch of french peasants managed, but are we too soft to really have fun at this point?
What a fantastic year. Praise Firemonkey, next up Firecock!
This is Soviet TASS propaganda tier bullshit from its golden years.
What a time to be alive.
Why not?
This movement really is a beautiful thing. And its now easier to come here than it used to be. Man when I discovered the redpill it made me a complete outcast.. but now the redpill is walking its fashy ass down mainstreet, usa.
The memes are on our side so its likely. At a minimum there will be a couple non state sponsored vigilantes doing the deed. It all comes down to the next couple weeks and then the weeks leading up to Trumps ascension. The lugenpresse will likely go all out and dig themselves a deep hole in which to die. They will likely instigate race based rioting on a scale we havent seen before. I would be more shocked if niggers dont try to form up massive lynchmobs to attack random whites. But more than them it is guaranteed that the spics will go full blown narco-terrorism. Any one of those 3 things alone would bring about some form of RWDS. If all 3 of them happen… I have only one bit of advice for anyone if all 3 happen…. Buy stock in Hugo Boss
he is a Brioni man not Hugo Boss
invest in the right company if you are going to.
You're right, Trotsky had a smaller nose.
Are you people so naïve you'll believe anything that confirms your beliefs?
You do everyone a disservice by accepting this bullshit at face value, the true facts speak for themselves, you don't need to fabricate.
Trump is arguing facts but PolitiFact is trying to argue that intent somehow overrides those facts. Why does it matter whether Hillary did it "deliberately"? It's a crime.
Normies will eat this up, sadly.
They have obviously missed the point of the word "fact" and what it means to be objective.
Here is a template
Meme away.
OK. I added archive links for these. Save and distribute!
user stahp. There's such a thing as too much OC.
how did normies become so autistic?
Most homicides are intraracial.
Actually most homicides are committed by niggers. It's not that outlandish to think thug niggers kill more White store owners and White mugging victims than get killed by a spouse or jealous cuck, the typical intraracial way. Why not?
If you're willing to share your source, go ahead. If not, here's some food for thought:
1) The MSM did not dispute the 81% figure when they had the chance. They only went after the 97, to correct it down to 90 top kek.
2) Are you talking about White crime, or about "White" crime? Spics have crime stats almost as bad as niggers. If spics got anywhere near your "White intraracial" figures you can forget about them.
where does one go to make these
I saw him explain it in a few rallies and it seemed to go over well. Might look for the video and see how quickly he managed to lay the facts out there.
>hasn't watched Steven Spielberg's Lincoln
normies were the real autists all along
pretty good my man, nice dubs too
Is this actually real? We are living in a parody of reality so it's hard to tell sometimes
We need a template with Engineer.
It was a shitlord who made this, right? Please tell me they aren't this stupid.
Comey said she deleted at least 102 classified emails
I can't stand this shit either. It's right up there with everything that used to be called an "R/C X" or "unmanned X" suddenly being a "drone".
Ayy lmao, this bitch made my fucking night. She lost her shit and got so fucking triggered by Trump ignoring her ANUDDA SHOAH bait and going ahead to talk about how fucking stupid it is for us to be fighting Assad/Russia.
She was so triggered that her voice was quivering and she was about to burst into treats at any moment. And she kept snapping back at Trump, as if she forgot she was supposed to pretend that she was a moderator, and thought she was the one debating him.
Spread, goddamn it!
That was the most disgusting part of the debate. These media hacks are reaching Iraq War levels of delusion.
how does one accidentally delete 33,000+ emails?
My FUCKING sides, I saw this earlier today and thought it was a joke! Holy shit, what timeline are we stuck in now?
Diagnosis of the (((Media))):
Maximum Autism
it's spelled "seriously".
You'd better be baiting, my man.
here's one for repost.
my imgur accounts have been cuckblocked
the same kind of people who accidently delete every single file on their computer
You idiots DO realize that the head jewbags are telling their cuck reporters to make these idiotic gaffes, right?
Please tell me that quote is from somewhere.
Indeed it is.
For what purpose?
He is just a
shill calling real Holla Forumsacks idiots for no reason.
Implying anyone cared or even visited this crappy site.
I bet you were only pretending to be retarded
My nigga.
First time I saw it the poster said something like
Was that your thread?
This would go a lot faster/smoother if you just releases a template.
Also, what font is that?
Yup, that was me.
This has been the most amusing election in US history and it's all thanks to you, Holla Forums.
Don't know how much further the media can tank and shoot its reputation but I want to see where the rainbow ends.
And how every crime is terrorism.
This is why nobody takes leftists seriously anymore.
wrong thread
sorry it took so long anons, i released the photoshop template and font files in this thread
font is proxima nova btw, it's included in the archive from that thread.
This better not be a smear so people can tell the originals apart. I saw multiple people saying the font was Helvetica Neue, a paid font.
Here's a magnet link to a pirate bay torrent of that font.
i made all these posts in this thread and plenty of OC on here before. my ID changed a couple times.
the font might be helvetica neue. i didn't look at that one, but proxima nova fits the characters from the nbc originals exactly. the archive in the other thread i posted has all the proxima nova font files as well.
Implying he needs to 'recover' you fucking CTR cunt. You're evil hag will never be in the White House heh.
My fucking sides, yeah have those fact checkers really route him out Hilldog
Anyone can hook me up with the template? The other thread seems gone.
how is the claim different from the truth? i don't see it.
Freedom of press, but there's no legal definition of what press means
it's fake
someone keeps spreading fake politifact images. these should be used on normie idiots, not us.
I re-posted the template here. Archive password is in the image attached to the post. I passworded it so content scanners wouldn't see the proprietary font files.
Go here and make OC
So, Killary had to pay all these shills in the media just to try to counter us?
I don't know what's more shocking. The media's autism or its stupidity.
From now on, anyone who takes the media seriously should be tared and feathered and ridiculed until they commit sudoku.