Idiots on phones

Idiots on phones
How can we get rid of them?
They wander around the streets looking like retards and offending any person with a brain.
Legal and practical solutions only

Other urls found in this thread:

shoot them in the face. in a video game

make murder of normies legal
then its hearts and minds user
the two best places to shoot someone


brick them all with an emp blast
plans are easy to find

or phone jammer in your bag with a battery, but it's more expensive and less permanent


I would be interested in setting one of these up, walking around people I want to annoy.
Our city is starting to get an influx of tourists from chinkland and I'm thinking of setting up a few "free" internet points leeching off of existing networks but taking all they deets.
any anons with ideas of expanding this idea?

if you surround a location with enough short-range phone scramblers then set up a fake cell tower connected to your network, you could probably spoof their phone company and hack their shit up severely
cost is not small, but enough tourists means a lot of bank accounts that can suddenly buy bitcoins and generously offer them to your anonymous wallet

cops and phone companies will want to fuck you up severly however, be careful

make less stop signs

wubba lubba dub dub!

I like your thinking, user.
Hmm, on the topic of covering tracks a possible advantage on my side is do some recon work, find out what cellular networks chinks mainly use and spoof that instead. Could buy some time on the behalf it would take longer for the chinkland phone companies to realise what's going on. Thoughts?

Head's slouched down so far looks like their life's hangin' by a strand
Almost got hit twice, mugged thrice, phone still in hand
You're a walkin' zombie, Bill Cosby in elementary, lighting with no electricity, it's frightening
Stuck talkin' in the past like in 2006 when people said
That you were "da bomb" like you was a towelhead

But I read books on my phone.

Looks like you're a faggot that doesn't know how to use tech to enrich his life. Consider suicide.

The most ironic part of this picture is that the picture was probably taken with a phone

there's no reason at all to assume chink banks would take any longer to react than western-world ones, the banks "protected" under us laws may even be slower to react to unexpected attacks because they may be more complacent and less scrummy than chink money joints
and you would have to hack through the bank interface/protocols in chinese

Point, home turf advantage. Thanks for the thoughts user. Whatever I do I'm not going full in straight away, wanna test the waters and scale from there. The main season is in the Summer, I can schedule and prepare for hax as the days cruise ships come on in are public knowledge, and the ships tourist numbers are easy to nab either online or through soc engineering.
Find the good routes to work with for crypto mining and nabbing all kinds of deets. Hmm, Android based systems / laptops would be easier to infect… Wanna run wild wid dis.

Found the idiot.

There is nothing we can do. The juggernaut of technology will continue consuming the souls and minds of the masses. They will become more and more like zombies, as can be plainly seen already. It's the same effect as social media, and may well be a deliberate ploy to create a more pliable breed of chatel slaves for the totalitarian futurists.

I only usey phone for gps, porn and shit posting. I don't want to have to start walking around with it in a faraday cage so I don't get blasted with the normie masses. I'm not one of them. Nobody calls me anyway so a faraday cage as insurance will in no way inconvenience me.

while they are standing on a corner with their heads down, step into a break in traffic as if it's time to cross when it isn't.

plans are easy to find
Does not offer one single viable link to said "plans".
Has never seen any workable plans anywhere that are even remotely effective.
No, you are. Either offer us something viable, workable and effective or STFU.
Until then my illegal jammer works fine at short range and has a dramatic effect on texting drivers.

Give us plans for this illegal jammer then, princess.
No u

Lurking for either plans

you are lazy or clueless
12 seconds in jewgle

the plans to build it completely yourself can also be found in some of the compilations like the /k/ library, the mega folder or the murdercube

I'm both.
Now, post the plans if you got em, or ideas like

If you think em (((datamining)))