Holla Forums may be a shit board, but they've got a pretty 10/10 catgirl

Holla Forums may be a shit board, but they've got a pretty 10/10 catgirl

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furfags out



I don't care what the faggot Holla Forums BO is; their board tan is unquestionably female.

you know you like it, user

I love me some catgirls but this is just an absolute catastrophe.


How so? Looks pretty good to me.

That looks like she has aids.

Why does it look like she has aids?


Who is this 2d semen demon?

I'd fug this cat till she coughed up cum covered hairballs tbh



same OP cuck who probably posted that garbage 'post 10/10 web comics' thread with all cringe commie gay shit. all i did was post electric retard.


The fucking coloration of the vag u dipshit. Also she has a pale face and a very slight blush which makes it look like shes sick. Really, the combination of these two that makes her look like she has stds. Her boobs are asymetrical, her feet look crocked and wierd, and her neck is unusual and long.


You can tell if someone has aids through the color of her vagina?

Isn't that just called not being a nigger?

It looks like one is just pointing in a different direction


Doesn't look too long to me. I've seen IRL women with long necks; they're pretty common.


I'm just curious how you can apparently tell if someone has aids from the color of her pussy.

Google Bookchin


Is this a bot or something? It keeps giving the same canned response to every thread.


yup, seems autistic enough to be happening on Holla Forums

I'm just honestly curious about whether or not that's actually a thing.

I'm going to be straight with you man. It looks as though it came from from cheap vn except it's not one. The art is neither good nor very bad but does have some noticable flaws as this user has mentioned (although cretiques are very subjective. I also don't agree with everything he says.

No user. Try laying in the same position and see if your nipples will point in opposite directions. It's tilted fam although slightly if I had tbh.
Well to me it doesn't look "crocked" it just looks odd. I'm not sure how to describe it.
I don't know about the aids part, but it to me at least, needs more pink.

Honestly man, you need to seek better hentai. Whoever created this images obviously has a decent amount of talent, but he lacks refinement and skill.

It's fitting that a board full of lefties chose a representation that is a female cat, since much like lefties, cats are lazy and largely useless yet demand to be fed and given a home and much like women they spend most of their time in an estrogen-induced haze of feelz.






The shitposting will continue, until Bookchin is Googled

It makes no difference here.
So you can keep shitting it.



What's so funny?

top tier quality of Holla Forums

we've got a pretty 10/10 jew girl

Standards so low, that even I'm starting to feel the depression.


This guy gets it. Reminder that commie-cat is a self-insertion of spoiler related




literally nobody on there says this.
Are you actually mocking people for suggesting that you should stop being a retard and research before you make a post? This is why nazifags are mocked mercilessly and rightly so. Holla Forumstards say the dumbest shit.

i want popcorn

Are there any other pics like this?

That's a psyop. Also no one on Holla Forums says that.
Do you understand how metaphors/memes work or are you just this retarded?
No one on Holla Forums says that. What the poles were doing before the war was agitating for armed conflict between the reich and Poland. Source:

To actually believe that ww2 had no warnings, you must be an absolute idiot.
What you mean the typical canned response from lefties that reply with "read a book" without citing any specific books or pages from said books?
What do you mean in the Jewish funded pornography or muh daca Aryans? You have to be retarded user.

Bump + Brofist. I care about the same thing.
Btw is the second pic cropped from a full size one? I want to see her on her knees.

keks aplenty
SO much autism celebrated on one thread
clappity clappity

You're practically begging for the gas chamber.


Who is this semen demon?

Attached: Pig.png (197x196, 70.22K)

Attached: TRANSGODDESS.jpg (375x500, 35.66K)

Attached: 86c28377f766a90481e6e80ba097b1a1ba68fa70c63aa330a7b4993960a828d5.png (800x800 150.74 KB, 247.5K)

Here's what happened:

Still nice try.

Sounds like the perfect leftist show trial tbh.

Still more logical than prospect of Poland provoking Germany, while USSR was waiting on their eastern borders.
Or maybe you think they just wanted to "liberate" polish workers?
Beside that I am sure Germany intentions were noble and pure, isn't like they wanted Danzig from the poles or anything and also didn't considered every slav to be subhuman worthy of extermination.

Nigger did you even read his post? Also, it is a fact that Russia blames Poland for starting the war you stupid faggot.

Of course they do you fucking retard, nobody wants to take the blame for it.
It's quite funny they do this after they basically both invaded it and split it among themselves.

And? What's wrong with a nation wanting to acquire territory that is rightfully theirs, was part of their country until twenty years prior, had a plebiscite which indicated they wanted to join Germany, and was blocking Germany from moving to territory in Ostpreussen?

This works both ways, you also answered yourself.
It was originally part of Poland, later on Teutonic Knights then Polish again, then Prussia took it and so on.
Everyone involved had claim on it, and wanted it.
So "rightfully" don't fit anywhere when we speaking about this subject.

Which is exactly why it doesn't make Germany muh ebil dictators for wanting it.

"Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." (Polish Marshal Rydz-Smigly as reported in the Daily Mail, August 6th, 1939)"

Sure, but it also doesn't make it rightfully theirs, just because they claimed it to be theirs, and don't make Poland the aggressors for blocking german attempts.

"All Poles will disappear from the world…. It is essential that the great German people should consider it their major task to destroy all Poles." — Heinrich Himmler.

I am not going to allow this to slide. Give me a direct source of this qoute or be thrown in the Oblivion.

Attached: 70630d3f66e21dec6f635f3763b37ca6b2a6db5c19fcc3a80e743549acb6c89f.png (225x225, 4.25K)

At the end of the day, all that matters is having the power to make and force a claim. "Rightful ownership" is a myth. Land belongs to whomever will fight for it.

that sound just as authentic as this qoute:
“Wouldn’t it be wonderful to put all Poles in oven?” Dr. Hermann Voss

Attached: 1398142446426.gif (590x333, 123.88K)

Jews say so, so it must be true.

Here you have the source.
On the note this also interesting lecture.

Jews acknowledging others? That's new.

The quote has been radically changed (I wonder why that is?):
Also, get good that is not' a direct source. What evidence do you actually have that he said that quote that isn't hearsay? Who actually reported that wasn't the Holocaust museum (well after the war was over).


Attached: 7Y8WGkIB9Hs.jpg (524x526, 31.48K)

bump for more catgirls

Sources? Who needs sources? Don't you know that the word of a jew is a trustworthy source!

This antisemitism is truly horrendous, goy! It reminds me of Germany in the 1930s! I remember it like it was yesterday – me, my five parents, my sixteen grandparents, my seven aunts and uncles, my forty-six great-grandparents, my twenty-three siblings, and all eighty-two of my children were sent to the camps, and we only managed to survive being sent to six death camps by fooling Dr. Mengele each time when he came to search for which prisoners to turn to soap!


Attached: 08eb60a2682dc83a3fcb08383bc0c61c6479a36aa3be932bdc4b03ca124218db.gif (500x500, 1.81M)

You mean the late 40s
Remember that the math doesn't add up.

Attached: Warsaw Ghetto 1941.jpg (985x740, 152.67K)

the holocaust never happened but it should've - and there is still plenty of time…

Attached: a war criminal.jpg (714x592, 79.88K)

Op is a faggot.

bump for more pics