What on earth is this?
Academics please respond
What on earth is this?
Academics please respond
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The shape of water.
Probably the latest in CGI
Who says you wont?
Nobody on Holla Forums is rich enough to afford a deep sea vessel or they'd have better things to do than shitpost on Holla Forums
Cephalopod. Bioluminescence isn't too uncommon in squids and serves a variety of functions. The short part at the end when it darts away is a threat response. You can see it ejecting a black mass, an ink/mucous mixture, known as a pseudomorph, which draws the attention of predators away from the squid.
It is one of three things,
1. A piece of plastic
2. A new species
3. CGI
did that thing split in half at the end? wtf.
and what you're seeing is creatures that are over millions of years old frozen in time due to different natural selection.
this thing right here. looks like that because they will literally "melt" when brought to the service. pretty wicked.
Get a job operating the camera at one of those oil rigs in the middle of the ocean maybe?
The civilization isn't going to come to the oil rig, you have to venture out into the places no eyes have seen before and theres still plenty of them out there thats for sure.
I don't get why people are so obsessed with looking for advanced life out in space when we aren't even done looking in yet.
there is life down there that existed hundreds of millions of years ago. fascinating.
im not saying its aliens but its a jewish device deployed to find hitler's submarine civilization
It doesn't look like its ejecting a black mass it looks like its splitting into pieces, that doesn't look like any inking squid I've ever seen.
confirmed CGI
Do you know by the pixels?
wow its a squid nice
Vampire squid.
fake and gay
It's plastic caught in an undertow. The ocean is full of garbage. Nothing mysterious about this.
It's a rare video of dysnomia changing the board settings live.
watch the whole webm.
It's a Ukranian Semen Squid
Alien Drone: Probe.
David Hogg.
also everyone else in this thread is small time
guerilla advertising for some shit game that hasn't been announced yet
because of deep sea pressure.
This is a new Razer Chroma peripheral
two squids fighting or mating is my guess. That's why they break apart
some kind of abyssal octopus relative
or ayyliems, who knows?
Fake and gay, is what it is.
It's fake.
It's a cephlapod, AKA a jellyfish
Disregard that, it's a benis