How do we stop pedophilia in the industry

How do we stop pedophilia in the industry

Why stop it?

Fuck off FBI shill


We don't

why contain it?

let the fact that roasties try to imitate the feel and look of a 12 year old with chemical products spread. the world will be a better place when every male has a degree of pedophilia in them and women don't have rights anymore.

A revolution, nothing else will do.

How does one become a cunny elite?

Ask Podesta the molesta.


kill all the children

Why contain it? Let it spill over the schools and churches, let the videos pile up on the clearnet. In the end they'll beg us to purge them.

If kids want to stop being fucked they should stop being so sexy

LOL jeeeeeezus

everyone needs to goto bed
right now

i have been saying this for years.



Exterminate the Jews


I have reoccuring dreams about Millie. I think I've had like 4 now.

Use a bypass pixel.

I know that feel

We either gas the faggots or stop this biased bullshit


Am I right to assume most anti-pedos are just jealous they can't get legal preteen tail, so they want to spoil it for the real pedophiles

No, some are deeply disgusted by the thought of an innocent child being abused and traumatized by a creepy pervert.
If you've spent any significant amount of time caring for a kid this perspective will be clearer to you.

Anti-pedos are actually anti-hebe cucks. 13 should be the worldwide age of consent, anyone who disagrees is a tool for old musty feminists.

Then make sure they get with a pedo that won't hurt them. The type of people who want to abuse children usually don't like them to begin with.

Is she a pedophile?




By killing perverts like Dan "The Hymen Divider" Schneider.

13 is too early for a semen filling of the uterus, but you should be able to give them kisses and hugs hehe

13 is birthing age, not prime age that would be 15-16 but still viable.

Dan "The Kid-Diddling Kike" Schneider is literally the worst pedophile in Holywood right now.

We want not only viable offspring, we want prime offspring.

Dan is a true cunnysseur, immaculate taste.

You want to diddle children mate. Offspring does not enter the equation.


I almost had sex with a girl that looks like a slightly uglier Victoria Justice. I figured she was way too into me after she started talking about vampires and wanting to fall in love. She was also on the airheaded side and smelled of clingy so I figured I'd gtfo.

That feel when virgin

Your equation bright boy. X + Y = Z. Where X is your hard on and Y is the female children who make your dick hard which equals Z also known as doing/saying whatever the fuck will bring X and Y together without retribution from society.

Oh, THAT'S why Holla Forums is so shitty.
It's populated with retarded pedophiles.

There's pedos on every board. Cuckporn posters are the real reason it's shit.

Filling the womb of 13 year old girl with semen is wrong, because it may introduce health risks for the girl and baby. Kissing and hugging 13 year old girls is right, as it is a treat for the bonding period to be given by good men to their girl wives for taking good steps in the process of becoming proper women. 13 year old girls are not children.

Stop trying to jew us from making children, (((mate)))

Does this woman molest underage girls?

Cindy daughter is 15 you, too old

Reported for being a normalfag

Women should stop aging at 12


This. We need to attract the smart ones to up the quality of this board


filthy pedos are part of tv's identity

You could start by exposing a pedophile and killing him or something

Said redditors don't realize that all the real pedos have moved to >>>/a/

/a/ is filled with arafags, what are you talking about? The real pedos went to a different IB but I'm not telling you the name of it.

Dan "The Teen Whoremaker" Schneider has lost some weight! Will he become /fit/ so he can more easily overcome and rape his preteen victims?

Nice try, but the nose is showing, (((rabbi)))

Most of them are into boys and rape though.

Bullshit. From this list, (((Goldberg))), (((Kaye))), (((Yakov Krammer))), (((Bramley))), (((Horowitz))), (((Schlaeger))) and (((Weingarten))) all were into girls as well.

The thing is, pedos usually don't see that much of a difference between a boy and a girl, specially if they are young enough or the boy is prepubescent enough.

You're still forgetting the rape part. See

all 12 and 13 year olds should be plugged by a strong 30 year old dick and impregnated by it too

Why can't we give them what they want?

pure kino.

race war

interesting vid

No one is innocent.

This is the face of a man who has experienced life's pleasures to the fullest