Anime girl and banana

anime girl and banana

Is that a tube of butter?


weebs continue to be the most lame posters in existence

no john you are the cancer








Anime is trash


there are 3,763,189,127 woman in this world, who cares about these two?

and 3DPD somehow aren't?

yes they aren't, but a virgin like you wouldn't know.


I was referring to those type of women, you retarded nigger, not those two specifically.



what's so special about those? They are not lesbians

Unless you're chad, they will never be interested in you.
If you are a chad, get the fuck out.

I am 25 and I already had two threesomes. Stop watching anime you fucking faggit, it turns you gay.



I know what you are say, "just don't leave yourself open to these things" however there is a risk of all of these things when you enter into a relationship with a 3DPD, even just a casual one
2D isn't perfect, but it is best thing that currently, maybe in the future we can have something better, and the 3DPD will have no one but you idiots that are too weak willed to see past your nature
I would hope that you and I both know that 95% 3DPD don't look like this, and it could the hottest 3DPD in the world, she still has the same nature that makes her shit just like all other 3DPD

you say that like that's the end of the world. What stops you from cheating back? Or breaking up as soon as she cheats?
yeah… no. This only ever happens if you allow her to do it.
same with cheating, what stops you from manipulating her?
you have to run into a VERY trashy woman to end up with unwanted children
is there a law that forces you to take care of someone else's kids?
yeah, maybe in a third world country like the USA, but if you are living there you have other things to worry about.
only if you fuck niggers or cheap whores.
go to eastern europe (Poland, Slovakia) or scandinavian nations, most woman in those countries are not only hot, but also very friendly and tolerant.

forgot to attach womyn

go back there

you shouldn't want to cheat or be cheated on, and breaking up can be messy
3DPD leech, it what they do, you can stop by keeping her at an arm's length, but she'll never stop trying to sink their teeth in
you shouldn't want to manipulate or be manipulated, and I consider 3DPD to be too much trouble to deal with, shit like this is one of the reasons why
or just a normal 3DPD
in some places if you take on care of the kid thinking it is yours, and it trues out not to be yours, you still have to take care of it
white knights are universal
or just a normal 3DPD
the great slav white paradise, I don't believe you for one, and all of those slav all have the same nature.

Are you currently recovering from an addiction to non-alcoholic beer too?

You ever been cheated on? The worst part is that you wasted your time on a relationship that didn't work out. You sound like a possessive guy who is overly attached. A woman is at first just a regular sex partner, so cheating isn't really a big deal at this stage. And once you two really like each other you don't want to cheat anyway. If she cheats, which most woman wont do, she wasn't the right one anyway. So nothing was lost. Cheating only hurts when you love your partner more than she loves you, and you shouldn't end up in a situation like that anyone.
what about woman who have their own income? Or what's wrong with simply saying that you won't pay for her shit? You ever tried that?
manipulating is hot, it's fun when you can convince your partner to do something for you which she would normally not do. Manipulation in this context is just a made up concept by feminists to prevent men from influencing their partners.
so you are saying that the majority of woman would secretly try to get pregnant, forcing you to pay for her shit? You truly believe in this?


rum and vodka are my only friends

not that I know of, but after leaning about 3DPD's nature< i ceased all efforts to be a relationship with one. I agree with that 3DPD should be disposable to you, I was simply saying that is something 3DPD can and probably will do 3DPD cheat as much if not more then men, they just take more steps covering their tracks
her income is her's, your income is our's, she'll never stop trying to make you pay for shit, they are at a biological disposition, like a parasite, because that is what she is
I don't consider trying out new things in the bed room to be manipulation.
I believe a lot of 3DPD lie about things concerning their fertility, especially if the man has money

3dpd women aren't important or even of value.


And just like that, you've completely discredited yourself and everything you have ever said.

so, I can't enjoy playing video games while getting shit faced on occasion without not knowing things
that is fucking lame

That statement discredits everything you've said as well.

you're right
that shit happens to EVERY married man who has a divorce
also right
women are not as stable as you think
yes ther are lots of states that force you to pay child support for kids that aren't
most domestic violence is done by women, over 70% of child abuse recorded is done by single mothers. women are violent creatures proven by scientists
some women can have 1 partner who has an std; it only takes one time for a pregnancy or an std/i

You just discredited everything the guy below said.

I discredit you.

say please ;^)

what did he mean by this?

go back to irl normalfag


Here's the only thing in Kage Kara Mamoru anyone remembers.


I hate niggers and everything, but oh lawd if that first webm isn't the greatest shit. Perfect body. Unf. UNF.


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