Honestly let's just discuss why socialism is a more ideal ideology for a civilized society and how it stabilized the country into a more secure wealthy nation.
Take Belgium and the Scandinavian countries for instance, and don't give me of those overused excuses that they over tax the citizens and how it's more of a secure country.
In Western European countries the citizens can benefit from free healthcare, education and many other services for just paying a little more .
Honestly let's just discuss why socialism is a more ideal ideology for a civilized society and how it stabilized the...
if the country in question is 95%+ white it will work
the reason the mudslimes are being let in is because of socialism
A wealthy county with a small population are one of the factors why socialism works in some countries.
This explains why America can't have things European countries have.
So is it free, or not?
Dude. Scandinavian countries suck, and social democracy is just as bad as plain capitalism.
t. Socialist
Not quite exactly paying for it, taxing is just only one of the factors the Country can provide those services for their citizens.
None of these countries are Socialists, you ignoramus. They are social-democracies. A very different thing. A Socialist country is Venezuela, and see how that turned out for them.
however, the fact that many European countries are now building up an underclass of immigrants that produce nothing, will make it unsustainable in the future
Everything medical-related costs less in Europe (as far as I've experienced) to begin with, things are far less inflated than they are in the US.
The US could pay for it similarly if it shaved off the tiniest bit of military budget, secret budgets, and kept an eye on the federal reserve.
It's because of jews
I refuse to subsidize a fat fuck's diabetes meds or some 19 year-old's liberal arts degree.
if both sides agreed to get rid of all our military bases this wouldnt be a problem. this is the reason i dont vote. no matter who i would vote for wont change it.
Aren't there some Bernie Sanders wannabes running for election this year?
Tbh, i don't think it's in the constitution to re-from the country into a communistic nation.
I live in one of these socialist Euro countries where you "pay a little more" and after getting fucked by taxes, this is what it breaks down:
In the end, the only people benefiting from welfare structures are single moms and refugees. Thanks very much.
LOL. The fed is a complete fraud. Compare these images with this PDF (produced by the fed no less), and tell me how it is wrong.
literally the same thing except they dont get black bagged by the PRC secret police
OP wants to use those countries as examples of good socialism when
1. They not even socialist.
2. They're shitty capitalist countries because they tax the shit out of people.
To be clear, Nazi Germany was more "socialist" than certain modern socdem countries.
Far more important than running the economy this or that way is to put the people first. Not niggers, not sandniggers, not the government, but the people who make the fucking country. Bolsheviks never do that, so you get a few years of something that still works then become like Sweden and even have to raise the retirement age to afford the dozens of billions a year sandniggers cost. Socialism can only work if you remove the internationalist elements.
Do you know anything about pics related?
Yes, but I call myself a natsoc, not strasserist, despite Strasser probably being closer to what I'd prefer economically. If I knew of it before I might be a strasserist now since I jumped ship from the left when I realized they were going full retard.
stay delusional kikes
The whole muh fuera sionista meme is just a nazbol attempt to subvert the right.
Read Germany Tomorrow
It can be good if that country doesn't suddenly start importing foreigners whose only intent is to use the welfare state to their advantage and bleed the country dry while waging a cultural war against the people of said country.
Too bad such countries are too open to such unfortunate situations.
I don't mind immigration to a certain extent, but there's got to be more reasons than "I want dat welfare lol" to move to another country. No country has a use for foreign leeches. Let alone hostile ones.
No point, I don't care much for the economy now that we're under attack by the orcs and the natsoc side is much stronger. The next generation can fix the economy.
Why exactly do you think capitalist countries bring so many refugees? That's right, to exploit their labor and prioritize cheap foreign labor over realistic local, national labor.
your knowledge of how shit works seems to have tons of holes.
welfare and immigration is a socialist industry, in order to keep it alive you need to bring in people that participate.
These type of post dont happen a lot anymore
Cool been a while since I saw a hive mind post
That and more spending. Rapefugees get money from the government, lent (and profited) by bankers, and spend all of it (more profit). They require a place to live (profit), natives will also need a new place to live as they're forced to move away (profit). Also much more policing, and instead of a friendly cop now we get the fucking military (with expensive guns, profit again). That's what the rich goyim get for it, but the main reason it's done is to replace the population with more easily manipulated mutts.
Btw, orcs are an industrious people who while perhaps not as refined as humans can take care of themselves. They're nothing like niggers.
Just bring back Feudalism.
Monarchy established many things.
holy fuck. cancer! pseudo intellectualism. got to a thread infested by g*rmans.
Communism is better!
I live in a first-world socialist utopia. If you're an obese fuckup with diabetes, or an idiot coalburner who got herself knocked up, congrats, you just got a lifetime free-meal ticket. If you're a white male aged 18-65, you're fucking paying for it all, and the difference between a basic wage & welfare is literally the cost of running a vehicle to work.
Worst of all, there's absolutely no way out. I don't want a family, hate kids, am fit & healthy. This whole system is geared against people like myself, we're a fucking resource to be harvested.
I can admit that Communism might work if everybody was white.
everyone is a resource in some way or another. im planning on taking a tent into the mountains to live away from it all. ive already started on a vegie patch to live off, and theres rivers nearby to get water and possibly fish. ive got woolen blankets and a tent and a hammock. i should be able to survive by myself, and if i do die out there ill be a testament against this world
Nice examples you got there of countries where capitalism roots are the oldest
You are better off killing yourself tbh. No point in grinding away and giving yourself momentary happiness every now and again if there is no point later on. Don't get me wrong I am not one of those people advocating that you should start a family and get kids, you can't change your personality and your kids and family would likely suffer if you ever choose to start one.
Kill yourself seriously it is the best thing for you. There are mostly painless methods too.
You sound like a power tripping faggot who doesn't like to see other people happy. I'm sure you sit in wreckt threads and Jack off you belong in a Looney bin
No you are completely wrong. I am actually very empathetic so much so that it usually is detrimental in my everyday life. Lots of friends and nothing brings me more happiness than seeing them succeed and I detest violence and the suffering of others.
Seems like you are projecting tbh.
honestly lets just discuss why socialism didnt work in all the ex united russian republics, u nigger
Yet you literally just told someone to kill themselves
Tbh i think there's a difference between social-democratic country and an authoritarian communistic nation which enforces a lot of economic and political restrictions on the market.
u wnt to make it into communism anyway
For their own best interest before he gets people who are dependent on him who will be devastated with his eventual suicide.
Because it was created by people who had kids. You should move to a society of people who don't have kids, oh wait that isn't sustainable so there isn't any.
Btw, in the Roman Empire men who got too old without even bothering to marry had to pay a fine.