Modern women


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show bobs and vegne fucking lasagnia


How about I fuck you to death?

you would like that, to lose your virginity, wouldn't you?

It wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. Enjoy being incapable of love and turning capable men into withered husks as you drain them of their resources and self respect.

enjoy the rest of your life encumbered by slave morality

Fuck off Nietsche, you went insane and died of syphilis, your philosophy is only good for teaching "the will to power."


I always fucking love those armored skells, very much a fantastical imagery


Noice, they just seem like so full of life while being dead like they'd rise up and start a skeleton army and take over us degenerate fleshies

Women can't even shoot properly.


why do you keep fucking them, your dick is mentally ill.

kek what a feggit

Never stick your dick in crazy.

No amount of hormones will make you a female.

it is fucking 2018, dude. If you don't think 3DPD are shit, then there is very little hope for you


You'll never be good enough for them. the most average women thinks she deserves a 10/10 chad.
and all the beta sucks telling her she's hot only makes it worse.


What does that have to do with crazy?



Why even care OP? I have seen where they end up, the "Modern" women. I have invested into milking their 401k and retirement dry. The kids of chads will get nothing and i will use that money on every way to replace 3DPD. I love it when people think im joking but once they realize I'm not they change. Telling me to just find some good 3DPD, but i know better now. Normalfags have had their chance to stop men like myself. But they are to selfish to sacrifice and that is where they will always fail. As i see it, my life has ended and therefor i must make sure the ideals i have live on.

How tho?

I'll ask you a few questions, then you answer and i will see If you can accomplish my advice given.
Do you have a single story house payed off?
Do you have around 100k capital to improve that house?
IT's about $800 to start an LLC. If you can at least do this then you can't milk old 3DPD retirement funds away from their "chads kids" and "soyboy cucks".

what's the scam you use to milk them? you make an LLC for what purpose?
questions are pointless, assume I answer yes to all
HOW do you take their money?

This is not a scam this is legal shit thats simple if you know how to do it.
Also answer my questions fag.

what is the point of these stupid questions?
I have several houses, most are not single story
what is the trick?

I'm not interesting in doing this myself, I'm just curious about it.


Payed off or not?
There is a point, stop being a nigger.

The answer to all three questions is "no". I am a penniless NEET.

if by "payed off" you mean no bank can own them yes, but laws in my country protecting homeowners from predatory banks are different, as well as laws that may protect the bitches you take money from
I can't know until you say what your fucking plan is

Then you cant help fuck over 3DPD. Go get what i said then come back and ill tell you more. If you can't then you are a normalfag.

What are your housing packaged into to protect them?

Are you retarded? We are curious about what you do. We aren't interested in doing it ourselves.

I am a NEET that is going to an hero once I am forced to start working, but it is good to know that are woke richfags
I don't even the emotion 3DPD would feel if she found a single richfag, that didn't care about pussy

Then you can't help subvert 3DPD and are useless. Just know there is a pushback now that even normal fags cannot stop through social movement.

3DPD can happen on a good guy and wont take him if it can have some chad. Until they reach leftover age to they go for richfags. But most richfags where rejected and don't want used up chad leftovers. All we have is hate so the best way to be happy is to make chads and 3DPD suffer for destroying the old system of 1 to 1.

You know, if you call the suicide hotline they will put you in the mental hospital, which really isn't all that bad, and from there you can probably get on NEET bux.

You are just posing.

I don't want to be a parasite, I just don't want to work, suicide lets me do both, and I am able bodied white male with no children, I ain't going to get shit

yeah, but what is the emotion they feel?

stop attentionwhoring and explain your plan, ffs
if it's functional enough to be a carreer choice, steps can be taken to reach all the requirements
what IS it?

Why not?

I'd be a hypocrite if I did.

Ah i see you think i give a shit what you say. Can't have an effect on me when it wont matter what you say either way. Ball is already rolling~

3DPD? they only feel a split second of lust then it fades into control.

That's why im asking the questions to see if you are able to take the steps.

How so?

I can take the steps
if it's worth it
if you want more details, even without considering I can take loans that don't have to be linked to home ownership, I can sell a few houses, transfer/convert the cash to burgeristan and buy a "single-story house, with 100$k to make improvements"

what is it you do?

I mean after they are in their 30s, and either have a kid they are looking for some beta idiot to take care of, but where rejected by richfag plan bs, or they wasted their 20s and 30s riding chad cock, and were rejected by the richfag plan bs, and are now going to die alone
I guess they would feel fear, as if they were in a nature setting, that would mean a painful death most likely

I am against welfare for able-bodied people, and it should only be used to keep people with hereditary diseases from breeding, and maybe used to pay for something was 100% outside of your choice, like getting hit by a car, and not being able to work for half a year or something

Why tho? And what do you think about capital owners who live lives of luxury and yet don't work at all?

Ok i'll tell you now and break it down for what I am in and deal with.
As of now we have an overflow of nurses that are willing to do "home calls". Right now i own many single story homes that host a group of 3 old leftover retired women each "some men". Before they get shipped out of the house they spend all of their retirement cash and leave nothing to anymore. I take it all and if they qualified for medicade then i take the soyboy taxes. It's a win win for me and maybe one day the system will break.

So… you're a land lord?

For old people. It's not just a landlord its an LLC that help them through caregivers. so i can charge more.
As of now im charging them 2k each a month.

So… you own a retirement home?

No that requires more then just a house. This is an inbetween that can provide you more income.

the world isn't fair, luck for people that were born into wealth isn't fair, people with 180 IQs that are able to become rich because of their high IQs isn't fair, the fact that niggers didn't invest intelligence in the game of evolution, making them unable to have a civilization of their own isn't fair, but trying to make things fair with government isn't going to work, and it is just going to get make single mothers, make the the birthrate too low, let a bunch of low IQ people into your country, and just promote dysgenics within your population, making things even more shit after your welfare state dies due to there not being enough people paying into the system
also I don't like stealing from people, even tho they have something they didn't earn. I don't like capitalism, but it is the best we can do with the tech and biology we have now, anything else will just prolong human suffering, and maybe even make it everlasting, due to us wasting resources for us to even get to a level 1 civilization

lol, OK, but how does this fuck over 3DPD? They're just paying you for a useful service right?

So if you think that life isn't fair, then why do you care about being a "parasite" ?

life being fair or not doesn't factor in.
welfare is shit, it does shitty things, i don't to be part of that system, I don't want to be part of the problem

It fucks them over by making sure they are controlled and will not allow Chad's offspring to gain any wealth. Also once the 3DPD have spent up all of their retirement they will be on the governments doll. This have no say so then, you can kick them out on the street if you want or treat them like shit. Also since you have control over their lives you can make sure they cant vote for dumb shit. This only happens once their funds are drained. If a soyboy supports them then you are draining his funds. It's wealth restriction and distribution, thus you are taking away any power they have.

Well you seem pretty thoughtful and ethically inclined, so I hope you don't kill yourself, user. We need more people like you, not fewer.

I am not ethical, user.
if I were given power, no one would be happy, lots of people would lose freedoms, and even more would die, it would all be for a better future, but the here and now is something to be considered.
we need more high iq, creative people that are willing to build a better tomorrow with a solid foundation of technology and science, and aren't willing to let the laymans get in the way of it
I am some dude with an average iq, that just wants to draw, play video games, and watch videos for the rest of his life, with a work ethic so fucked that I am willing to kill myself to avoid work
but it is nice to know there are still open minded people that are willing to listen to views that don't line up with their own, it is a mark of educated mind that is

You are being way too hard on yourself. Also, you sound pretty young. You will get smarter and more disciplined as you grow up. The fact that you care about these things at all puts you ahead of 99% of people in my book.

You sound a bit like myself. I'm takign power and wealth away from people. feels good because they would never help me as i would help them. No remorse on my end now.

So where did you get that? Did you just simply pull that out of your ass?

I am willing to hold out until 2525
hopefully the feel for how things will continue will be easier felt by then

you're taking power and wealth from people who have little of both. Don't get me wrong, I am not going to be sad over single mothers, and their cucks, I even take a little joy in know at the end of the day, someone is slowing bleeding them, that they aren't being left alone to suffer without someone there to make it worse, but the groups that got us into the mess are long dead, and the people that maintain it are untouchable, so little victories are nice I guess.

You are wrong with that assumption user.
Also I am breaking the system slowly, understand this and help out if you wish.

how's not working or buying a lot of shit denying the system any tax revenue, and being indifference to 3DPD
does that help?

This is my strategy as well, user!


You take from the 3DPD and Chads and give to yourself to invest into companion bots user.. what don't you get?

I get it, user. again fucked work ethic and average iq.
hope you're happy with your robowaifus, it will be the truest love man will ever been able to get

Just know that it will happen, maybe not in your lifetime but men like me are pushing it and directing money into developing companions. This is not about lust but balance and true happiness. My drive is so that no one like me will be alone eve again and only 20% of the men int he world breed. 80% of the men will be alone so thats a massive market. All those men have a drive and a void that must be filled or that drive will not be met. I believe once we fill this need then you will see humanity truly take off.

This nigga never read chobits. Life is a perpetual struggle. Step up son. Step up and fight for the sake of fighting. That is all living a life is.

well, I am sure the 80% will be happy with sexbots, and 3DPD won't have plan Bs anymore, so that will be nice to see, but humanity truly taking off will only be after 3DPD are taken out of reproduction, as long as they are in reproduction they have value, and will use this value to hold humanity back with their selfish nature, and men will have to let them, as they are the gate keepers of reproduction, i.e. men still need 3DPD

This is how it will be user, I know you are trying to redirect but that wont work now. Will you rain-in the 3DPD or will you be that "stong fag" where "3DPD" pick the best mates? The facts are they don't and thats why you see the world slowly failing more and more. But It's ok because men like myself will be safe. Try to survive int he world you help build user and help reject your brothers for your own gains. The strong will survive right? Lest test that then, for anons like myself this is just a game now. We don't care if we win or lose because it's all fun now until we die. cheers.

The fight that will happen between the cucks and soyboys vrs the companionbots will be something to see. I hope i live to see the start of it at least.

I'm giving you a realistic solution and you are larping as if you are doing fucking anything for the tech world. I bet you havent touched a single thing related to robotics and just jerk it to "the idea of the thing" and hope someone makes it for you eventually.

Stop living a fantasy. Your years are passing you by and you've got to try a bunch of shit to see what work you really enjoy doing in life. Before it's too late.

isn't going to be much of a fight I think

No shit i invest into it you dumb shit. Why would i touch it when im not good at that. I'm good at management and investments. Stop being a dumb nigger.

I hope it will be, fights it what drive me in life now. I get depressed when i don't have something to fight now.

Nice. The average user in my mind does not have enough capital to invest in anything. Good on you for putting your money where your dick is.

to me it be like watching a human play chess against an AI
you know he isn't going to win, it is fucking robot that was made to play chess

My dick is confined in my pants frustrated for a change to to force a change, So you are correct.
I find it fun pushing the normalfags into thinking guys like myself are not real. It's fun when those articles come out on the progression of AI and companionbots. I like watching the normalfags rage as if it has any effect on us.

Thats just the thing, Robocompanions are made for one thing, to be a companion. Most people dont understand this concept of replacement.

I think they understand that 3DPD have only two tings: sex and reproduction
sexbots are going to take away sex, 3DPD are against this for clear reasons, the cucks are against this because 3DPD are the ones that give them value, so men trying to replace 3DPD, are men trying replace their value system.
anyway, it was nice talking, you have find success with your plans

One thing i know how to do is make wealth. But wealth is one thing, control is another. This is what I am building now. Wish me luck user for we are the doomed for now but with the beautiful ones coming togather we can change this.


How the fuck did you know that user?
Also made alot of shitcash myself boi. Cash is simple since im wiz yaknow. I don't care about normielife so i have that time to just generate cashflow. WTF do i do with all of this?

I remember your earlier posts. Don't fly too close to the sun my lad. I lost a small fortune because of my pride.

I'm already on fire, what you trying to do put me out in my prime? Shit cant stop me now because I'm not a normifag. Only way to stop me is if some one forces em to become one. Good luck with that.