I'm George Soros, AMA

I'm George Soros, AMA

Are you redpilled?

George ShitStain

what do you think of the aryan race currently living in Latin America?


Are you into MGTOW?

we will definitely pay ngo's to bring more niggers into white neighborhoods

How do I get an orthodox jew qt3.14 gf?

How do we solve the akatsuki LARP question?

What is your plan on the 700 million whites living in latin america?

How much did you pay to have the 56% meme drawings created and how did you distribute them?>>7803874

no i get ass on the reg nigger i'm loaded

you don't want that believe me

nice try armando

pretty sure that was a bunch of butthurt yurocucks backstabbing you, it had nothing to do with me fam

Okay, so how do I get a catholic jewish qt3.14 gf?

((( )))
you kikes never learn… the aryan race cannot be D&C'd so easily

t. white person from Mexico

how did you manage to get internet in your mud hut, jose?

go to poland fam, it's mega easy if you're a nigger

y u do dis

Most cant handle polish women but her fucking a nigger has offered her once choice now. That Kid will not associate herself with her mother if she still lives in poland.



bring back id's pls


nice dubs

those are dubs of truth fam


I think the US has the most whites in latin america, followed by brazil

what about uruguay?

duh, he's rich

didn't know that, are they based? should we move in with them?

MGTOW is an insult to white women, we need to take care of white women because it's our racial obligation as whites.

have fun being a white knight in 2018 tbh

Unless you're willing to give people free houses, whatever you're tying to do won't work… and even then everyone (especially the whites) will try to get those free houses. Latin america is literally where kike plans die.

you are soooo BLUEPILLED!! learn froma real white man, come on 8/pol/ where everyone is alpha!!! HAHHAA commies and shitskin on suicide watch!!!



A higher % of white people, but less whites overall. Brazil probably has 20-30 million whites in the country. Probably tied with argentina in sheer numbers.

Are you actually some kind of super NatSoc 88d chess master who is just trying to cull the weak and stupid on all sides and create the ubermensch?

I'm Nazbol

Gimme money jorgito

make me a mulatto baby and i'll give 1000$

Where are the children George

They've been made into soylent

What does fresh infant blood taste like? (approximately)