When do you want to die ?

Hello b, how long do you want to live? Do you have a set age or things you want to do first?
I want to complete my bucketlist and wait for someone i care about to pass away before i cashout, Life seems like a boring trip i'm not willing to wait for my body to naturally expire.
Let me know your thoughts.

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Point is, why should i live on unless i can make some normalfags life hell? Thats what i live for now.

I don't know exactly how long I want to live but I don't want to make it passed 50

I just want to see it all burning before I go.

I don't want to go past 50 as well but that depends on if the person i care for is dead, i can't off myself if she is around it will destroy her. How do you want to off yourself user?

Whenever I look at the catalog.

I was not so lucky in living in this reality fully.
I will live far into my 90's because it is in my genetics sadly. You are lucky that you can burn fast and die young for this world has been made for that lifestyle now.

Lol fair enough, it has become atrocious as of late.

I agree the world is like that for people now, but i don't believe that it's for the best. Most people are miserable and discontent, i would know i am both of those. I don't see a way out of the darkness i merely endure.