Death Note Trailer

Death Note Trailer

Are they making it comically bad on purpose? Is it a comedy?

Who's fucking with my medicine?

Only poser Death Note fans dislike this. Based black L, based twink Kira.

I thought the anime was suppose to be a comedy. Did I watch it wrong?

I want all normalfags to leave the building.

Are you saying it was serious?


Where is L



Why is he crouching on chair, he is not even kawii?

This isn't even death note anyway, just look at it. Nobody will be confused.

Jesus Christ


How can you tell the poster is green?

Ah shit you're right
Let me correct that

whats the point if they aren't going to recreate Kira eating chips?
L isn't black you dirty jews

Not only subversively trying to replace whites in western media, the kikes also take advantage from the fact that shitskin actors are cheaper and will not make as many demands as white librul actors do.

Not even a pirate

How the hell they manage to make it look like capeshit?

Wew, this looks awful. Aside from Okja, Netflix has nothing.

Fuck off faggot

The original was cartoonishly bad shit but this is just a thousand times worse.

will they kill bonalg drumpft? Also, there is literally nothing wrong with a black L. Why can't there be black ultra geniuses?


s-shut up dude i'm antifa

A show about a kikehunting nigger. All tv should be like this. It should be memed into reality.

>(((Light))) saying "I'm not the good guy"
Did they even watch the original?

We really need to wordfilter Trump to Drumpf to show you racist bigots!