How old was the youngest girl you had sex with?

How old was the youngest girl you had sex with?

How old is ur mom?

19, sadly I missed my opportunity to fuck underage girls without fearing jail.


47 ,i like mother figures
60s have better pussy

i never had sex

This is Holla Forums, retard.
Try lurking some before you post.

14 and she instigated it.


After that I stayed away from young girls.
And pretty much women all together.


Go back to Reddit, soyboy.



when i was 13


B-but those guys are fags.

So are you for thinking 19 is young. 19 is grandma-tier. You should know this.

older women are better tbh. easier to get as a not ugly in my mid twenties. awkward cumming is nothin to be ashamed of. until i fug someone 3-4 times i find it hard to climax and couldnt until i spent a few nights with an older boob creature who showed me how to sex correctly.

these are the correct answer

this one is correct by default due to its defensive nature

Wow, you need to leave.

t. virgin
i'm not talking about porn. im knee deep in MILF pussy. pretty much got getting them in bars down to a science. you can always put your head over their shoulder or do what is demonstrated in OP's pic and pretend they're 10/10 teen pussy.

Also 4 and she started it

got these threads mixed up


YOLO m8, literally.


If I could get a hebe I would. Jk

haha yeah just a joke haha hah


Just move to another country and renounce your citizenship in your current country.

I've never had sex and never will. Pretty sure my own area is going through an epidemic of virginity, both the women and men want nothing to do with each other, and most people if they get married at all are past 30 when they do so, and nobody has children. That is my city. Children are so fucking rare. The whole matter makes me want to blow my brains out.


She was 22 when I was 24 in 2016. She left me a few weeks ago because she didn't want to deal with my anxiety disorder anymore ;_;

That's probably what it looks like to you. You can be certain some neighbours are sneaking into rooms covertly.
Say no one is getting into committed relationships until about 30 and that makes sense.

(((datamining)))?? 12 when I was 13. The expression that tighter than a 12 ur old asshole is spot on. Oh it was in the back room in the basement of a church while everyone was busy in the service.

9 when I was 14

3. i was 46 at the time.


15 when I was 19

Also had this online relationship with a girl I met in runeacape. Far as it got was her (instigating) getting undressed in lingerie like some little show for me.. That was nice. She said she was 18 but the more I look at it she was more likely 12-14. Pretty sure her fathers also FVEY or at least Microsoft or something. Stranger still pretty sure use to be in a gaming clan with him. Stranger still since then I've realised my father is also FVEY tier+ so yeah. Strange. Possible elaborate deep web catphish. I approached her originally though (I know that's how it works). Shed also do shit like take me to the toile with her on cam, smoke weed and such. Don't really know what to make of it. Relationship fell apart when some slither of military-intelligence-government-ruler started "harrassing " me (probably in its mind attempting to bridge in communication) but I couldn't be fucked deliniating details of this further, will depend how woke you are/clearance you have. Fucking annoying and stupid though, still on going. W2b exchange this retard back for the 12 y/o gaming buddy kthx. I was 23 when I met her. Thing that's weird, I think I also met her once on bus before online under another different name on my way home from uni one day. The more I look at it the more I see this girl had been planted pretty hard in my life, probably not with her active awareness/consent, a patsy.
Tldr illuminati tried to set me up with a cute mixed blood 12 year old. Thanks guys

Make of it what you will

You sound like a schizophrenic lunatic.

Never. Why go to jail when you can just watch porn?

Satelites can measure ur subvocalisation and reverse engineer this to get your thoughts. All RNG etc is hacked. Can also pulse head cartilidge to create Audible cracks 1s and 0s to communicate silently between "HQ" and anyone "on the ground".

I trued to resolve this once and mainstream gov said I had a psychotic episode (for emailing them about it) and fuck off. I'll still take any dispute resolution organisation who can silence this communicator for me.

user I need your help I recently got a GF who seemed perfect and a godsend but I think she's a spook she dodges a lot of questions and I've developed enormous doubts about her to where I am already backing away and praying to god for protection from her.

What your acronyms mean?

Why are biofeeback devices no longer on bestbuy? I'm tired of them being so fucking hard to obtain. Where do I get a biofeedback device? I need to relax.

You're a dipshit who should actually read the literature connected to psych, intel, and related fields that the deep state exploits. Once you understand the basic principles and get some demonstrations going you'll realize that user there is not full of shit at all. He's actually really valuable so far as I'm concerned and I think you should feel blessed to have a chance to talk to him.

Lol 6 years of comma from someone who's conduct mirrors that of someone with down syndrome no exaduration, I'm better off without better yet still compensation

Deep psyche bully her


I think I know what you mean by this but I'm not sure. Are you saying I should psychically harass her or are you suggesting I do some subtle stuff talking to her like normal but exploiting her psychological vulnerabilities to bully her?

Are your hands typing out stuff you aren't thinking? Mine do that a lot. Most of what you just said came out as word salad, I'm not sure what you're trying to say user.

Yeah anger will appear like that when the viewers autistic try kys

15 yo when I was 23.

I fucked her maybe an hour after I met her. I kinda dated her for a little while. Honestly it was one of the best relationships I ever had.




I never had sex.

What is 'sex'?

Fucking girls that aren't virgins means you're basically rubbing your dick on residual cum that other guys have left in her pussy. That's gay as fuck. Fucking non-virgins is gay.

When a girl and I were both 8ish I rubbed my penor on her venusaur and we fingered each other's' butts while we were under her bed, but her big bro walked in before I could get inside the v. He didn't know what we were doing, but damn still sucked getting cockblocked like that. I didn't like getting my butt poked, but it made her happy…


Ill let you know when it happens. lmao

Daddys says I'm not supposed to talk about that