Am I pretty?
Am I pretty?
pretty ugly
That's the kind of woman you kill with
muh dick
I never understood why attractive women cut/degrade/hurt themselves, you're good looking, smile, it could be worse you could be ugly and have problems.
Don't know about pretty, but sure as hell you're retarded.
Now cut your vagina and send pics.
They cut for attention. Imagine some one so self centered, so vain that even looking good and being treated well is not enough. They want everyone to feel like they need to help them when they in fact need no help from others. That's the logic of cutters, they are the niggers of emotional gibs me dats.
Call me insane, but a girl with cuts makes my dong go hard faster than any horse pussy ever could.
Are you bleeding? That's hot. I want to feel your blood on my skin.
h-h-hold me user, I cold
I want to believe that's blood user so badly
I want to force myself into a bleeding slut
Until you realize all the baggage that comes with some like that. Enjoy people drained by a psychic vampire until you start cutting yourself and turn.
Stay away from these people, they need help not another penis inside them (which they've had many). If it's not cutting it's gratuitous sex with men who they hardly remeber that keeps them going.
Go outside, smell some flowers or look at the sky and be glad you're alive.
you should cut your throat tbh
I love you Crackychan.
I'd love to squeeze those wrists while I nail her. : ) A guy can dream.
Hell yeah, I'm a cutter too.
Go vertical or go home
Dang, I'd smack dat boney ass until it cracks tbh.
Asuka has really lost some weight