
What are good reasons to kill yourself?

To not give away secrets.

Socrates also killed himself in a justified way.


The desire to entertain others.

You're on your last bullet and you've already spent all the others taking down an entire parade of faggots.

Someone is trying to dishonor or enslave you and you're too stoic for that shit so you end yourself.

Most of all; because it's the only truly free choice you will ever make.

Anything, its your life do as you see fit

Trump's election
fucking anything

Do what you want man. We've got no room for people who aren't sure if they want to be alive on this planet.

Ask yourself what you have t olive for. If the answer is nothing, there you are.

There are no good reasons.

Even Archimedes didn't kill himself when he knew to be living his last moments as his city was captured.

your race dying

Archimedes didnt die though. Using his theory of displacement, he harnessed the volume of the invading army to displace himself into the sky and float to safety.

It seems like that would quickly compound the problem though.

Not if you're Trump.