Why do boomers love their fucking television so much? It's like an altar to them.
Why do boomers love their fucking television so much? It's like an altar to them
Why do millennials love their fucking smartphones so much? It's like a god to them.
Why do Holla Forumsastards love touching their fucking benis so much? It's like a god to them.
why do you love your parents house so much? Its like you can't buy your own
Do not speak such blasphemy user. Now bend over and accept the holy benis
Because they are NPCs only there to annoy you.
Obviously, it's working.
because their boomer parents were busy watching CSI
I own my own house, and my parents are dead.
How does that you feel, millenial Scum?
Why are you saying that like it's an achievement lmao.
I never mentioned how they died, you fucktard
t. killed them
Why would you assume that, (You) degenerate worm-infested sack of lark's vomit?
You seem pretty stoked on it. I mean, I wouldn't be very stoked if my folks died.. Awfully suspicious if you ask me.
It's not how they died, it's the fact that they are no longer living and part of my life, (You) ass-sniffing screaming faggot!
That is awfully descriptive. Did somebody sniff your arse, user?
one’s peers are the vaccuous, myoptic, navel-gazing, stupid, medacious, depressing, boring, ennervating, and pathetic effluvia of the late-capitalist milleau, as is oneself and one’s parents. one seeks their respect only to find it is stupidity, one seeks their friendship to find it is stupidity. we seek something beyod the purely inane to find that inanity, absurdity, and stupidity is the medium in which one moves
You were an unwanted pregnancy, weren't you?
Why do I love your mom's pussy so much? It's like cock to you.
kill the boomers
Whooooo are you?
who who
who who
whooooo are you?
who who who who?
OP, what you're not gonna watch The Game?
Idk about him but my parents abused the shit out of me and I look forward to their death.
cell phones have internet access. The internet is like tv but interactive and allows you to exspand your knowlege and shit post on Holla Forums. stalk lolis .
Same reason you love imageboards.
why do millenials love their fucking computer so much it is like their altar
why do gen z love their fukken smarphones so much …