Trewmp thread you stupid niggers

trewmp thread you stupid niggers.

by the way, racism is bad you stupid fucking jews.

Challenge to Holla Forums: Explain why racism is bad.


because there are good and bad people in every race, and by being racists you also discriminate against good people. Nobody is saying that you should let all the mexicans into your country, but don't be a dick towards a mexican doctor.


Define "good" and "bad".


ah, yes, the imossible task.

good hearted, well behaved, educated, non criminal
anti social, selfish, criminal, niggers




fuk u dad

fuk you son

define the word "define"


It's not an effective way of judging individuals. This is essentially just going by intuition and putting people in buckets.
Like this user partially explained, if you discredit the work of an individual with no scientifical background. It's the same with all those leftists you will discredit every argument by calling the person a nazi or racist.

*that not you

misleading. use this instead. adjusted for population

No it's not, we live in a republic, not a democracy. Popular votes don't mean shit. The electoral college was created to represent the country as a whole, not a bunch of liberal faggots who live in massive coastal cities and niggers who live in the south.

you're pretty fucking stupid aren't you? popular votes are the biggest factor in determining electoral college victories

Thanks for proving my point. I'm obviously talking about the total popular vote though, dumb fuck. Like how Hillary won the total popular vote country wide, which means nothing. If the country was a full democracy, then the large cities in the coastal regions and others scattered around the country would determine who the president is, as opposed to the country as a whole. Your map actually proves this and it is 100% misleading because of that. Your map represents the country if we were a democracy.

do not forget the huge pockets of voting illegals in these blue areas,

Hillary won the popular vote against Obama
and the left was silent, when Obama won

13 counties in CA more then 100% up to 153% of the voting age population voted,

the media and the left silent there only one way that happens mass voter fraud and or illegals voting

her entire popular vote is accounted for in CA
