What routine do you think Nicole has to get such a shapely body?

What routine do you think Nicole has to get such a shapely body?

Lots of neck exercise by sucking nigger dick.

Hormone replacement therapy


I'm going to guess yoga and a bit of cardio. I wonder how she gets her hair so thick and silky looking though. She also must drink lots of water judging by her clear complexion.



5/10 nobody without even any nudes.

squatting on negro dick

Some gamergate e-celeb attention whore that milked it for every last ounce of attention. She got into an autistic slapfight with Ralph after she tried to use her friend turning herself into track pizza to gain attention, and left as soon as the attention began to wane. She started a "SCIENCE!" channel because she apparently has a B.A. in some STEM field and promptly abandoned that after she failed to garner more than a couple thousand subscribers. Currently posts basic bitch leftist shit on her twitter.

GOMAD is the true Aryan diet. Any nonwhites that try it will be culled by extreme explosive diarrhea.

Truly, Mark Rippetoe is the savior of the white race. By devising a diet lethal to shitskins the world over, he shall allow us to purge the nonwhites without lifting a finger. Now that is a mark of genius.


>shapely body
why the fuck you virgins have such low standards? i bet youd fuck a goat if you could

Are they really that bad though?

She doesn't look that fat. Maybe upper teens body fat %.

How is her body fat "fucked up"?

it's bait

Definitely crossfit.

She uses a dick stretcher.

Nicole is a woman's name you faggot

And? Nicole has a woman's body too.

She's chubby, but none of her fat has gone to her tits. Normally fat women at least have large tits, but in this case all the fat seems to have gone to her gut.

That's not fat, that's pig semen, you dolt!


Her ever-increasing gullet-girth, is basically down to her high consumption of fresh pig semen, you airhead

So she's gotten even fatter?

Yep. Nicole's really packing on the pounds.

Apparently she's got some disorder where she sleeps for abnormally long periods. Something like narcolepsy.

So that's what they call being a fat, lazy cow these days…