Why does no one use herbstluftwm?

Why does no one use herbstluftwm?

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Because tiling wms are autism.

Your autsim.

it was the only tiling WM that I liked. Dynamic tiling a shit

I used it for a while and have a good opinion of it, but for a long time now I've been using Stumpwm which I just like more and gives me more flexability.


Because it's still summer.

bspwm is better

Why should I use it over i3?


The project owner is a kike, seems to deal with some issues in a poettering style (notabug), adopted a CoC because of diversity.

Are there any open source projects left that don't have CoC? It seems like that everyone has adopted it. I don't really care that much about CoC, but it does make me feel rather uncomfortable. I would prefer if everyone would stay anonymous or had a nickname. There would be no problems with *isms and diversity then.

I'm trying herbs right now on Gentoo.
Problem is, the fucking documentation is rubbish. Pure garbage.

I can't do shit.


Germans make up a disproportionately high percentage of the people writing (and using) free software. Their intense autism is perfect fuel for writing obscure device drivers for the kernel, or gopher clients. I use OpenSUSE, which is mainly German-developed, and its rolling release edition is a thousand times better than the garbage put together by fat sweaty Americlaps which we call Arch.

the name is cancer and i use i3 already
germans, if you want anyone outside of your occupied territory to use your shitty software, at least name it properly

Why doesn't someone integrate git into an imageboard engine?

Because I only care about the bottom 3 lines of background terminal windows 99% of the time

It's not hard to remember, not at all.
And I'm not anywhere near German.

Because im using CWM, Because floating>tiling, groups>workspaces, and mouse emphasis>keyboard emphasis.

What? Why?

Fuck off back to /g/, ricefag.

there's no ricefags on /g/
you probably meant /w/, /wg/ or lainchan's Holla Forums


jokes on you, it's not even my desktop

It just takes longer to do anything on them.

Ruby didn't.

ruby didnt adopt the contributor covenant. but they did adopt a coc.

Because it's a shitty, bloaty dwm
the way it tiles is pure cancer


why not both?


Because dynamic wms are superior.



No, slav autism is the best fuel.

protip: you can resize both