How is right-wing libertarianism still a thing?
I honestly don't understand how people can follow such a moronic ideology
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There will always be people who want nothing more then to lick their master's boots, hoping that they'll get the same treatment some day.
libertarians are just nazis in tradition
gary "open borders and amnesty" johnson is a hillary cuck, a shill and a nigger lover
the ideology can be respectable just like the choice of a 14 year old in his goth phase to be respectable, but people will inevitably move on
these faggots, however, haven't moved on, and they've formed a party
Americans are anti-authoritarian by nature. This coupled with 'muh big gomermint stealin muh knee' propaganda have lead many who are ignorant and angry at porky to take up the ideology in some form or another.
Amoral, essentialist, misanthropic, consequentialist. All the symptoms are there.
Nice spooks, faggots
When your nuts drop you'll realize how silly you're being.
Nothing wrong with spooks if you're aware of them and chose them willingly.
back to reddit faggot
nationalize banks and remove usury and you'll eliminate the only reasonable parasite
if you think your empoyer is the parasite because he doesn't give you enough free shit, then you're a deluded nigger
if you claim your labour is worth so much such as to accomodate you with enough to live off of it comfortably, why can't you do it without the employer?
wew lad nice shitposting
nazism fights for advancement of his own race
I don't care about niggers as long as they aren't in my country
tyrone is a successful and employed black gentleman because his services are demanded and he meets it with supply, unlike you commie parasite niggers
Oh so you're not shitposting? Well then i guess you are autistic and should be gassed
the difference between us is, I can afford both gas and the oven
you would have to steal both, just like your ideology suggests
Two out of four confirmed.
It's like you're retarded on purpose.
Sanders is a dirty Socdem/social-fascist.
He is not my comrade. Try harder autist.
Nobody here is going to be shocked by your abuse of the word nigger, you're just making Holla Forums look even more insane to rational people.
try harder
he is a cuck lmao
Look it up, classcuck
ah yes, the "classes don't exist, it's a social construct meme"
goes hand in hand with the "hard work, intelligence, physical strength and laziness, low iq and weakness are social constructs meme"
So are you admitting to being amoral and misanthropic, then? I know those are big words but you can put them in the google and it'll tell you what they mean.
I know enough to realize that welfare and immigration doesn't work, something that scandinavian aka neo-middle-eastern shitholes don't realize
ahh yes, the "9 jews within nazi germany discredits the achievement of conquering inferior nations" meme
if anything, it proves that the jew extermination plan is a lie
I knew nazis were retarded but holy shit that reading comprehension
Since nazi germany was conquered that proves it was the inferior nation. But I guess that would invalidate your social darwinist rhetoric so bring on the excuses, nazitard.
Not a lolbert but I guarantee that nobody in this place can offer a proper critique of rw-"libertarianism" beyond epin maymays
I'm surprised you can form a sentence.
Alleviates the poverty caused by capitalism
People moving from one country to another 'doesn't work'?
Are you from the US?
Substantial investment from the Koch brothers
LOL what? Class does exist under capitalism, nobody is denying that. Try harder, Adolf
ah, so the failure of 6 or 7 axis countries to conquer the whole world when the pinko FDR was supplying ussr's zerg rush is proof that germans didn't achieve anything short of greatness is a lie
got it
how's that welfare working in venezuela, zimbabwe, cuba?
unless the people are white, it doesn't work
I just
That's what I thought. Nazis and their excuses for being so useless.
Employers are parasites because they take the surplus of my labor.
Going up against corporations/monopolies/elites that have established themselves before i was even born is an impossible task and a one way trip to driving myself into the ground. We are born as slaves to these powers that have come to power by exploiting laborers in the first place.
but it has been working… what do you think welfare is supposed to do?
I know I shouldn't respond to the troll, but I have this horrible addiction to arguing with stupid people.
if you don't like it, you can always be self-employed
oh wait, but you don't have the resources for it
so you aren't exactly in the position to critique your inability to produce anything worthy of mentioning yourself
then kill yourself, cuck
forgot to attach the "but it has been working" graphic
The circumstances around immigration vary from scenario-to-scenario, but to say "welfare doesn't work" is to miss the point of welfare entirely.
Welfare isn't intended to help *you*, you fucking faggot. Welfare is an investment, a small sum to pay to keep people alive who can later be employed to produce more money for the ruling class.Since they have decided that the amount paid in welfare is less than a potential human capital per person will create wealth for the ruling class over the span of their lifetime, that is why it exists. If this were untrue, welfare would've been abolished already.
since when are they socialist countries? they are wealthy because they were white ethno-states, until now
This is why you're a retard; You just find the quickest, simplest proofs for the simplest ideas, ones that were handed to you by others. Instead of actually thinking about things, you just regurgitate memes. This is why we hate you.
then it won't fucking work you dumb nigger
there is no incentive for ME to work if I know that the state will take my tax dollars to feed niggers, spics and muslims
So you're admitting that any ruling class are parasites then. Excellent.
From the A Wyatt Mann school of history.
It's like you're retarded on purpose.
it's called private initiative, and it boomed european economy, most noticeably starting the industrial era
better than providing no arguments
Never said they were socialist you fucking retard they are examples of welfare working
And yet you work anyway and pay taxes because that's how the state operates. Do you see the point NOW, you fucking idiot?
If you don't want to pay taxes, you can just go someplace else. There's a lot of jungles out there where you can make your home. You can be a completely free self-made man where you can pull those bootstraps for the rest of your days.
I pay taxes to support standing army to support my sovereignity and infrastructure which benefits everyone
niggers benefit none
you could always, you know, fuck off to the woods or something, where nobody will force you to not have all the things people get by working hard and not being a commie faggot
We make arguments, but you ignore them or respond with moronic ebin menes.
He's a white power warrior who don't need no government.
taxation is theft, you dumb nigger :^)
You know how on the internet it's hard to tell if someone is trolling or retarded?
Nazi shitposter is one of those types. Is he just here for a laugh? Is he so indoctrinated into Holla Forumsyp culture that he thinks he's a skilled debater with good ideas? Is he borderline retarded and/or 15?
We may never know.
What?? Are you just going to ignore my argument? What a pussy.
Right, so fuck off to a jungle where you don't have to pay any.
Let the memespewing rebuttals and troll pics flow.
nah, instead I'll gather a people united by culture, ethnicity, religion and history and curbstomp internationalist scum into oblivion, and purge parasites from society
wage is you stealing from the employer :^)
nobody forces you to work for him, but you still do, because you've agreed to steal something that he produces with expendable work that you provide
Sweden has a functioning welfare system what is your response?
But what about
Holla Forumstards need to make up their fucking minds
Again, the point is to employ them later by the ruling elite. Welfare is not meant to help *you*. Saying "welfare is bad because it doesn't help me, pls abolish it wealthy elites who benefit from it" at most will give them a chuckle while they sip their wine and go back to counting their money.
the capitalist system does you autist
I'm sure you'll get far with that by shitposting on a Taiwanese loom weaving forum.
then gather a bunch of commie autists like yourself and agree to produce something and sell it to the market
but no, you want to tax the ones who work and you to get the benefits :^)
after a fascist coup nobody will die for israel
No, retard.
You produce goods and services. The owner of the company keeps the money made from the sale of those goods and services and pays you a small wage.
The capitalist-apologist conception of freedom is the freedom to starve to death.
God you faggots are delusional.
uh-huh sure. But in the meantime, you're saying you're proud to pay taxes which supports soldiers dying for Israel?
Alright stop posting here, this thread has to die.
wow, you're actually serious?
the median income, labor force participation, worker share of economy, etc… all of that points to the huge changes to the us economy in the 70s: china began producing cheap junk for the world, computers started getting cheap enough for businesses to use and replace employees with, murray rothbard popularized the idea that the point of a corporation was to maximize shareholder value by any means necessary…
but… none of that is the point of welfare
do you realize that 35% of the us population is on some form of welfare? what do you think will happen if you take that away? those without jobs wouldn't be able to get any, and the poorest 20% of the population wouldn't be able to feed themselves
but the kicker is that they obviously wouldn't just sit at home and starve to death
you get it, right? the point of welfare isn't to make sure poor people can eat steak and get "obamaphones". why the hell would the government spend trillions of dollars per year on that?
the point of welfare is to make sure that the poorer half of the population doesn't march on washington and throw everybody in guillotines and nooses
honestly, i don't get how you didn't see that
that doesn't solve the problem retard
stop eating from that trashcan, it's not healthy
the only people who have a duty to provide for you are your family
if they can't provide for an adequate education and housing for you, then your misfortunates are only to blame on their responsibility
the destruction of the nuclear-family fed deeper into this parasitic cabalistic jewpitalistic system that feeds the ones who buy debt, but not the workers
thankfully, there's a system that combines the best of both spectrums :^)
Why does your stupid ass keep making opinions. Shouldn't your freedom of speech been long revoked at this point.
Stop saying stupid shit you fucking moron, neck yourself.
Stop saying stupid shit you fucking moron, neck yourself.
Stop saying stupid shit you fucking moron, neck yourself.
Stop saying stupid shit you fucking moron, neck yourself.
Nazitroll drifts seamlessly between right-'libertarian' and fascist memes, not realizing the contradictions therein and displaying a very superficial level of knowledge. One thinks that he hasn't ever had a high-order thought in his life. I suspect he's a product of a culture that values soundbytes and instant gratification over thought, study and analysis. Truly a subhuman degenerate; Qualities he projects onto groups he has a pathological disdain for.
What are your thoughts, Holla Forums?
whoa, that's not very tolerant
ah, I see
He's just fucking stupid. In my honest opinion? Ban him.
You should be banned because everything you say makes me cringe.
boo hoo, someone has a different opinion :^(
suck on a dick fucking dyke
of course you're triggered when somebody mentions family
a generation raised by single mothers are triggered when people are raised by responsibly adults and not whores and products of degeneracy spread by liberals
are nazis incapable of talking without resorting to buzzwords?
you're no better
Not an argument.
Explain your bullshit lolbergtarian ideology; do you think selling babies is OK? yes or no?
Your opinions don't matter because they make me cringe. You should be banned.
Your family doesn't care about you so quit worshiping the concept of the nuclear family. You are an example of how the nuclear family fails its children.
no, that's why I'm a fascist
I believe in family, culture and national pride and also private initiative and low taxes
I had both parents you faggot.
Heh, I'm from a country that has been war-torn by western money grubbing powers. The same kind that you are so fervently defending in this thread. I'm lucky that i didn't lose any family in this event. But if you think that my parents had an easy time raising me after the fact, you really need to asses your sanity. All because of gutter crawling worms like you and your neverending greed for money and power.
You WILL be removed when the time comes.
try not raising a kid by yourself and bringing another life into misery
you're obviously beyond the concept of responsibility for a child's life
this has an actual meaning
talk to the anfem poster, I'm not a feminist
again, this isn't a buzzword
Why are nazitards and lolbergs so contradictory in their ideologies?
I would say "projecting this hard" but I actually know how to insult people.
Your political animus comes from anger of being a virgin.
I would say "projecting this hard" but
then fix it
why punish the working class by collectivising their efforts? people like you were obviously the reason it was shit in the first place
Because they're fucking ridiculous
For someone who complains about everything, you sure do come up with great well thought out alternatives to the suffering of common people.
the point was to trigger you commie retards
taxation for essential needs like an army, infrastructure and water/electricity supply is necessary
feeding niggers and spics is not
not an argument(we're comming bucko)
See? Why aren't you banned.
Why isn't he banned? Any competent board owner would ban this sniveling virginal fucker at this point.
You and whose army?
Southern whites take in the most welfare in the United States.
Why aren't you banned?
the south has also the highest concentration of niggers who leech off of state budgets
argument invalid
Oh, I will. One fascist at a time.Don't worry, I'll be gentle as I carve swastikas in your foreheads.
oh yeah, look how triggered i am right now. I am having literal ptsd flashbacks because of your posts.
make sure you don't spread your degeneracy to israel or soros will defund you retards hahahah
Is there actually a credible source that Hitler had Jewish lineage? Legit curious.
Because communism is a welfare state? Do you know anything about what you claim to be attacking? No you don't. You are the standard Holla Forumstard.
Except it isn't.
Except that's wrong. Whites take in more welfare than anyone.
Why aren't you banned?
Why aren't you banned?
more necessary than feeding spics and niggers which disproportionally less provide to the budget income compared to whites
huh… so 63% of the population takes 35-45% of the welfare… but 13% of the population takes in 25-40% of the welfare… hmmmmm… makes you think……..
Makes me think that's fine. Your labor mostly doesn't matter since you don't have a job and live with your parents and don't pay income tax making your bitching moot sycophantic splerging of your parent's political beliefs. Or parent? I don't know neonazis usually have terrible mommy issues
Why aren't you banned?
after all, you provide no arguments
You have provided no arguments and have not read a single book about history that wasn't the magic treehouse.
Why aren't you banned?
so what is the basis of your political ideology? brave new world? 1984?
Arguments about what? That taxation isn't necessary for a society to survive or that you have no understanding of what communism is?
it all makes sense
You forgot Animal Farm hon
And this is why nobody else of this imageboard takes you seriously
Don't read books about history that aren't The Magic Treehouse you'll get the Jew Sickness
I'm sure I won't sweat the lack of attention from feminiggers, SJDykes and their enablers
after all, you only care about the women vote because, they vote communist
What the fuck are you even trying to say anymore?
Why would you want to be taken seriously by you lefty faggots? hahahaha
You seem to want my attention
Was it with you Holla Forumstards and your obsession that Holla Forums is SJW? Don't you idiots understand that liberals are capitalists? Therefore rightists? And SJWs aren't leftists, they're authoritarians. You know there are FOUR quadrants in the sociopolitical diagram, not two, right? That's why it's called a QUADRANT. You people are retarded.
Who are you? Hahaha god damn individualistic commie faggots need their daddy's cummies so bad :D
my favorite thing about Holla Forums and stormfront is how they are so far in the trashcan that they have to try and change history to fit their very fragile and not well thought out worldview
Well then, you would be happy to hear we aren't taking you seriously at all :^)
im a snail farmer
Oh no! Opposing views that are based in fact and not fiction! Quickly label them an uneducated troll! hahahahahahaha how do you guys not kill yourselves?
well obviously you do, otherwise you wouldn't be so desperate for attention
They're any more authoritarian than christfags or environmentalists or animals rights activists.
You simply overperceive their power because they have taken over some of your shitty vidya.
they're not*
does not compute
Aw someone doesn't give a single fuck about your shitty political ideologies based on a jewish cuck fetish.
No wonder you are so insecure :D
Neonazis are neonazis because neonazis don't read. I mean how is this up for debate?
My Jewish Cuck fetish
Oh fuck off tankfag, no one cares about your revisionism.
I know how to read statistics about race without trying to blame it on niggers NOT being monkeys who go crazy when they don't get their state-funded bananas
You mean the state funded bananas southern whites suck up more than anyone else
So now you WANT to be taken seriously after all? Even after you just said you don't want to be taken seriously by leftists?
Funny you should mention cucking and ideology…
Did you know that Texas is the state with the most niggers in it? Hahahaha jesus christ nigger read a book
You are not smart because you are white. In fact the fact you are a neonazi proves your IQ is rather low. Just because you are white, does not make you smart, does not give your unwarranted self importance and ideology twisted within it justification.
You mean the state funded bananas southern whites suck up more than anyone else
Yeah, read a book or something. You are obviously ignorant and a woman.
More image macros, surely that will convince us.
The image macro comes full with sources my nigger. Stop being a banana munching nigger and put some effort into proving it wrong
If ignorance is a trait borne of woman you must be emasculated. Makes sense since you're a turbo virgin neonazi
You mean the state funded bananas southern whites suck up more than anyone else
Clearly you idiots skipped over the "interpretations" section
You know someone's mad when they break out tha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Angry woman on her period? HAHAHAHAH
Don't create pancakes using your period-blood now! HAHAHAHHA
Because fuck context, I guess.
You have to be 18+ for this website.
Hurr Hurr (((Interpretations)))
Just interpret the facts yo!
I am actually on my period. Masturbating feels better, albeit a bit more messy. Sucks but ya know do what ya gotta do
the brilliant minds of the alt-right, proving that interpreting data makes you a jewish conspirator
I bet you're fat and smelly. Wouldn't surprise me considering you're a disgusting communist HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
This is why I fuck men.
I'd fuck men too if the only people I hung around with are obese, drugged up Anti-Fa feminists who act edgy on "leftypol" HAHAHAHAHAHA
I'm 131 pounds and 6'
You're 121 pounds and got arms like twigs
Ew, you must have the face of a gremlin and colored hair. Prove me wrong! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
The great thing about cherrypicking is it works both ways.
Nigger are you serious? I bet you smell like dried up semen mister commie! HAHAHAHA
I wonder why that nazi is standing with a disgusting gypsy… guess I'll never understand skinheads
No that's just what white british people look like
Now let's have a serious discussion here, obese funnily colored haired woman who can not get laid.
What is the politics behind "anarcha-feminism"?
More proof Holla Forums are the SJWs of the right
Excuse me?
But I thought they were all supposedly sluts?
There are two strands of feminism, the pretty girls who have sex and the disgusting fat gremlin looking females who can't. They preach according to if they can get dick or not.
Well regardless both hate you and so does ya mum
Yeah, doesn't sound like jews to me dude!
The /r9k/ whining that even fat ugly women can get laid seems to prove you wrong, if that's something to go by.
By the way
"Waldman, Weinberg, and Scarr (1994) responded to Levin (1994) and Lynn (1994)"
These names are as jewish as they get, I'd bet the swastika tatto I have on my forehead that if you look into each and every one of their wikipedia pages it will say that they have jewish heritage.
Because you above-it-all circejerkers can't explain to its adherents why it's so wrong. If you are so sure, go to /liberty/ now and show everyone how stupid they are. DO IT
Also please tell me what people doing a fucking survey have to gain by skewing the results without resorting to
Of those 3, only Weinberg is the hebrew one. Dumbass. Still doesn't prove you correct.
Fuck you, it's the jewish conspiracy.
They want you to think that bobo the negro is the same as everyone else to promote irrelevant shiting and m-muh diverse multicultural society.
You're the nigger saying they're not jewish. Prove it then. Don't push the burden of proof on me.
Wait, if I say ra cemixing they will censor it to irrelevant shit? HAHAHAHAH irrelevant shit irrelevant shit irrelevant shit irrelevant shit irrelevant shit
Your the one saying the sky isn't green. Prove it then. Don't push the burden of proof on me.
This guy is throwing a tantrum
How is libertarian socialism still a thing?
Fuck you nigger, sometimes even communists must concede that they need to prove a point if their rhetoric circles around that argument.
Your argument against the racial IQ test is that irrelevant (((people))) said it wasn't so.
I said they were jews considering they all have jewish names.
I don't give a flying fuck if you think that race doesn't exist, but because a couple of greasy jews convinced you that a scientific study is wrong, then I think it's time to take a good hard look at yourself in the fucking mirror.
You're greasy
You're being just as silly if you're not having fun or going full sage.
Why are you wasting precious time smashing the patriarchy by talking to me?
Why are you throwing a tantrum then fam
I'm not sure i can trust (((Holla Forums))) when it comes to Jewish conspiracies
You didn't sage, you fucking hypocrite.
And you're a chubby gremlin lady who has blood on her fingers considering
Yes because a single jew criticizing the study managed to make it past hundreds of thousands of researches in the exact same field who also do the same research. Clearly anyone can infiltrate and falsify data undetected. Because, like, THE JEWS are just so…so sneaky…
Race is irrelevant if there are white people who are less intelligent than black people. Your "bell curve graphs" admit this. What matters is education, retard. If you were living in white ghetto, you wouldn't be saying the same.
Keep whining.
Well, fuck me.
I am now looking at two comments made by actual people who thinks that Bobo the negro is the same as a white man.
This is why I love making fun of you guys. hahahahaha
someone's angry
We know you've got a cuckporn fetish. Get out if all you've got is butthurt. I'm having some fun here.
Are you at least a 7.5?
Why are you pathetic and ugly? hahahaha
I mean, surely you are very disgusting-looking if you think Bobo the negro is the same as you.
White supremacist must not have accomplished very much.
Ain't got a dick. Can't believe I ain't dishing out sandwiches for idpol-shilling wife-beaters who sperged too hard on /r9k/.
You haven't given any proof there are inherent racial IQ differences. Stay mad Holla Forumsyp.
We're trying to, but you guys are making it really hard!
We are considering getting into buying some helicopters for Pinochet fun-hour though. It might sort some things out.
You sound like a lesbian
Look at any statistics you stupid nigger. hahahaha
You'll just deflect it as "social circumstance", even though niggers in the US commit just as much crime as somalis in the UK
Not an argument.
Not the same, but the cases of health or intellect can be solved with something called technology. I don't know why you fascists don't get the transhumanist argument.
…because of a lack of education in the ghettoes. Your move.
What statistics?
Why is Holla Forums so retarded?
Well? Got a problem with dykes? Or are you just gonna whine to Hitler and watch him pull out his penis like a good boy?
Have you considered that businesses do not want to stay at the ghetthoes because of the inherent criminal nature of the nigger?
You dumb niggers are truly forgetful
Already discredited. Got anything else that actually proves anything?
How has it been discredited?
So we aren't going to consider the circumstances? Political and economic factors?
Why are stormfags so simple minded
Yeah, they're ugly, fat, whiney degenerates who became lesbos because no guy would fuck them
Yup, you're a shill or a troll. Thanks for proving our points about you. Go home.
You dumb Holla Forumsniggers are so forgetful
You wouldn't happen to have any fantasies of sexually dominating men, would you?
Yeah fock da pooleese man 13 % of the population 50% of the crime ya man fock da pooleese mange fock da pooleseee
How has the "interpretations" section discredited the study?
I don't give a shit. Men are people; so are women.
10/10 best argument
Jk kill yourself.
communist rhetoric stops at a halt as the confused dyke bleeds out another abortion baby as the fingers her shriveled vagina
Soros benefits from a state, and private property, both of which still exist in a welfare state.
Arguments faggot, do you have any?
Are you so desperate for arguments that you out shit like this out.
Again, how come American blacks have the same crime rate as Somalis do in the UK? Or any other african monkey group in any European country?
Surely American blacks aren't this nigger. OH WAIT
Oh man. Do you idiots know what a "confounding variable" even is?
…but for Holla Forumslacks, there is an assumed history. It's one from the from the fantasies of a retarded idealist.
Ignoring the point != being disagreed with. Not an argument.
I'm asking you to give me the quote or anything that discredited the study. Please, I'd love for you to prove it without telling me to read Karl Marx' full works in the end.
Haven't you figured this out already? Sage the thread; it's worthless other than for fun.
Let me hammer this again:
u dum cracka
How come poor white ghettos have much less crime rate than nigger ghettos?
Evidence of this?
because black majority areas are frequently over-policed.
It's in the wikipedia link under Interpretations. Interpretation of data is a scientific metholodogy, it doesn't mean "revise the data however I want it" it means "study the data and draw conclusions." Your knowledge of terminology as well as the scientific method is infantile as your ability to grasp this basic subject.
It's the same as a test in highschool asking you to "interpret" a graph, you're not going to get it correct by concluding whatever you want, there is a correct answer. (and no it's not MUH JEWZ!!!11!!!) Again, you have no grasp on terminology.
Nigger, I'm from that region. Half the people have a still and the other half have a meth lab. Drug addiction and alcoholism is rampant.
Oh really?
I was only asking out because that's one of my fetishes, but whatever
You didn't prove your point, good job nigger
You know, environnment don't exlusvely money right?
Oh and also there is even a cultural factor for which niggers are responsible:
But yeah, of course it can only be DNA.
Shit tier.
All men commit violence disproportionately therefore discriminate against all men.
Under the logic of this dumb shit
You're fucking retarded and not even arguing at this point. For sage.
Funny how everything a nigger touches seems to turn to shit, much like King Midas turned everything to gold.
see: Zimbabwe and Southern Africa
Funny how everything a man touches seems to turn to shit
You didn't have a point though, your only argument was that I was dumb.
Daddy should have beat you.
Oh boy I knew this would come up. The reason for that is because decolonisation was a fucking shit show.
Also, a stomfag cries every time you mention Rhodesia.
Oh my…
Need a pacifier?
Whites were physically removed from their farms and Zimbabwe started starving because niggers were lazy and didn't want to work the farms.
Nigger nationalism at that, considering niggers had a much higher standard of living during apartheid than they do now under their nigger overlords.
Wrong. Mugabe and co were fucking idiots regardless of their race.
All men commit violence disproportionately therefore discriminate against all men.
This thread went to shit way too fast. It's like everything pol touches turns to shit.
Is there a difference? Nationalism ruins regardless of race. You're looking at your ideology in practice and complaining. It'd be even worse considering how terribly read the average white nationalist keyboard jockey currently is.
Evola, as much as I hate the man, rightly hated the direction far right nationalism was headed. You're all brain dead and unaesthetic weak monkeys, full of hypocrisy and double standard. You represent the right like termites represent good property value.
It seems that every decolonized country turned to shit because of "isolated incidents" regarding the new overlords.
Something tells me that maybe, just maybe, if the country was white or asian, everything would have been fine after decolonization.
Weird how if you put a nigger with an average IQ of 80 in a leader position, they seem to mess up??
Because German nationalism, Japanese nationalism and Italian Nationalism ended so well…
I love your communist prospect of things
Islam kills faggots > RELIGION IS BAD!
Niggers ruin their own country > NATIONALISM IS BAD!
Sandniggers rape and sexually assault women > MEN ARE BAD!
this has literally nothing to do with the point i made here
over-policed as in they are arrested at disproportionately higher rates than the amount of crime they commit.
Also, you're own fucking chart proves Holla Forums is wrong. Blacks make up 1/3 of the people killed by police but they're less than a third of the total U.S. population.
just kill yourself now to save us all from further embarrassment.
We hate Islam for different reasons than Stormfags.
If this is the case everything accomplished by Holla Forums will fail for being no better read than African nationalism.
Which mind you was funded heavily during the Cold War.
That's more like your logic.
Yeah, nationalism was a mistake! OPEN BORDERS!
Putting ANYONEA who's greedy and stupid in a position of power ends poorly (see Mussolini)
And once again.mjad the European governments not just fucked off and let the former colonies rot then things would have been different.
I wouldn't assume monkeys were good at holding together a country, why would they? They just want their bananas
Nice strawman
Don't agree with open borders under capitalism. *Yawn*
Well you're not wrong
colonialism in Asia was different from that in Africa.
Also basing your whole world view on "niggers being x" and Jewish conspiracy oppressing you is fucking retarded, it's you who is the sub 80 IQ retard that can't even fathom the most basic social distinction and use statistics like it came from the mouth of God.
Can mods just delete this thread? I'm getting second-hand embarrassment reading this shit.
Well it was good chatting with you pathetic losers, but now I'm going to leave you.
God it feels good to win arguments online.
Speak for yourself, I'm having fun triggering the Holla Forumsyp. I'm sure he'll abandon thread soon when mom calls him out of the basement for dinner.
Oh wait, nevermind! Stormcucks don't like it!
Open borders are a porky idea. There wouldn't even need to be immigration if it weren't for wars and economic fuckery.
crypto-canadians? have you been huffing zyklon b?
Beating a mentally disabled conspiracy theorist in an argument is like beating a guy in a wheelchair at mountain climbing: it might seem fun to do, but its really just kinda sad to watch, especially if they think they're winning.
that dose'nt even add up to 100%
wheres the rest of the graph
To get back the thread on topic with that blithering retard gone, to answer OP's question in that Libertarianism doesn't really exist outside of America. Why Americans like it? One would have to go back and see the main ideology of the US which is the deification of the petit-bourgeois enterprises and small store/land owners of pre-industrial America. Also to large degree Cold War propaganda in fears that Social Democracy and Welfare states were to closely aligned with Socialism economically.
Take Germany for instance, in Western Germany during the post war restoration what was essentially termed "Ordoliberalism " was the effective state and legal management in order to ensure that the sate functions. In this case each state institution forms a macroeconomic management to ensure steady employment and profit. To a huge extent Germany today is an economic superpower because the industrial trade unions formed a steady pact with the state, the capitalists and the workers that the free market will only exist as long as a fiscal policy is beneficiary to the workers and their employment opportunities (hence the many apprentice programs there).
Ordoliberalism and neo-liberalism are closely related but only marginally. Since neo-liberalism is a principle in maintaining free market competition and does not concern itself with economic planning other that privatization of public wealth. No sane nation ever in the history of Capitalism has adopted the principles outlined by Mises, Rothbard or Freidman since Capitalism can never function without an economic planning or state intervention at the fiscal level and would collapse in chaos.
the nazis had taxes to.
Also another aspect of American propaganda an ideology in that regard was the obsession that unregulated capital in itself could function competitively without direction could prove the superiority of American capitalism. The Americans not only followed that creed blindly, but even exported to other economies through the IMF, Bretton Woods, and the World Bank as well as with other think tanks. Of course they themselves never really followed the bullshit they propagated being an immense global empire and all and with the FED fixing rates every 5 years enabling them to print money uncontrollably, but they had no problem forcing countries like South Africa and South Korea to swallow the poisonous medicine they administered.
Here is a good documentary on this topic:
fuck yeah august land messer
I mean, you can do that, if that is actually what you truly enjoy I wont stop you. But while I like egotism, it isn't an ideological vaccination for idiocy, or shitty behavior.
I'm a right-wing libertard/minarchist but that pic made me kek.
"If you don't want to be whipped by masser, why don't you just go somewhere else"
"If you don't want to suffer under capitalism, why don't you just go somewhere else"
That's always been a shit argument tbqh famaloo.