Looking for something

I'm looking for the webm of that guy talking about 9/11 sarcastically saying that it's not a conspiracy and lists all the evidence for it being a conspiracy.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sounds like a psyop faggot. Anyone that dismisses strange political topics as "conspiracy theories" is not worth anyone's time.
t. Lefty

no he implies it is a conspiracy in a sarcastic way

What you mean 9/11 debunked in 5 minutes?
I don't have the web with me on this device sorry.

I love you user, if you need something like some nice nudes tell me


You mean dis?

yeah but other user already delivered

That's for later


Yes please.

He is so cute! I want to cum in his bum.

this is a good playlist on motherless

here some from a private stash girls send me

Thank you user.

No, thank you.

Here you go user-kun

I never understood why girls do that, i also noticed that it is mostly common in 'murica.

It really creep me the fuck out when a girl call me "daddy".
I have no urge to fuck my daughter.

Because American girls have daddy issues.

But why?!

Last pic is amazing.

Why is it so hard for you to believe a known terrorist organized fellow known terrorists, who had already bombed the tower before, attacked the towers again?

Conspiracy cucks are worse than boomers, they cant even accept that your little bubble that is america is not impenetrable. stupid little baby faggots living in fantasy land.

Why is it so hard for people to believe the military industrial complex wanted a war in the middle east to demand funding and destroy anti-Israel countries, and George Bush gave them the war via a tower bombing?

used to be a model I went on some dates with, she liked me because I treated her like shit.

I'm looking for one webm of a motorcycle at nightfall crossing the desert.

I'm looking for one webm of a man making love with a woman in the missionary position.
Is it even possible this exists any more?