No Holla Forums board can ban me, I've got like 80 different free VPN servers I can use.
No Holla Forums board can ban me, I've got like 80 different free VPN servers I can use
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Hold up that off center is bugging me. there.
We can still hide your threads.
Your move, faggot.
[autism intensifies]
Shit son.
Would you believe that the largest gathering of Pedophiles are at one website? It’s called Hosted by Jim Watkins an American on the run (Tax Fraud) living in the Philippines, a well known haven for Pedophiles. Watkins also runs a “pig farm” in a remote location along with the website and N.T. Technology.
In order to make a proper and factually correct accusation, proof must be provided. The boards are not just some “MAP” discussion but actual promotion of pedophilia including rape and violence against children. Caution is advised as some of the following will likely cause emotional distress.
Holla Forums has 13 boards devoted to promoting pedophilia. Most of the time the posts skirt US law. With actual child pornography posted frequently until they are removed by moderators. In addition, Holla Forums also features 4 other boards promoting rape, snuff and beastiality.
8ch. net/younglove
Political and other discussions of how to as well as making it legal to rape your children
8ch. net/bl
Pics and fantasies of raping boys
8ch. net/tot
Grotesque board about raping and torturing toddlers
Here’s a sample that is by far the worst thing I’ve
ever seen on the internet.
Screenshot in case it’s taken down.
8ch. net/in
Celebration of incest
8ch. net/delicious
As in “cake” referring to pre-teen girls
8ch. net/loli
Cartoons featuring rape, murder and torture of children
8ch. net/creep
Stalkers or “Creepers” posting pics, creepy fantasies and personal info of young girls
taken from social media sites.
8ch. net/yg
As in “young”. Pedophiles posting pics of girls they wish to molest.
8ch. net/8teen
Pics of teens that mostly not 18+
8ch. net/ss
Adult women molesting young boys.
8ch. net/shota
Topic of Boys being raped by Adult men.
8ch. net/waifuist
Creepers posting pics and fantasies of pre-teen and tween girls.
8ch. net/b
A “random” board that tolerates frequent pedophile related postings.
And its users think a girl eating live mice is “pretty”.
8ch. net/b/res/7763535.html
Other boards
8ch. net/rape
Pics, Vids and vulgar fantasies of rape, torture and murder of girls and women.
8ch. net/gore
Lunatics posting pics, vids and fantasies of death, torture and murder.
8ch. net/r73
Or “SnuffR73”
“Gore, sex, sadism, torture”. The mentally ill proclaiming death and torture pics as erotica.
8ch. net/zoo
Stomach wrenching board about rape and torture of Animals.
but you just posted so you support rape
This tbh
The girl eating mice was funny. And we don't 'tolerate' pedofucks, there's just nothing that can really be done about them on account of the nature of chans. If I had my way, we'd send them all to Jimbo's pig farm, and we'd get back to the mice-eating, horse-fapping 8ch that I know and love.
too bad halfchan kikes always wins as usual.
Spoken like a true piss-ocean pisser.
hiro is the worst nuisance ever
Come on in, the water is piss
Arrest all pedophiles worldwide.
along with jews and put in the gas chamber and then in the oven
And that's just the good part of what humans really are.
stay mad nigger. thats the most you can do
also loli and ss are legal in the united states as long as it's not 3D or otherwise indistinguishable as drawn art
I support free speech
Ironically that's the only thing your propaganda is fighting against
Leftypol is kikes all over, go mention jews, brigading/banning/deleting.
4chan admins are kikes
Fucking pathetic
you have about the same amount