Communism is so shit you can see it from space

Communism is so shit you can see it from space

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Is the sea communist?

Wake up, sheep.

Yeah, yeah, enjoy wasting you life on those shinny computers and mobile gadgets while smart people gets their dick wet instead.

And he wrote that from shiny computer or mobile gadget

You forgot the most important part of OP'S shitty propagandized post; Norks actually care about how their power is spent, so they turn their lights off at night. According to OP, who is a homosexual i might add, trade embargoes and tariffs have nothing to do with muh failed economic system.

That's right. Their economic system failed long before the trade embargoes started.

So why then are you so afraid of North Korea nuking you? Surely, a truly failed economic system would not be able to have nukes, or to hire fake citizens to pretend to be happy.
Cut the propaganda out of your brain or perish, capitalist.

It's called autism, seeing the world you don't understand

They have to be green I agree, being financially secure is too capitalist

They are financially secure. They're not rich, but they're steadily (key word; not exponentially) getting better standards of living. Too bad your tiny Amerimutt brain can't possibly understand the idea that profit =/= financial security.

They don't

Not American, I'm from one of the post soviet states and writings this from commieblock. Seeing westerners jumping on communism always kills a little piece inside me. Come live here for a year, it's not too difficult

NK isn't communism, its a monarchy

nothing is communism until it works, but no states works under communism, that means communism doesn't work


And how do the have all those things? Does it have anything to do with all the one sided grain deals and (((mutual aid))) given out by so called capitalist countries? Also, you're a fool to believe that North Korea is communist. The real term is unproductive economic system, not communism. In fact, that's what Karl marx wanted, he wanted wars over class so the poor and middle classes can steal rich people's wealth, all under the name of so called emancipation. Whether or not they actually earned that money legitimately or through hard work. Korea has money, it has private property, and it has state ownership of the means of production. In fact, I absolutely agree that all governments that were and are "communist" are not communist at all. What "communism" does is place all the property and wealth into a very small political elite and their subordinates. Communism is a huge scam because it always happens this way. I don't know how you can say this is "communism" when it meets the criteria for totalitarian state capitalism with "socialist" policies. If you were apart of say, the USSRs government I do wonder what you would be saying about the atrocious acts of Stalin or all the other leaders after him that purposefully sponsered genocide of christians, dissidents, and others deemed heretics by the bolshevists government, I do wonder.

But it doesn't tho.
He should have become NazBol sooner, and he should've promoted paganism while still attacking Abrahamist parasitism in his country. I don't think all the people deemed "kulaks" deserved it as they had valid complaints about the government, but Stalin did a lot to make the USSR a superpower. He wasn't the reason it failed by the way, i think Gorbechev was the one who killed the Soviet system via privatization.

NK is socialism, and monarchism is just as good at selecting leaders as any other system. I really don't understand why people complain about monarchism so much, there's no reason a royal family can't embrace socialism.

When you sleep, do you leave your lights on?


What about Brezhnev?

because that's a group with a special privilege which is also hierarchical

CGI is still CGI, even when NASA do it, user.

This is what happens when you are self-reliant, user, this is why capitalism demands global free trade to operate, because it is unsustainable, be ready for your bubble to burst and the CIA death squads to roll out on your home turf.

Can't wait for my dear leader to nuke America

From my authoritarian left point of view, that shit doesn't really matter.

Sure. I need to study USSR history a little more.

Auth left is still left
and no, imperialism isn't leftist either, Stalin.
You are a Nazi, user.

Is it true that north koreans believe that kim jong un has wizard powers and can turn rocks into grenades and shit?


America seriously has to be destroyed along with Israel

Is it true that USA elected an orange child rapist to represent their country and believe in a sky fairy who blesses them with school shootings?

dude that was a legit question no need to be such an asshat

Once Africa get their shit together, the USA-Russia alliance will erupt their contingency plan to cause WW3 in order to have slaves once the rubble sets, North Korea and China will be targeted, and Kim will destroy America in the process of USA's pathetic end-game of imperialism.

I doubt that all DPRK citizens believe in witchcraft.

I'm not an imperialist tho. I just appreciate authority more than you do.

Probably not, considering the fact that most North Korea news that actually reaches the MSM is heavily propagandized.

As a disgusting 56%er, I unironically wish I was a NK citizen so I could help grow food to keep my countrymen strong against Zionism.

I'm just predicting where you're gonna end up, I see people acting humble and in solidarity with the left then start their "NAZBOL GANG" shit and talk about siding with corporatists like Nazis. I'm just saying that a lot of auth lefts are larping and just have a fetish for power rather than philosophy or policy.

National Socialists aren't corporatists you massive faggot.

Of course they are, they combined many private businesses with the government in order to have maximal economic output. They ended unemployment by conscripting people to positions in every arm of their nation-state, which included slave labour of prisoners, they turned their empire into a corporation of war.

Well, i do have an immense nazbol meme collection. i'm too far left to ever truly sympathize with nazis. To say that nazis are socialist would be like saying sweden is communism. To be honest, i don't even know what ideology i'm closest to, so instead of explaining myself i'll just post some political compass shit. Pics related, is me.

but nazis opposed capitalism

Unironically this
Our best political dissident here in frogland made a trip to best Korea last september and the legends are true
It reminded him of his youth's switzerland in the 50s
The contrast with our decadent jewified empire was so great that when he came back he was depressed
(Alain Soral)

how did u post this?

Yeah, the liberal democratic globalist zionist capitalism that we still have today, corporations can be seized by the state for purposes other than to appeal to a consumer market.

Psychic powers from being so woke.


Never give up hope.
one day…

silly colonizer

Irrelevant!!! It's either you are for state ownership of all property/currency and with it it's genocidal measures against "it's own" population, or you are in opposition of these measures for quick and easy economic gain and are for private property (anti-govermental means of power) and economics that actually work whether or not we are talking about what makes a country "socialist" or "capitalist".

It is more complicated than political theory, there is a "pest" issue on planet earth, can we get rid of these freeloaders first and then talk politics.

We need more people like pics related if Africa is ever to prosper. Maybe Assad can pull through and eventually do something in Africa that'll bring socialism back.
Qaddafi was a hero, reading about his death actually made me somewhat emotional. His last words were to the rebels; "what did i ever do to you?". Why did that need to happen?

(((Bourgeois Illuminati Reptilians)))

Get the fuck out capitalist.

There is no god. We are in Hell.

Or what? You'll starve to death in protest?

The only people that get shit done in africa are europeans though

Europeans can't wipe their own asses anymore. Africa belongs to the Muslims and the Chinese.

Like all those white farmers in SA, right?

Underrated post


I'll bump my cock into the back of your mother's throat.

Libya before Qaddafi's death;
- education and medical treatment were free
- newlyweds recieved $50,000 USD from the government
- world's largest irrigation project (because desert)
- NO EXTERNAL DEBT, $150,000,000,000 USD reserves frozen globally
- petrol $0.14 P/litre
- having a home was considered a human right
- gender equality actually existed in Libya, a part of the Muslim world
- Human Development Index better than 2/3rds of the countries at the time
- people had enough food to actually subsist on
- privatized oil for some reason (that wasn't very socialist!)


Not him, but if I may interject. "Equality" isn't a term that has any feasable applications. It is a statement that is enherently contridictory simply for the fact that not everyone is equal in intelligence, physical ability, or creativety, etc. Now I have heard the argument that everyone is equal in at least the respect of opportunity. But this concept completely falls flat on itself when examining the fact that some people are born with mental disabilities and physical defects that makes it impossible to even try for certain opportunities. But, I agree with everything else you said and felt I had to say something about it.

equality typically means equal civil rights, so no discrimination under the law in particular towards someone's gender, in user's case.


this is true, is deluded. europe is about to experience societal collapse while the middle east and china pull through
Read nigga, read


This has to be the most jewish leftist trait. They sit around all day reading about muh theory and doing fuckall. They're like jews spending all day studying the talmud.

We call them niggers here, Holla Forums.

better than a jewish regime

"Lets light up everything 24/7, here is the bribe" every energy seller ever.

How much of a fucking moron are you?. I thought all of anticommunists are 12, but you must be around 9 to spew such bullshit.

This has to be as retarded as the time someone said that the shelves in the USSR were only empty because everyone already had what they wanted and never bought anything.

"North Korea has no lights at night because no one needs to see in all the great cities they totally have that totally aren't Potemkin villages! Comrade Kim has declared a strict seven o'clock bedtime for all the citizens of the great Workers' Paradise!"

North Korea never claimed to have humongous cities anywhere but Pyongyang and near the borders. Most of North Korea, same as most countries mind you, is rural areas and villages. They never claimed that their villages were megacities. What the fuck are you even suggesting?


So you're saying that a nation that in the last seventy years has failed to progress beyond a bunch of rural farming villages, despite being propped up by a superpower for almost half a century, possessing massive deposits of coal and rare earth materials (resources that are both very lucrative for exporting and are crucial for a number of industries), and having a sizeable population for its land area is a good model for other countries to base their economy and political system on?

I mean Christ, South Korea had roughly the same population, size, and culture as North Korea in 1950. Why is it that they're a first world industrial power while North Korea is, by your own admission, a bunch of rural farming villages with no economy to speak of? And that's ignoring the starvation.

Are you seriously going to claim that, through the glories of The One True Communism, North Korea has managed to find a way to have a stable and prosperous economy without using electricity? Because that's the level of delusion that I'm seeing ITT.

Ha ha yeah!

Did anyone say North Korea doesn't use electricity? They ration it. Do you know what rationing is? You dense motherfucker.

If OP's pics are any indication, the ration for your average North Korea citizen is zero.

I mean shit, I guess when you refer to shortages as "rationing", which is totally for the citizens' own good and not the result of chronic shortages at all, it's easy to explain away all your economic problems. I guess North Korea "rations" their bountiful harvests of food too, eh Comrade?

All this seems to be something leftists do a lot – replacing inconvenient truths with happy sounding euphemisms. I guess you need to keep the proles happy somehow…

Zero— at night.

So the Glorious Peoples' Republic has decided that no one needs electricity at night then?

I guess candlelight and horse-drawn carts add to the general vibe of "our entire country is nothing but a bunch of rural farming villages technologically trapped in the nineteenth century."

Look again at the satellite images. They direct most energy to the cities and cut it off where a lot of it isn't necessary.

You mean everywhere outside the capital, where all the government functionaries live?

Must be nice to be a citizen in the Glorious Juche and have the government unilaterally decide that providing basic amenities like electric power is "unnecessary" for such an unimportant pleb as yourself.

Do you really think that capitalist countries use electricity where it is "unnecessary"? That we just set up giant pillars covered in floodlights in the middle of nowhere and power them for shits and giggles? The reason all the other countries surrounding North Korea have so much noticeable electric power distribution is because they have functioning cities where people are allowed to have lighting at night and people own cars and drive along lit highways. North Korea, on the other hand, has no functional cities outside the capital, has chronic electricity shortages forcing 90% of its population to live without electric power because the government has deemed providing it "unnecessary," and has zero car ownership outside a few government elites. That is why it's so dark. Not because the North Koreans are so great at efficiency that they somehow manage to provide decent living conditions for 25 million people while shutting off their electricity every night because having electric power is "unnecessary."

Hence why North Korea is a bunch of rural villages with nineteenth century technology and living standards.




Only the red sea.