The right wing echo chamber needs to end
The right wing echo chamber needs to end
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Anything farther left, or more authoritarian than, ancaps is communism don't you know?
define echo chamber
People getting banned for shiting on Fascist snowflakes.
No. Fascism is left-wing. Those guys are badly-disguisef neocons.
Remove tumblr
can you even define that word?
Would you believe that the largest gathering of Pedophiles are at one website? It’s called Hosted by Jim Watkins an American on the run (Tax Fraud) living in the Philippines, a well known haven for Pedophiles. Watkins also runs a “pig farm” in a remote location along with the website and N.T. Technology.
In order to make a proper and factually correct accusation, proof must be provided. The boards are not just some “MAP” discussion but actual promotion of pedophilia including rape and violence against children. Caution is advised as some of the following will likely cause emotional distress.
Holla Forums has 13 boards devoted to promoting pedophilia. Most of the time the posts skirt US law. With actual child pornography posted frequently until they are removed by moderators. In addition, Holla Forums also features 4 other boards promoting rape, snuff and beastiality.
Political and other discussions of how to as well as making it legal to rape your children
Pics and fantasies of raping boys
Grotesque board about raping and torturing toddlers
Here’s a sample that is by far the worst thing I’ve
ever seen on the internet.
Screenshot in case it’s taken down.
Celebration of incest
As in “cake” referring to pre-teen girls
Cartoons featuring rape, murder and torture of children
Stalkers or “Creepers” posting pics, creepy fantasies and personal info of young girls
taken from social media sites.
As in “young”. Pedophiles posting pics of girls they wish to molest.
Pics of teens that mostly not 18+
Adult women molesting young boys.
Topic of Boys being raped by Adult men.
Creepers posting pics and fantasies of pre-teen and tween girls.
A “random” board that tolerates frequent pedophile related postings.
And its users think a girl eating live mice is “pretty”.
Other boards
Pics, Vids and vulgar fantasies of rape, torture and murder of girls and women.
Lunatics posting pics, vids and fantasies of death, torture and murder.
Or “SnuffR73”
“Gore, sex, sadism, torture”. The mentally ill proclaiming death and torture pics as erotica.
Stomach wrenching board about rape and torture of Animals.
How is it possible every leftard here is so retarded? We don't call you snowflakes for no reason. Calling us snowflakes back is no different from us calling you racists back, it makes no damn sense.
No one said Trump was a fascist you low IQ right wing subhuman.
lol it's a containment thread for leftards
Corporation under Fascism has a complete different meaning than corporation today. Back then corporation was just a group of people with similar interests, be it a group of people with the same job or a few companies in the same market.
Obvious bait thread, but it's annoying how lefties are welcome on pretty much every major website, yet they still insist on coming to the few places conservatives can talk politics without being banned. And then bitch about all the conservatives.
There's been studies showing the opposite as well. Typically leftists are more educated, not more intelligent. Also, other studies have shown right wing men are physically stronger than lefties, and right wing women more attractive.
Two twists of the truth don't make an argument faggot.
by Mussolini's standards the United States is a fascist country?
both of these "studies" are pseudoscience nonsense tbh
Last bastion of satire tbh.
Le enlightened centrist.
i'm not a centrist
i'm just pointing out flaws in an argument
Well, you posted, you kidfucker.
Honestly this. The entire fucking world is your hugbox, you collectivist, commie scumfucks.
Holla Forums is concrete proof that rightards are less intelligent than lefties. At least Holla Forums talks about people other than le jewz and hitler; I can't find a single Holla Forumstard who knows who Gramsci, Trotsky, Diogenes, Stirner, Epictetus, Kropotkin, Bakunin, or Makhno was.
All they wanna do is talk about le ancient worldwide jewish conspiracy or gultural margzizm :DDDDDD . Why can't those retards talk about actual philosophical concepts like negative utilitarianism, absurdism, kantian ethics, or mutualism for once? They'd probably just decry it as a jewish plot against the white man anyway, notwithstanding the fact that Holla Forums is full of spics who desperately wish they were white. Amerimutts.
Holla Forums is right, they dag so many truths your propagandist will never tell
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
Enough of brain power to understand Trotsky was no philosopher neither ancient
pick one
This, Holla Forums is good enough to understand where the word "racist" had came from
There's nothing intelligent about fantasising over a childish pipedream of a ideology that has never been properly implemented and has failed countless times it has ever been tried.
You are not being oppressed by a "ruling class"
The reason why you're such a loser in society it's not because people that are more successful than you oppressing you, it's because you lack the responsibility, common sense and intelligence to get yourself up in society and into the middle class.
communism is quintessentially the ideology for irresponsible losers that lack responsibility and Intelligence.
(((Holla Forums)))
Holla Forums can't understand school-level science. You know what they say about glass houses and rocks.
Because you don't want to. I doubt you'll find 5 people who never heard of that kike Trotsky. The anarkiddies may be less well-known since they're irrelevant, but Diogenes is someone anyone knows, even if only because of his barrel. And if you want to talk philosophy you go to where philosophers are serving burgers, just like if you want detailed lifting advice you go to /fit/ instead of Holla Forums.
The house is aflame and you want us to talk about what color to paint the living room. While we each have our preferences right now we don't care for the color since if we don't stop the fire the only thing we'll be able to paint will be ashes. And need I remind you that we don't need to fuck with every small detail of national socialism because it has a 100% success rate, while bolshevism has 0%.
This is what faith looks like.
great pictures, you've changed my mind and i'll definitely stop looking out for the interests of my own people first
What are you judging their success on? Their long term survival? Soviet russia outlasted Germany by a large amount of time, and the Marxist ideology was far more widespread than National Socialism's is, even reaching the tippy-top of society via "cultural marxism". Do you perhaps mean that National Socialism had more advanced economic policies? This doesn't seem logical either, considering that again the USSR outlasted them. To be fair, the Germans were surrounded on all sides by enemies (that they chose to make; instead of going for more peaceful approaches of expansion, they chose war more often than not.). Their economic system was more akin to a more chauvinistic, weaponized form of Social Democracy than Socialism, as they did allow private property, but that's okay because muh regulationism made it all work out :^)
Not him, but I'm still looking for a proper response to
No. I'm just saying that Hitler should have done more to salvage the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, for example. I wish the nazis won. They would've been a preferable world power than the capitalist shit we have now, and i'm saying that as a far-lefty.
Hitler offered multiple peace treaties and Churchill rejected them every time.
Churchill was a fascist faggot, i agree.
He was a Reactionary defender of Capitalist profit. Fascism historically defended the (((Capitalist and bourgeoisie))) classes via "Class Collaboration" but there is no reason for a Fascist government structure to always be used that way. We have an imperative to both gas the Jews and gut Porky, for our survival as a species and our moral ground.
Do you even lift, faggot?
Improvements on the lives of the people, science, technology, culture and economy. All done before the war and the starting point was a kike-controlled degenerate shithole.
That depends too much on others. As you know Germany was attacked by every other superpower and took down the two largest empires on the planet before finally succumbing, there was little they could've done to change the outcome.
Strangely enough, the Reich thought, if they were to fall, the Soviets would defeat the US as they were ruthless, which the US, being a democracy, couldn't afford to be (against their own; all allies were ruthless against illegal german prisoners after the war was officially over).
Churchill was a run-of-the-mill corrupt politician. He was capitalist, but that kind of lowlife would be a socialist in the USSR and a natsoc in Germany.
If you actually focus on the health of your country, social democracy can easily achieve the same things as pure socialism. Social democracy being a very similar system to Germany.
They could have become sustainable by implementing true Socialism and working with the USSR, too bad this would be impossible later in the war.
Except SuccDem tends to either wreck nations or render them limp-wristed beyond belief. Case in point - Brazil and Sweden.
Yes. Still, Germany had a sort of "we need private property for innovation. but roads, for example, are socialist." attitude.
That's some pretty gud bait.
Who was better off?
That question is all you need to answer to know where you stand.
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Where the fuck did I say I was a communist you absolute brainlet?
Holla Forums in a nutshell
The absolute state of Holla Forumsfags. Also how does this make a mixed-race crackhead like Hitler any more valid?
Gotta hand it to you there at least the USSR wasn't a cancerous war state that destroyed its citizens and claimed it was for the good of a race.
Classic copout
Never forget: Amerimutts aren't white.
This is a pretty good explanation of what /leftpol/ and goons actively try to do to Holla Forums. They want to try to subvert it to censor our opinions, or they want to flood it with drooling retards completely destroying the cohesion of the board and make it into the cancer known as 4/pol/ or worse. The fact remains, that /leftpol/ and cuckservatives can post nearly every corner of the internet, while Holla Forums cannot out of fear of censorship. I find it a little bit more than ironic that goons like Holla Forums or something awful in one ear preach free speech and in the other talk about destroying Holla Forums.
what opinions? you're just a trump shilling platform at this point. I used to respect Holla Forums more than Holla Forums but now that you unironically support a man who bombed syria and recognized jerusalem as Israel's capital, and now is pushing for gun control, I'd say Holla Forums is even more retarded than Holla Forums
Nah libertarian is the way to go
opinion discarded. Holla Forums is cancer of the brain and always has been. right now, it is limited to a tiny minority of retarded children. that should mean they are inoffensive fools, but excepting pedos, no other group has been so damaging to freedom of speech online
pic related
Libertarianism is the gold standard of politics.
this is a completely convoluted argument - these 2 groups practice free speech, they dont impede it - censorship is what the kikes and lefties do.
one minute of darkness will not make us blind, schlomo
didn't said you were a communist
I said the philosophy of communism retarded and childish just like you
nihilism is also retarded and childish
>>>Holla Forums you cancerous fascist fuck
Can't agree more that is why I told him to go too his containment board
Get the fuck out with your spooks
drumpf is hitler XD
comunism will win becasue it always wins XD
why are men touching my penis XDD
i pay corporations to have the ability to access the web but FUCK capitalism XDDDD
that's like saying someone who shoots up a school practices the 2nd amendment. especially when it comes to pedos.
t. kike
That's a way to view the world I suppose.
why would there be only that one difference, that doesn't make any sense unless you don't believe in evolution.
Africans have a unique place in the human world - in Africa, improving the conditions of people of their own race. There's no reason to hate them, it's just that everyone would be better off if we lived with people similar to ourselves.
Yeah, in the cotton fields
Isn't slavery how blacks got to America in the first place? Great idea, let's enslave them again!
why not take the cotton plants to Africa? That way you can enslave a whole fucking continent
I personally don't care much for trump tbh. But he is holding the fort against someone who would have been much worse than trump. If you give shills an inch, they'll take a mile. But, honestly, all this hysteria about "gun control" is unfounded tbh. Sure he's pushing to ban bumpfire stocks, but that doesn't mean he's anti gun. All bumpfire is good for is spraying down entire areas with bullets with no accuracy whatsoever. The fact you can bumpfire without them should tell you this law he's pushing is in name only. There were shootings so he reacted to it. It's all about geopolitics. And no, I'm not for le 4d chess I'm telling you what I see. I know this country can't be fixed with democracy and I know that trump sucks Jewish cock way too much (but so does every canditate for the presidency, because who has the money to fund the campaigns?!). I did not want to live under another Clinton presidency. And the fact that goons groups (trs, sa, Holla Forums, jidf, some Holla Forumsgoons, etc ect etc) want to shut down Holla Forums (or at the very least Holla Forums) should tell you what kind of position they are in. Tell me, what goon groups does Holla Forums have to deal with? Some food for thought?
Well in particular national socialism ones. And again Holla Forums does know what trump is.
How odd, I'm fairly liberal and I have become a secret fan of Trump. He says stupid things, but I think most of the decisions and things he prioritizes are either good ideas or point our politics in the proper direction.
Except for building a wall, he says Mexico will pay for a wall and it sounds the same way my parents said they would pay for my college; just hire more ICE agents and stop letting illegal immigrants get so cozy here.
Considering the cost, yes. Agents are a proactive and more cost effective solution.
A high number of agents can be gone at any president's whim, but a wall will still make it hard for beaners 50 years from now.
If America had a king I'd agree, but this wall will never be completed before we get a new president, and I doubt the next will approve of continuing to complete the failed project of the pres before him–this will be true regardless of if we get a Republican of Dem in office.
At best we will get 1/5 a wall that illegals just walk around or tunnel under. This partial project will either become an "artistic tourist attraction" covered with ironic graffiti, or it will be torn down by a left leaning gov while it's president poses during a photo-op holding a hammer after shaking hands with Mexico's gang installed puppet prez.
Plenty of gov agencies were created by prveious administrations, but more or less ignored by the following ones who might not have made the same choice. That's because so much of politics is about optics, and a giant wall is impossible to ignore whereas people will forget about ICE even if every now and then a news story pops up about them being to heavy handed.
Get new pictures, rightfag.
okay. heres a picture of (((you)))
Not him, but why do I need any new pics when I have a very new webm?
I like how half of the images on the good-looking 'then' side are just drawings.
They're the exact same thing just the modern leftists are taking their ideology to it's logical conclusion.
It would have never ended up an echo-chamber if libdicks weren't such little bitches who can't handle the banter.
Explain pol to me. How can you hate jews but at the same time support capitalism? And why is it that the poorest, and biggest losers always end up voting right wing parties? How much of a cuck can you be that you vote for a party that shits on you?
race is real and there are a total of 3 human races
skin tone dose not equal a race
ethnicity and culture is more powerful than race is as well
Holla Forums supports meritocracy.
jews do not practice capitalism, only neopotism. it doesn't matter if the system they are working in is capitalistic or communistic, jews will always enrich themselves at the expense of gentiles.
Gee I do wonder why…
I guess you'll never grow up or even leave your mom's basement
Simple: we don't. Trumpists probably do, but they don't hate jews or they wouldn't still love Trump now that the election is over.
If you who vote for a White-hating party don't know how do you expect me to?
What EXACTLY did Hitler mean by this?
While I'm not denying genetically distinct populations exist, your grouping in the picture is bad.
The most distant groups genetically are Africans and Australian aboriginals, and those are grouped under the same race in your picture.
Not to mention some groups are more genetically diverse compared to others, like sub-saharan africans
Get out of your circlejerk
It meant he didnt know what capitalism or bolshevism is
You first.
70+ years after their downfall, and people are still shitting themselves in fear over "nazis". You put a hammer and sickle in someones face, and then a swastika, the swastika always invokes more emotion.
"muh good intentions/good on paper bad in practice" faggotry is applied all the time when normies talk about communism. I've never heard a word of sympathy for "nazis" outside of the internet.
No Nazi party, no Hitler, no Nazis. And yet… Nazis.
people might make that mistake because categorising people into racial categories might have blurry lines and it might also be pretty arbitrary to do so but that dose not prove that races do not exist.
Wanna hear something crazy?
Hitler would've won the war if he abandoned support for private property. The United States would not exist if Hitler had moved slightly to the left.
Oh come on you're going too far. Those poor innocent pigs didn't do anything to warrant being compared to that fucking abomination.
yeah, why would a bunch of basement monkeys support meritocracy? You think the strong white man is going to carry you leeches around?
so they can get screwed even harder?
come on now, lil buddy.