sad images thread
Sad images thread
Maybe for you LOL!
that picture is more funny than sad.
I know OP's and most of you fuckers lives are not as bad as mine. At least you can live in this world or have lived. You have loved or have been out doing shit. You may have friends that actually want to help you or family that tried to support you. Point is you still have hope deep down to be happy. I'm just waiting now. I wan't to see how this depressive life plays out so in the afterlife i can say i stayed till the god damn end of this shitfest.
your own fault for being genetically inferior
Your right, As i said I'll die with my wealth and that will be it. I've seen 3DPD go with men with real genetic problems. I had a friend like that with a heart condition that he passed onto his kids. He came to me asking for 78k to help his kid out but like you i told him "you need to consider that this is how things are and if you cannot deal with it on your own then maybe it's for the best". After that we where not friends anymore but I basically told him what you told me. So I know something is wrong with me for attracting 3DPD. I accept that now, I just need to find a way to waste time until I die now.
Haha, funny user but at least that guy may be happy in his position in his life. I know you can relate to people like him. I can't even go that low to obtain happiness. Some people live for sex fetishes and some people keep going for basic things or likes. Wish i had that drive.
I live for what I love and specialize in
It's given me purpose ever since I was young
How can someone be this deluded
I'm glad for that then. You have found something for yourself, not everyone dose and most live in a lie. I used to have anger all the time and effected people in real life. Drove them down bad paths just to watch them destroy their lives. But they where not the best of people anyways. I don't want to go back tot hat because it dose not matter, they end up fucking up their lives without my help. Now I'm directionless.
I am christian.
Already had heart problems, girls are into me, but they just run away when they know that i am poor and i am not talking about cheating whores, all of them, you are lucky, you will never be forced to stay in front of a judge because a gf was mad because you didnt want to be a cuck, you dont know what in the fuck is waiting for others kids or knowing the feel of your kid being aborted because this is how women are. Get a poor mexican qt or a asian cock sleeve doing all papers first, you can also try talking with a ouple of poor lesbians or something like that if you are into law. Stop crying in the internet, at least you have money and you can live another day after using viagra.
At least you got to live life even if life is shit. I'm not apart of the normalfag world and have never been. But at least you feel accepted. You can reflect back and relate to most people, i cannot. For me' most people are nothing more then an object i can never relate to. I have no feeling anymore to my fellow men that suffer because I did not suffer in the same way they have. Sex is meaningless to me because women just want my wealth now. I've burnt myself out on porn and I will never support some chads leftovers. As i see it, unless chads kids kill their rostie mother and failed dad chad then they should off themselves also.
The only thing, ONLY one thing that keeps me going is when i talk to high wealth people, a lot are like myself. Non in the media spotlight but those with wealth behind the scene are like myself. Best we can think of is somehow making a world that people like myself and related can live in.
Even if you have alot of wealth it dose not mean shit if a 3DPD can fuck it up because of a cucked judge or christcucks. I'm always onthe attack now even with the old friends i have left. Always thinking about how i can get them into the lower level of life much like yourself. Because int his world it's all about a power gain now and nothing more. Wealth is power now and everyone is willing to whore themselves to the people who have it. Sickens me and makes me have zero respect for most of humanity.
First, i wish, second, its not people, its women, third, stop tipping your hat like vegans do when they talk about the evil of eating meat, it stopped being funny a decade ago.
Please tell me that was not this board….
What other board could it possibly be?
that image is disgusting, kys
Sweet Jesus, really???
Is this a competition for who gets the sadder birthday? I bet you got socks for presents.
I admit I liked Garfield when I was a kid. Now the only part I re-read from time to time is that sequence when the author snapped and posted this. Everybody was in shock, going for the funnies and ending up depressed instead.
I guess the real question is if the kangaroo would have swam out into the ocean had the photographer not approached it from behind. Interesting shots, nonetheless
Not that user, but money is nowhere as important as you think it is. Anyone with money but alone would, if it were possible, trade what they have for someone, but nobody would trade the other way around.
That's less sad and more cringey because I can only imagine how autistic that poster probably is
Guess I find it sad because I can relate to it
God bless his mom. Autistic boring ass kid.
2014 vs 2017
why is the 4th pic sad?
After years loorking in these stupid shitholes i found a man with some taste and lots of stupidity like me.
Cut these gay tumblr threads you goon
fuck off, not everything needs to be edgy, you're the cancer that's killing this board
is this thread derailed already?
Who imported those muslims? Who let them in? Capitalists, that's who.
I think you mean Marxists, sweetie.
the kid probably an heroed by now
still better than what you posted
o i c i forgot the topic
here, very sad image. the poignant dissonance between the post and the topic as a symptom of common user stupidity tears me up and causes me to repine for when Holla Forums wasnt full of retards
It is incredible how similar we are
won 2M in the crypto lottery but have nothing to spend it on, all my former hobbies stopped beeing fun for me and basically I am keeping my job to at least pretend I have a normal life. I also never felt like part of society and I have no idea why I am on this planet other than for eating fast food and candy and looking for feels on the internet. I wish I could be one of those druggie excenntrics who overdose and die while high in nirvana but sadly my drug is feels on the internet
I really feel bad for him because he seems like he has no awareness of the situation at all. I would have gone to his bday and invited him for mine if I were from US.
You thinking that was clever is sad.