What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


It was created.

(((Disney))) and Hirch rushing the ending. As well as Hirch being a fucking cockhead numale.

I don't know, I stopped watching after they killed that Video Game Waifu girl and acted like artificial intelligence and robot-waifus are evil and sexist or something.

Bro, she was yandere. It was the only way.

Kill yourself fag.

This thread, it's the damn third time, if not more.

Isn't this a template thread?

But they were right, waifushit is totally Cancer.

Characters that should have been developed better weren't and Disney cut this shit off at the knees, fucking up the flow of the story and forcing a weak resolution.

I like how they tried to portray her as evil and psychotic when she was just upset that the fat spic cheated on her with a landwhale womanchild.

3D landwhale detected

If Holla Forums cared about quality threads the mods would of already deleted the bee movie thread.

Okay, and have you reported the topic?

Alex Hirsch is a hack and an ultra liberal.

Because this didn't happen. Why does Alex Hirsch hate Pacifica so much?

Her family is rich therefore she must be a cunt.

No the mods are just lazy fucks that don't do their job. Then when they do, the shitposters gang up on them and cry "CENSORSHIP" over and over.

-Alex Hirsch

But Hirsch himself is a trustfund baby faggot with rich parents and all his friends are trustfuds though. Why is he such an hypocrite?

I kind of got the feeling that that was starting up, and planned to go pretty far in the third season, but then the third season never happened, so it got cut off.

Hirsch doesn't like Pacifica though. That episode wasn't written by him anyway.

He finds anything that is right of socialism fascist. Fuck, I used to like Alex and I even followed him on twitter but these past few months have been nothing but anti-right/trump posts.

whose cunny is tighter? pacifica, or mabel?

What universe am I in?

Clearly Candy. A shame that the only episode she was important was shit.

If he didn't like her, then why was she in the zodiac circle? He could have made literally anybody else who wasn't already in there the llama at any time.

she remembers me of Numbuh 3 from KND

same color clothing, hair, and asian too.

Wasn't the zodiac circle a red herring so Alex could prove how subversive he was?

Fucking hell user. If you're going to go out of your way to construe a sjw message from an episode that was clearly pandering to us you would probably have a fucking seizure if you watched an episode that actually did do that bullshit.

At least we got some spidergirl porn from that.

I guess that depends on what you thought it was going to be? It was a thing that they tried to beat Bill in the last episode, and it would have worked if the two old guys could quit bitching at each other for five minutes. Pacifica stood on the picture of the llama (alpaca?), in a circle of what were basically the core characters.

but it did have a message, said message was "stop being a sperg and try talking to a real girl every now and then fatso". needles to say, chan neets took it to heart.

What is the point in talking to girls if you already have a perfect virtual waifu?

Same reason Gideon and Robbie were. He doesn't neccesarily like her, but she's a core character all the same.

that you'll end up like Soos.

It was rushed. Nothing will convince me that Bill was meant to be the main Antagonist.

Call me crazy but I definitely believed that the idea was that he was only a minor toady for the world ending abominations.

Sans that the explanations for the mysteries were too short and unsatisfying, many characters became obnoxious and the ending was rushed.

What's wrong with Soos?

Anywat, obviously Mabel. But Pacifica is more attractive and smells better (Mabel smells like a terrible mix of all kinds of sugar, candy and craft supllies)

He's a fat stupid ugly sperg. And he's a spic too.

I don't have the page but according to Journal 3 Bill was just upset at his family or some similar shit all along.

Gosh Holla Forums couldn't you have come up with a better OP than your regular shitty template threads you spam back on your home board?

I saw an interview where Hirsch said that Soos is based on real guy he knew in college, who was actually nicknamed Soos.

I vaguely remember hearing somewhere that Pacifica was supposed to get a whole arc about not being a bitch that wound up not happening because the series lost a season from the original plan.

lol you post on a board for two dead mediums.

Hey Truthseeker

Shit thread, but nothing. Only bad thing about it was how rushed the ending was.

That's retarded, I hate the "pandering" bullshit in these kind of shows, because in one hand you have
But on the other hand you have
You can really try your hardest to find any kind of meesages that fit your point of view or try to make an enemy out of it, it really doesn't matter, it's too vague to have any kind of lesson or point, other than "don't be stupid".

Not everyone is a weeabo, if anything it was preventing kids to not form emotional atachments to fake Anime girls and to bond with real women, there is nothing SJW with it, it was not even about waifus or VN/ Dating Sims being Mysoginistic.

Don't forget to sage and report the thread as a template trash.


Why the hell would you want to bond with real women?

Bond 2 Bone, Anime boy.

Bond 2 Bone

I don't want to have sex with a real women though.

You can just pay a prostitute. Not to mention that having to go through friendship bullshit just to fuck is pathetic and there's a high chance it won't ever happen, specially if you're ugly, which is highly probable.

Daily reminder that sticking to 2D is a victory over the jews. They lose if there's no one for them to control except themselves.ç

My bad, dubdubs.

What the hell is with all the Holla Forums shitposting lately?

Seriously, what?

Just report and email to Beyonder, they've been lazy these last couple of days.

And sticking to 2D is a victory for the Japanese flavored Jew, is not just about fitting in,
Having imaginary girlfriends is a sure sign that your mental health is deteriorating.

People will look at you as a mad man, you wont even be able to hold a good Job.

Besides that Mabel was an hypocrite during that episode and actively punished Dipper for trying to get some confidence, and the execution was way too botched to make sense of the moral as in I could never believe the girls would be emotionally hurt for Dipper interacting after talking for 15 minutes to each one.
Also called perfectly positive interactions as jerkish for daring to put your feelings over everyone else's.
Besides the episode was just flatout unfunny.

Even though Pacifica is more developed than Mabel I bet is Mabel who ends with the cow tits.
Mabel is going to turn 18 this year.
Damn shame

So? Who cares about what the neighbors think? There are no good women left in the world, nothing more than brainless sluts. At least waifus can love you and have personalities. Something modern women are unable to do.

what pill is this?

Some Anime supremacist pill bro, buy a headset to be with your Anime/manga/Jrpg/VN babe - kind of pill.

I call it, "mai pill"

Quads of truth.

If they refuse to die, you can die just to spite them.

What's exactly the drama between Holla Forums and Holla Forums?

Having a real girlfriend and kids can deteriorate your mental health just as quickly, and there's no fix. With an imaginary girlfriend you can just turn off your PC and walk outside, with a wife and children, best case scenario is divorce, and that's bad enough considering alimony.
I'm proof of the contrary. Unless you're an sperg that wears anime t-shirts, then you're safe. There's a reason why pedophiles can blend in society, because they don't go around saying they want to fuck children. Same with weebos, smart ones, at least.

I'm not arguing whether or not the writing of the episode was good, I'm arguing that there's no hidden message or pandering there.
user, you're not Chad, stop pretending.

It's the best pill, though.

Holla Forums has been compromised by literal goons since September 2016. Many of the shitposters there come here and spam shit. One shitposter got so angry he threw a fit and posted a thread on Holla Forums declaring war on Holla Forums after we laughed at him.

How exactly did the goons take over Holla Forums?

Mods went postal and opened the floodgates, they even changed the board header just to get them to come. Before then it was pretty decent but after September its became Holla Forums with a title in name only.

You're one of those fags that wants Holla Forums to take it's subject seriously aren't you?

There's a difference between being Holla Forums and a actual decent board that actually stays on topic more than 25% of the time.

So you want it to be too serious.

uhh sounds boring tbh

What type of response is that?

Not the same guy but I would like that for once we could talk straight about a movie and not if the protagonist has a jew relative three generations back thus leaving the movie irredimable.
You know, like cinematography, scriptwritting, directing. The movies and shows themselves, not if some guy used to make cuck porn.
Holla Forums=/bpol/

More like /intv/, only obnoxious goons are dumb enough to take the garbage of other boards and pervert it to 11.

Please, waifufags are a bunch of hypocrites, if someone mentions they really like a cartoon girl you gang upon him but may God forbid someone insults your Anime babes.

Hey Hijink

Those are puritan fags. A Waifu can be anything in 2D, and specially anything that isn't 3D.

It should've been a mini-series like over the garden wall

Apparently the original idea for Bill was meant to be more an annoying imp type who does weird magic shit and rambles on about conspiracies. (Reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold byyye!)

That the show was a season too short is probably key to it. Apparently, oddly enough, Disney loved it and wanted another season, but Hirsch overworked himself writing, directing AND voice acting all at once.

The Giffany episode was pretty heavily reworked from its original idea (her original design is Bill-themed) and the probably overkill ending shows it.

Then again, I rather like how not every episode ends with the protagonists unambiguously having the moral high ground, and besides, an important lesson all young men must learn: never stick your dick in crazy.

But aren't we all a little crazy on here? A crazy chick sounds good for us tbh.

Pic related.

As somebody who's fucked a few crazy people, I've learned that I will probably regret having sex with anybody crazier than I am, and I will regret that more if I fail to use a condom. I think that's the longform version of that rule.

Fucking knew it.

In other words: Q, Trelane, Puck, Discord, Coyote, Raven, etc.
Normally I love the Trickster characters, but Bill's endless autistic screeching got on my nerves.

He still kinda had that though. So basically he is like every other insane topsy turvy character.

Holla Forums's about the same it's been since 2014. A whole lot of memeposting, punctuated by occasional movie talk when there's actually something worth discussing.


It would never have been enough to fill the hunger inside her.

You have to try, though. You could fit her in a backpack or even your phone and take her everywhere, disconnect yourself completely from the world and focus on her.


That was animated before 5NaF.
Like for a whole year.

He's a shitposter what did you expect?

Lil' Ivanka was never meant to be anything more than a Trump family effigy character. Alex calmed down briefly about "Drumpf XD" shit when Trump distanced himself from the birther thing and liberals backed off, but once Trump was running for president and looking like a front runner Republican, Alex quickly turned her and Preston back into the take-that characters they were originally envisioned as. If there had been a season 3, it would've only shit on the Trumpwests worse.

Not that I care, Padippica from the grand scheme of things was a pretty badly written pairing that came out of nowhere for the sake of one admittedly good episode.

Occam's razor.
He wanted to pair Dipper and Mabel and won't admit it
What was the point to make Pacifica 200% more sympathetic then she originally was then.

No, he clearly wants to watch his sister get fucked by other men.

He never strike me as a literal cuck, maybe a faggot who'll suck BBC but I bet he wants to fuck his sister.


I had a nightmare that Alex Hirsch died and everyone was crying except for Drumpf who used it as a ploy to say "He's a quitter" I woke up angry

Is not faggorty, is respect.

You know what's the saddest shit.
I bet there are liberals who aren't literally gay but would gladly suck a bbc out of "white guilt".

Are normies still mad at Trump?
Even here in Mexico the angry phonecalls were exposed as fake news.

Exposed as by mainstream media.


Second generation slaves could learn if taught by benevolent owners.
Slavery wasn't as bad as it is portrayed now, again, I'm against slavery because I refuse to treat living sentient beings as literal objects, same reason I refuse abortion but about 1% of the population were slave owners from which more than half didn't mistreated their slaves and those who did rarely did it for a racial reason and rather because they were assholes in general.
If slavery would've lasted another 80 years population would've realized how bad it was on their own and we would had made plans to educate them so they wouldn't become a social drag.

Wasn't there a bitch in Louisiana who mistreated her slaves so awfully badly the white folks lynched her?

Who is talking about education? you dont own a 7 foot tall orangu-man that can crush your skull with ease and that is desired by your woman, daugther and your little faggy boy.


user. Are you… projecting?


Am I the only one who saw the red circle around "Hooha?"


What about 9th generation?


They also can, but don't want to because they believe they don't need too because never get called wrong upon not doing so.
Most blacks live in liberal areas which don't call them out, the worse if one in a hundred niggers actually go try to better himself they get punished by the retarded community for race treason and then they go blame society.
If only slavery would've lasted 80 years more.

Alternatively, imagine if they had ended slavery in the 1790s when Ben Franklin wanted to, and the number of African-descent slaves in the US was small enough that they could have just sent them all back.

You mean like Liberia?

Most people have started getting over it a bit when in professional environments which is at least something, but the media is still in a frenzy over it.

Thing is it's hard to say if it's real that they've gotten over it or if they're just realizing that most people disagreed with them and are quieting down about it as a consequence. I'm tempted to say, based on how people are over social media, that they're just toning down their crazy while in public and then letting loose online.

Yeah, the American South is notorious for its liberal permissiveness.


The voice for the boy is kinds of jacked up. I watch five minutes and was jarred by the shittiness of the voice actor.

I really enjoyed the chaos in the last couple episodes, it reminded me of a candy-colored version of the eclipse in Berserk. Fuck the other characters though- especially Mabel, that selfish cunt.

You're thinking state level, when you should be thinking city level.

It's an easy mistake to make when every leftist in a position of power throws their weight around to speak on everyone else's behalf until firmly instructed to sit down and shut up.

Kill yourself OP

Just because communists have used slavery as an argument against capitalism (and continue to do so) doesn't mean it was a good thing. They are right about it.

It did nothing for our infrastructure, tarnished our reputation, and produced worthless racial strife. So a few rich people just made more money than if they had hired indentured servants instead. Some fucking prize… All in all, it never should have happened, everyone today should agree on this.




The pairing makes sense when you realize that there are no other compatible girls because they're all weird. Dipper and Pacifica are pretty level-headed in comparison to the characters.

But yea, this show was at its best when it's about mysteries and at the worst when it comes to romance.

Your shitty thread OP

hey reddit

hey iFunny

Well he has a right of free speech like any one of us.
And he uses it like shit.
How can someone do a show like gravity falls and be so misguided in real life.

Do normal people don't think ?
Do they just believe what they hear ?
Do they have any sense of critique ?

Voting for someone isn't something that is easy if you want to do it correctly.
And it's difficult to do it correctly when there is no transparency on the people who are presenting themselves.
Wikileaks solved that for Hillary but I would have wanted to know more about Trump.
It is even more difficult to vote for someone when all the medias are giving their fucking opinion all the time instead of just reporting the news.
The voting system is broken the best choice with the little information that we had was Trump.
I have no regret, I did what was best with the intel available.

abraham lincuck liberated the slaves. deserved to get shot and worse.

If you want a good read about "white guilt".
See what Eric Raymond wrote:

If you want a good read about "white guilt".
See what Eric Raymond wrote:

stop being retarded you got what you deserve
It was obvious how it would end since ONLY Microsoft has access to the database.

Normal people CRAVE social approval, this is why they are normies, if his teachers, quittances and colleges say that taking the NEGRO COCK up the BOY-HOLE is the smart and virtuoso thing to do, he ill do it due SOCIAL APPROVAL

You cant become a volunteer in a board made on purpose to kill cartoon discussion by weaboos, BUT only by pretending to be a weeabo yourself then you could infiltrate.

Alex Hirsch spent too many episodes over projecting his own insecurities into entire episodes and subplots. I don't mind an artist using what they know to put a piece of themselves into their art, but he overdid on too many occasions to let slide by unnoticed.

Dipper vs. Manliness was an obvious one in hindsight. It struck me as odd why a 12 year old boy would be obsessed with being overly manly instead of just dicking around and adventuring. Then the whole obsession of his around Wendy was wholely unnecessary and dragged on for way too long. Then the episode about Dipper getting shit on for hitting on multiple girls and ms. ching chong getting offended about him turning her down. Even though she didn't pay him a second glance before he started acting more confidently, and now he's the bad guy. God forbid a man reject a girl when the opposite happens all the time and no one bats an eyelash. Fuck that episode really pissed me off.

It came off as taking away from the real story going on, and it was disappointing to see Hirsch dump all his trouble with women and being an unmanly cunt onto a 12 year old character.

This thread

Any news on Alex's new show he's making for Fox?

His voice was based on David Lynch, oddly enough.

Adventure Time had many of the same issues with writers blatantly dumping their issues onto it.

I mean, it's not like that's a bad way of getting ideas, but there's a point where you have to have some payoff. Dipper nursing a crush forever is pretty realistic, but the ep where apparently showing interest in more than one girl is a mortal crime was pretty dumb.

Hell, Daria probably had the healthiest and most realistic take on teenage relationships; more often than not awkward and difficult for everyone involved, and even in the best case scenario insecurities, shyness and boundaries are going to cause issues, you just have to figure out for yourself how to handle things and expect to make a lot of mistakes along the way.


He's a Negrophile who watches real porn.

Even a Nigger like Muhammed Ali admitted how glad he was his ancestor got on that boat.



American Slavery were both boons for the Niggers.

hey reddit

let me bump this

I used to follow Alex and his sister on Twatter. Back when the show was in full swing he mostly just posted stuff about the show and it was fun to read. But then he started in with the whole "STOP DRUMPF #RESIST" bullshit that the rest of Hollywood started doing and I just couldn't fucking put up with it anymore. Like, once he didn't have Gravity Falls to work on anymore, Alex decided to let loose on all the political BS he'd been keeping his mouth shut about. He revealed that he basically viewed half the country and people like me as scum of the Earth. It's hard to just ignore that someone thinks you're an inherently bad person. I haven't heard anything about what his show on Fox is going to be about, but I'm pretty sure it's just going to be another Family Guy/American Dad-style show about a White US family with a stupid father, and that's the last fucking thing I want to see any more of.

Alex isn't doing fucking shit. He said he was gonna work with Nintendo on some gayass project, then something about a Sonic movie, then said he was gonna work with Roiland. And guess what? None of that shit happened. Eventually he just sucked it up and went back to doing Gravity Falls. He did the Book 3 thing, and the CYOA Book, and might get some comics going next year or so. He's trying really hard to not be stuck as the Gravity Falls guy, but can't, because he's a hack that had one good idea and he let go of it 'cause he couldn't be proffesional and just endure the pressure of actually having to work instead of just partying and shitposting on Twitter all day.

Majority of the black population in America is located in the South, which is hilarious conservative.
You're a fucking idiot…

You are still wrong

Prrrrrrretty much this.

Comparative to 99% of western stuff, it wasn't that bad. I don't remember any blatant libral agendas pandered. But then again, I haven't finished it yet.

Why? Why bump an awful thread just to agree with someone?

Reminder that this show was never planned to have a plot
The show was never supposed to be about an overarching mystery. It was supposed to be about two wacky kids fighting wacky monsters. Bill Cipher, the cryptograms, the journals, it was all an afterthought.
If you watch the pilot episode, you'll see that characters, the humor, everything is exactly the same, but all indications of a background lore are gone.


I forgot all about the circle.
Ha, to think it was over analyzed so much by fans and in the end it was never relevant to the plot.
Watching people decode those things was more fun than the actual show, looking back on it it was surprisingly a let down.

Having watched the Star vs season 2 finale, going back to the three parter series finale Gravity Falls had highlights how mediocre it ended in comparison. SvTFOE had great fight sequences, action, music, intertwined with moments of downtime with Star and Marco at their respective parties. Weird 1 2 and 3 were just a rollercoaster with faulty airbreaks, short fast paced shitty action sequences followed by long periods of dialogue and exposition, an ending that tried to be sentimental but just came off as insisting upon itself, a sacrifice that ended up not being too quickly (imagine if Lekmet disintegrated… then came back 2 minutes later).

Don't even need to go over the bullshit with Mabel's selfishness, Dipper being a beta cuck, the shipping that went nowhere, the character development that was retconned, they've been discussed to death by this board or Niggerwood's playpen too much already. But seeing how good (not even exactly great) SvTFOE's season 2 finale was made me reflect on what a mediocre and unsatisfying pile of rushed shit Gravity Falls series ending was.

Star vs is garbage compared to GF and a blatant libral propaganda. Fuck of with this shit.

Dude look at who made this shit.

it would be nice if the movie industry wasn't infested with progressive jews too
I like talking about film and comics once in a while too tbh but when sjw agenda gets pushed it's hard not to ignore it since it is ON TOPIC for why things are so shit


So, like Ladybug?

I stopped watching after lovegod. I miss anything good?


Just watch last episode (n°26).


It was a pretty good show, but…
1. They chickened out with the ending
2. Mabel never got her comeuppance
Those are the two biggest flaws for me


I don't think I can ever not love these

He asked David Lynch to do the voice originally. But Lynch doesn't associate with Semites.

Isn't that obvious?


Why is Holla Forums Always right, especially about people like (((Hirsch))?

forgot pic

