What's up, misogi-nerds?
Did you somehow manage to forget this amazing masterpiece made by yet another white guilt cucko. Now starring Moon Girl! Who we all remember from uhhh
Anyway, here you go!
please no
Why are you doing this? Don't you know you just push threads off the catalog so you can post this shit?
Worst trope ever.
Well? Let's get it over with.
I hope Trump really does become Hitler 2.0 for sole purpose of Marvel being seized by the Government and having its employees purged and replaced with true believers in the new order. That way someone could write a comic where Ms. Muslim is thrown in Guantanamo Bay and raped by the other inmates.
As always, marvel at the great art of Charretier, you go girl! Also, do notice the subtle and relatable writing where she doesn't know what landlines are! #relatable!
Now, I'm no science major, I only studied physics for two years in college, but even I'm impressed by how this GRRL genius turned the extremely weak static produced by clothes into a phone charger! WHOA! Unless of course, Jarvis is wearing a nylon-and-polyester suit. In that case I truly hope they document his arduous journey back to the the 1970s.
Oh unless you forgot, she's forming an all girl lab. What will be the odds that they're almost all varying shades of brown and varying levels of oppression?
What's stopping any of us doing that?
Sorry matey, my net's a bit wonky, so I might not be able to do this shit all at once.
I do it all for you user. Because I love you.
I can't draw, but I'd be happy to pen a script for a comic with Ms. Muslim getting her ass sent to GITMO.
Yah that's what your parents tell you, and it was lie then to.
It's interesting how comic writers seem to view a genius as someone who lays around in their room, eats unhealthy food, and is shockingly unaware of the world outside themselves. Amadeus Cho is written like this in the Asian Hulk series.
Doesn't have to be a comic. Just a very graphic and detailed written document will do.
Least Chulk has to eat foods with heavy calorie counts to keep his energy up. There's no excuse for this chick to do anything she does.
Phone taser, isn't it nifty? Runs on the pure clean energy of Mary Sue. Use the coupon at the back of the comic book for 25 cents off!
After a pinky promise with the 2 dimensional walking echo box, our heroine looks for the next womyn of color, who'll undoubtedly be a super genius somehow unnoticed by the hundreds of scholarship programs.
When did super hero comics become episodes of Lena Dunham's Girls? At least Girls is accurate in the fact that it portrays New York kikes and their worthless lives, not supposed "heroes"
Is it just me, or does the writer take the "cool science facts" from some knock off I fucking Love Science website? Could it be the reason for the pieces of general knowledge and science that accompany the dumb writing?
Also didn't I fucking call it? It's a disabled teenaged, beaner GRRL genius who somehow the comic equivalent of Buzzfeed and Huffpost haven't yet found to jizz all over.
Because for feminists heroes are just celebrities with superpowers.
Nothing more cancerous than that Big Bang Theory tier shit. Fuck, I really hate what has become of the world we live in. We allowed the plebs to take over, and they got their nasty pleb juice on everything.
Haha, take that you dumb misogi-nerds? Thinking of jacking your tiny wiener to this beautiful young womyn? Too bad, she doesn't care for you ICKY BOYS!!
Also, the smartest girl on the planet is somehow too dumb to grasp that something large is approaching and instead tries to imitate a spastic at our heroine.
…Oh God, now I understand tumblr's obsession with Loki. Girls never changed and became more masculine, they just turned boys stuff into fucking gossip magazines.
Wait, how does being a super genius work in the Marvel Universe? I swear that the new Iron Lady was diagnosed as one by a psychiatrist as a kid and even if that's just my mind playing tricks on me, shouldn't super-geniuses be coming from universities and stuff rather than all being mates of super heroes?
Actually, then again this is a universe where a 9 year old is apparently the smartest person in the world full stop despite never having any education beyond what you'd expect a normal 9 year old to have.. So I guess I should just accept that intelligence in the Marvel universe is completely arbitrary.
The rat, which identifies itself as a squirrel by storing its prey in its mouth, and not ripping it to pieces as soon as possible sneezes out the wasp, some magical maggufin which inexplicably leads her to Plot Device, plot twist/cliffhanger where her asian GRRL genius BFF is actually out of the red room for reasons people cannot comprehend or care about.
Then an interview from a couple of real scientist women, the single thing worth anything in this shitpile of a comic.
Don't forget to tune in for the next issue, where Wasp and Moon girl do….something.
The term supergenius is too abroad. You could just say that is just a superpower to manipulate reality to make it fit your bullshit ideas.
Thanks for tuning in, I hope your friday's as miserable as mine. If the snarks weren't up to your standard, I apologize, some day I'll reach Hellcat Storytimers level.
Why do you think all the comics writen by females are just about beating people with a different opinion and about going to drink some faggotry coffee?
This is like that Image comics bullshit where they have a long ass pretentious essay at the end of their comic.
I hate that comics, the medium for the masses, has become this self-serving liberal dreck.
I'll admit it's nice to see a teen genius using scrap metal/cast off for building materials compared to the I have access to every material or I can just create the material in my lab in the garden shed even though I have no money! type of fictional inventor.
I think that the only positive I can think of for this issue,
Could that be desperation this early on or just coinciding with MG's appearance in this issue?
Cue another "coffee break in a nearby diner" talk session between Wasp and MG after the next battle. Probably with donuts and milkshakes due to MG's young age instead of coffee. I mean they mention donuts on the intro page but they don't show up anywhere in this issue?
Because the entire world doesn't automatically acknowledge how awesome and cool you are there's a giant global conspiracy to keep you down. It has nothing to do with none of you making any kind of breakthrough or unique achievement.
People who live on such a planet of fear and self-imposed mediocrity must be so fucking sad.
Aka, what writer's wife's child learned in grade school last month. He could at least mention charges. And what is up with superheroes not trying to keep their identities secret?
This is literally the very first and easiest step. It motivates the rest of the process. You build things with a purpose in mind, for crying out loud. The hardest part is actually working within constraints of the project, most often costs and tech availability. I have yet to see a case where "what?" is more difficult than "how?"
Suuure. These hipsters really are disconnected from people who are not as well of as them. Out of all contact sports he went with one that is popular with rich kids. Why not go with something that would make more sense in the story, like hockey?
You are born as a genius and don't ever have to learn or work for anything. Things just come to you as you do them. It's all about being born special instead of work and effort.
My Wednesdays, circa 2009
My Wednesdays, CY+2
>download one I used to love but now hate, but, like an abused woman, I can't seem to leave it (hint: It's Amazing Spider-Man)
Think about how long it takes for a phone battery to charge while plugged into a fucking wall outlet. And compare it to how much work it takes to generate a tiny spark of static electricity.
If you ever wondered why any women weren't considered the smartest in the marvel universe this is it.
> If you ever wondered why any women weren't considered the smartest in the marvel universe this is it.
She is so fucking annoying, i can't stand her. The whole "this is so old and obsolete" "this man is so white and old", i guess they are trying to make her look cute but she acts like a fucking autistic.
Despite what the narrative says, they're not playing Lacrosse. They're playing street hockey, with a puck, skates and stick in
Compare that to the embed where they play without skates and a retarded net-stick and a ball. And no pads.
I guess in his search for diverse representation or whatever horse-shit, Jeremy Whitley was caught in a catch 22; inner-city kids play basketball, poor people play soccer, because both of these sports require no special equipment and usually there's public setups. However, both of these things are stereotypes.
So he has people who are ostensibly poor play one of the most expensive sports in terms of equipment.
Research is hard when you're writing I guess?
what makes it worse is that nearly all the new "Geniuses" are more intelligent then their predecessors, even though all they do is piggy back on their inventions instead of, oh I don't know, Making their own.
The media really doesn't help
I know some millennials can be utterly retarded, but surely even this numb cunt would know what a motherfucking phone looks like.
That sentence should be writ across the sky in letters crafted from the stars, themselves.
Why would anyone use of those when we now have mobile-phones that can do anything?
Washington Journal is hardly "the media".
They're obliged to take all callers, and not hang up as long as they don't swear on-air.
I…don't get it. Is this some kind of joke? A little play on "They're the smartest but really lacking in everything else" kinda deal? I honestly even doubt she invented anything on her own. And what's with all the women who aren't little girls being "quirky" and "Down to earth"? Why is the worlds smartest super hero not know basic scientific concepts? Why are all these diverse characters so offensively bland? WHY ARE ALL THESE SUPERHEROES UNAPOLOGETIC DYSFUNCTIONAL ASSHOLES?
I'm trying to wrap my head around how Marvel NOW can not only be objectively worse than DCyou but I honestly think it will only get worse because they just don't know when to quit.
Not because of sales [I think they honestly don't care much about that] but because the writers have an agenda to push. And they won't stop until the last pieces of their company burned to the ground and they're literally unhirable due to their shitty resume.
well to be fair user the work of many great scientists is built on the shoulders of giants. That said the comic is shit.
Is it really a stereotype for poor people playing soccer? I mean there's a reason why stereotypes exist.
There's so many things wrong with this comic I have no idea where to start. I'm not sure even Hellcat or Mockingbird fuck up on this level.
I remember that episode.
I don't believe it would be a stereotype, soccer just happens to be the world's most popular game played by poor or rich alike. It's also a very simple game equipment wise, two goals marked out of roughly equal size and a "ball" to kick around. And players don't need much muscle or mass unlike a game of "tackle" rugby, which skinny guys like myself avoided.
Fuck, when I was a kid at middle school we would set down out jandals/shoes as "goal posts" and play soccer (with a normal ball).
In my early years at high school I even played soccer with a regular sized plastic coke bottle cap as a ball on pavement.
Once saw a picture of kids in Africa playing soccer with a "ball" made out of plastic bags contained inside a net.
i wonder why they didn't call this comic 'the unbeatable wasp'?
I mean what do you need to play soccer:
What does the inner-city PR hermosa need to play "lacrosse":
Canuckfag here, the author somehow fucking up depicting of both of our national sports at the same time is some special nadir of retarded to me
The most fun part is, that kind of thing already exists. They use piezoelectric materials instead of static electricity (because trying to use static is retarded) and they're not all that good right now but you can get a shirt that'll charge your phone while it's in the pocket.
So she hasn't invented anything or done anything that would actually show that the character is intelligent. It's like they're deliberately setting up the reveal that she really was just an idiot the entire time or, more likely, the writers really are so fucking stupid that this is what they think being "smart" is like.
but girls can't play hockey
What are you talking about? Hockey's a big "girl's sport". They get to hit each other with sticks and don't have to worry about tackles getting awkward.
They don't use pads because nobody in the fucking world actually plays roller hockey (and only the leafs play ice hockey) but Marvel comics wouldn't know that because they think they're drawing lacrosse.
Whats her origin story this time?
What are trying to imply with the image?
Standard-issue Mary Sue who got the Black Widow regime where she worked in their science division and did-everything-her-father-did-but-better-when-she-was-just-a-kid.
Yet doesn't have any Russian accent to speak of, and has trashy dialogue.
i,e: Total fucking bullshit. Tge series is already cancer, but a good way to 180 this shit would be for some serious bad guys to find her friends through her publicly available identity and showing them all what super geniuses they are with a gold old-fashioned Columbining.
Fuck, the*, show and good*. You know what I meant.
Exactly what I said, there's too many things wrong with this book at once to actually try and address them all.
You fuck up Reed Richards' family, make Victor Von Doom think being Iron Man is somehow no longer beneath him, then kill Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Hank Pym, leaving a vacuum for tryhards like Jeremy Whitley to tell you - instead of showing you - what the all-new agents of GIARL can do.
To add more detail.
The only fucking way I could see this shit get redeemed slightly would be if the Russians really were bullshitting her about her origin (and mommy's alive somewhere) and thought maybe if you raise a child while telling them they are related to someone who's a genuis they could think of them seleves as a genuis too and then acheive great things.
That's my main problem with Marvel's list of genious. How the fuck a little cyild can be above the guy who created a portal to watch AND travel to differnt universes?
That was sarcasm, right?
The character is only as smart as the author is.
That explains a lot of how are Marvel characters nowadays
yeah,but no one said the person who built on someone else's discovery was smarter than the original person.
You messed up there.
For people picking apart Lacrosse vs Street Hockey, the sister is not referring to the game that was just played, she mentions a school team. So the butch sister probably plays street hockey to stay in shape for the lacrosse team. The real idiocy is that they somehow found enough girls for two teams (minus one because of the robot goalie). Anyway, wouldn't it be more girl power if she was playing with guys? And she's latina, why didn't she say "hermana" or something instead of "little sis"?
Why is Nadia so competent? She has the perfect origin story to be an autistic fish out of water. While I don't like it when it's milked constantly for low-brow slapstick (eg: Starfire in the Teen Titans cartoon), as long as the comedy is natural I can enjoy it.
How dare this piece of shit writer have a giant forced moon girl cameo and not give us the Killer Folk.
Also, calling it: Nadia's obsessed with freeing Ying for romantic reasons.
You're trying a little too hard user
In my experience of mixed school sports teams, for every jockette you can find, there's ten Heathers who will ignore the game and just stand in the middle of the playing field and talk to each other, skipping away from the ball if it comes near them.
Outside of school, of course they will laugh and spit on you if you ask them to play.
Is the artist of this comic an SJW? I notice she keeps doing work for SJW comics so it makes me wonder if she is one or is just a coincidence.
Killer Folk were too interesting to be in Moon Girl so they got unceremoniously written out and basically don't exist anymore. RIP Killer Folk, I'll never forget you: You were slightly not shit.
This is like that bitch in The Force Awakens who apparently lived on a deadly desert planet her whole life, scrapping by to survive, and yet acts like your typical Starbucks Barista.
Male feminists are all the fucking same. Horny little faggots trying to push off their sexual frustration as women's liberation.
You know, I really think this is a great social commentary. I mean, just think how many girls there are who build fucking goalie robots and shit in real life and the patriarchy just ignores them because they hate womyn XD
Well gosh-golly-gee. That sure is relevant to the number of female scientists for… some fucking reason. But man, it sure is a huge revelation that men are better fighters.
Reminder that this prepubescent dindu is supposed to be smarter than Doctor Doom, Reid Richards, Bruce Banner, and all the other super geniuses that can literally build gateways to hell and other insane shit.
What bothers me most is not that idea of thee being girl geniuses that have been over looked. Rather, it is the idea that all of these girl geniuses, once found, will be all sunshine and rainbows, who only want to be creative.
If Whitely has ANY sense what so ever, he will have one of these girl geniuses manipulate Nadia's good intentions in order to gain access to the resources she needs to build a doom's day devices and use it on GIRL for shits and giggles.
Wow, I don't know if I've ever heard a worse origin story.
She doesn't know what Harry Potter or Star Wars is, but she reads fanfiction on the internet. Her adventure is about gathering child "geniuses" who build useless robots and gadgets in their bedrooms instead of accomplishing things. Her battles are against a robot that she ignores because she's too busy fangirling over meeting Ms Muslim of all fucking people and a giant rat, which is over in two pages.
Every time you think "It can't get any worse" Marvel finds some writer that's up to the task of dragging the brand further into the mud.
Wait. Wait wait wait. WAIT.
MOON GIRL is the smartest person in the Marvel Universe? What the fuck happened to Val Richards?
Good looking guy who's a little bit hunky and a little bit gay-friend-from-high-school and you just got it, now?
Don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but the non-W.A.S.P. Wasp is actually Sabrina with a dye-job.
Shit I just realized the Wasp artist work is more like archie comics now.
>they could have had qualified freelancers make Energizer and Power Princess if they wanted a comic targeted at young girls
But user, no young Millennial girl would buy it
Yeah, it's not like girls today would be into girly stuff. They are all about political causes and not subscribing to gender norms.
So we have girls imitating guys, and guys imitating girls. Doesn't that cause a paradox?
The guy in the Jasmine costume looks like a muscular Spoony.
It's the nose isn't it? He's got nice tattoos.