It's happening

it's happening


Are there still even bronies? I would think that most of them kill themselves by now.

dat ass

Stop wanking to cartoon ponies.


I want to fuck that frog.

Hell yeah.


The show lost most of its popularity.
I'd say its peak was around 2012 or 2013, ever since then it's been dropping off.
I know a guy who was a brony a few years ago, he was a drawfag on /mlp/.
I like bringing it up to him every once in a while, he's embarrassed over the whole ordeal.


Daily reminder the brony shit was a form of shitposting until mentally unstable people started to think that anons actually liked the show since it was posted all the time and then latched on it

This reminds me of that one pasta where a MLP movie gets released and a bunch of bronies fap in a theater and scar a little girl for life.
I anticipate this happening irl.

Daily Reminder that

This is Kino

Holy shit, I thought I was the only one who remembered that.
Literally everyone that was part of the first wave of horsefuckers pre January-2011 are literal autists, or morons who have autistic friends. To this day, it is the one joke user tried that its audience didn't get and thought it was being serious.


Go have more white babbies or something.


It's trying hard to be early seasons Spongebob Squarepants. Really hard. It references itself over and over. It has atrocious 3D animations that do not fit a cartoon, that have never fit a cartoon. This tells me viewing it in 3D will be an advertized gimmick. The facial animations are disgusting, too.
It's corporate autofellatio.
Why is this abomination still going? It should have died after season 2, that's when any sliver of good writing went out of the window, and season 2 spread that thin already.


>season 2, that's when any sliver of good writing went out of the window
>he watch up til season 3


Just like /a/ and their obsession with cartoon children then. Wouldn't be surprised if they turn out to be the same people crossposting all over chans

The long tail filly and the BIG BLACK HOSS

Doo-dah! Doo-dah!

They fly the track and they both cut across
Oh! doo-dah day!