I'll probably be leaving France.
This 8 Mars, a law will pass that will set the AOC @ 15, which means no more pure quality PTP for me.
i'll have no reason to stay there anymore ;_;
Find me a place to go to
I'll probably be leaving France.
This 8 Mars, a law will pass that will set the AOC @ 15, which means no more pure quality PTP for me.
i'll have no reason to stay there anymore ;_;
Find me a place to go to
What is AOC?
What is PTP?
AOC = age of consent
PTP = prime teen pussy
come to america
What was the AOC before?
What was it before?
15 has been the age of consent in France since 1945, you fucking liar.
Are you from fucking 1944?
There wasn't one. Sex with a minor was considered sexual assault if the child consented and rape if the child did not. This triggered feminists with their retarded children cannot consent meme and France is now added to the list of cucked countries. Basically this only affects consenting adult-minor relationships by making them punished more severely while raping a minor will still be treated the same as it was.
It didn't work in the same way as age of consent laws in other countries you retard. Consensual sex with a minor under the age of 15 was classified as sexual assault and that allowed sentencing to be less severe allowing for a more rational legal system that punished based on severity of the crime not feminists' feelings.
i see, so op is just butthurt because they're trying to make sex with under 15yo auto-rape. before it was sexual assault unless they could prove it was rape.
t. pedo
I'm not butthurt cause I'm a pedo not a hebe so this makes no difference to me either way.
what's the difference between a rape sentence and a sexual assault sentence?
Gas yourself
oh right, too bad ebil feminists put an end to child fucking
sentence length
you could've pointed out that it does in fact make a difference since pedo and hebe both fall into the under 15 bracket but instead you get on your knees and sink your tongue in roastie feminist vagina.
Are you fellow frog?
Quite big.
so far sexual assault on a minor is max 5 years and few grands fine.
But in reality, it never go that far, prisons are full, even if it gets in court, you'll just get a fine and a slap on the wrist.
but most of the time it desn't even get there because nobody press charges and when they do most of the time the Police throw the case out the window because its not a serious crime and they have better things to do.
A consenting 14 yo getting crampie by her 20yo bf is not a threat to society, and they know that no judge will put him in jail.
However Rape is different, the sentence for rape is 15 years (plus the fact that it was on a minor will add you some more).
This is considered a serious crime, no cop will be able to sit on it and you won't be able to dodge jail, doesn't matter if the girl wants it or not
This board is dead
Oh, the irony.
So what do people in France think of this? Are they happy that "we're getting TOUGH ON CRIME"? Are they angry at the perception that American feminists are trying to dictate their laws? Are they apathetic? Is it a mixture of one or more of the above, or something else entirely?
That explains why you're an annoying whiny pedo.
You an arab?
they're angry at people who fuck children like all real people
French gave up about everything imo.
Are 17 year olds children to you? 16 year olds? 15? 14? Just wondering what it takes to be a real person in your eyes.
common sense
Stay mad, pedo.
The Age of Consent has been 15 in France since 1945. It literally is NOT a new law. Pay attention, Torfag.
So what, the government could pretty much do anything, then? Sad. Whatever happened to the Jacobins? France used to be hardcore as fuck.
So your feels, then.
certainly not your dick
That doesn't make any sense. Which is to be expected from people like you.
It does you just don't get it
Theres no common sense when it comes to this which is why countries can't agree on what the number is and you're afraid to even give a number at all.
it's common sense that there has to be a number
They're old and resigned, they just want to spend their last years in comfort
So the aoc being 7 in delaware once upon a time was perfectly fine because at least theres a number?
of course not lol, that's way too low. but you'd have to show me evidence that men fucking 7 year olds was accepted then, I doubt it.
I have a simple rule:
If you still live with your parents, you are a child. The number means nothing.
Then what number isn't way too low?
the aoc has been 15 since 1981 you moron
the new law will just make raping a kid an automatic "aggravated rape + child abuse", with the pedo having to prove the kid was not forced to escape the "aggravated rape" part, instead of the kid's family having to say kid was forced in addition to the automatic "child abuse" to have the pedo also be slapped with "aggravated rape"
14-16. What's your point? Abandon age limits for anything because there is never one perfect answer? No common sense just like I've said.
My point is that even the countries with aocs below 14 get along perfectly fine so you idea of the minimum age being 14 is bad and you should feel bad.
Stay mad faggot, or grow up and stop fantasizing about dating little girls.
Why fantasize when I live in a country where its legal and theres nothing you can do about it?
Must be some third world shithole, I don't even care what you do there
You don't have to live in sand nigger country to escape retarded aoc laws that call you a child rapist for having sex with biologically mature women. But by all means enjoy living in a place where you have to suppress your natural instincts to avoid being considered a sick fuck for finding a 17 year old physically attractive.
do you agree that a 7 year old is not biologically mature?
I never said they were but the age of consent isn't 7 anywhere in the US anymore.
get your ass to Mars, obviously
seriously though, what difference is this going to make to anything? Europeans tend do w/e the fuck they like anyway, cuck laws or no
But you understand that you need to draw a line somewhere between 7 and 17, because a 7 yo is certainly not biologically matury and a 17 yo is.
And having sex with either of them makes you just as much a child rapist as the other in the U.S
therein lies the problem. AOC should be at the average age virginity is lost within a given population
society doesn't give a shit about boys
Society doesn't give a shit about pedos and hebe fags, sorry bud.
I don't get why people bring out the "lol sand nigger country" argument when anyone can look at an AoC map of the world and see that the vast majority of it thinks the US is a bunch of cucks. It's almost as though feminists are too retarded to read a map.
Actually the US AoC varies by state. The "18+ only" meme was made by the feminist media. It goes as low as 16. Wanting someone under 18 is still taboo though, and if you travel to another state to have sex with a girl who's legal there but not in the state you came from, you can still be charged for it. Some women are even trying to get the AoC raised higher than 18. I'd think that would instantly cause everyone to realize that the real reason for the laws is female jealousy, but given how cucked and retarded burgerclaps are, it's anyone's guess.
People have been saying that for decades. "Oh it'll eventually get to a point of retardation so severe everyone will just wake up and everything will revert back to normal." We passed the point of retardation when the AoC was initially raised from 10-12 a hundred years ago. Then we passed it again with the Satanic day care hysteria. Then we passed it yet again when sentence lengths for CP were extended to the point you get as many years for it as you do for first degree murder.
I think a lot of people have woken up about this. I often take trips to various parts around the internet, and over the last 3-4 years I'm finding more and more sentiment in favor of laxer sex laws across the board, even on mainstream sites like YouTube and the comments sections of major news sites. But there are still many who drink the koolaid, and it's going to be hard to take it back from them. We should have had this many years ago, but the media only ever let Chris Hansen and his brigade of faggots have a say and disallowed dissidents from getting a chance to speak, so it was hard to get the truth out. Things could have been so much better if people started questioning the media much sooner.
The thing is, degenerates like you weren't a problem a hundred years ago. There were no sick losers exchanging terabytes of child porn, there were no 'Chad.J.84.'s knocking up one 13 yo after another. We live in different times, times in which kids must be protected from losers like you by law because communities can't do it anymore.
Nothing but hearsay, typical pedophile wishful thinking.
Age of Consent isn't just about sex, you know. It's also about legal contracts and things of the like.
Would you let a 9 year old sign a lease on an apartment?
the difference between a fine and more then a decade in jail. thats quite something.
obviously not, children aren't legally allowed to work presently. how would they pay their rent?
seriously though, why is sex treated like it's the same as signing a contract? it's a thing that two people do together and, done right, enjoy. it's more like going to a movie than signing a contract.
called it
You said 14-16 earlier in this thread. If I were to say that many Americans support that but are afraid to say so because of threats from the lynch mob, feminists would call that wishful pedo thinking.
You won't break any laws if you just fuck yourself.
I don't have a prime teen pussy
age of consent = sex
age of majority = legally binding contracts
Who the hell cares if they exchange pictures and videos? It's literally just that: pictures and videos. Chill the fuck out.
If we had more Chads these last few generations maybe Europe's reproductive rates wouldn't be so low they had to import so many immigrants.
It's a very minor change and we're still severely outnumbered.
The children depicted in these pictures and videos as well as their parents beg to differ.
Lol no, what we would need for that are traditional families, you know, with marriage and stuff. Not degenerate idiots like that guy who run around chasing 'ptp'. Fucking kek.
Hey Chad I finally got myself a JB girlfriend and she is beautiful and top-tier. Are you proud of me?
Not that minor. Granted, the change is larger in some communities than in others. People who are sick of feminist bullshit (and the tradthot bullshit on the right wing) are more open to listening to us than ever before. Some people will never be convinced, but they generally fall into one of those two categories, so fuck them.
I thought it was pre-teen pussy heh
They just say that because they want money. Some of them genuinely believe the feminist rhetoric. Some of them what they're really complaining about is the shame, which in turn is a byproduct of purity culture.
It would seem either solution would have the same intended result of increasing birth rates.
How's restoring traditional family values working out so far, Holla Forums brainwashed retard? Think we're going to see a return to the old ways within the next millennium?
You just went full retard. You never go full retard.
Or some of them are traumatized because some sick loser put his dick in their face and filmed it.
Yeah our society treats children with special respect and doesn't give a shit for how long you rot in prison for disrespecting their rights. Suck it up.
I prefer less children over more single moms.
Although I have fapped to 7 years old I think 9 is the best age. There's always going to be some maturing a bit before and a bit after that but 9 is a very good age. It also is the age of the prophet's wife so I like it for that reason too. 9 year olds make the best wives
Child porn doesn't mean she has to be 15 years old, you just picked that. I'm talking about real child porn, let's say with an 8 year old.
depends, how old you are and how illegal it is?
Hey the only problem I have with OP is he doesn't stick to just one woman. Burning through lolis is a crime. Just settle with your 9 year old waifu and stay with her rest of your life. That should be the contract. I don't want chad ruining so much potential wife material by fucking every last girl in his area before they even get to 15.
Uhhh do I get bonus points if it's illegal?
The age gap is 8 years.
If they can meet the requirements for it then sure. There were kids that ran businesses and did all kinds of "adult things" in the past. Our currently society intentionally retards and holds back kids.
I very much that even 1TB of child porn exists on the whole dark net.
I bet all the CP in the world only adds up to about 50 GB at most.
Single mothers get stuck with one child and then raise it terribly.
If you want high birthrates you need stable family arrangements.
If one man impregnates 14 women 1 times he's created a negative birthrate situation.
If one man impregnates one woman 14 times than he had exceeded replacement level birthrate by 7 times.
Nowadays we prefer them to visit school instead so they can actually become productive adults and not a burden on society like you.
Nice try faggot I see what you're doing there. You're trying to get us too tell how much there REALLY is.
Fuck off, FBI.
Uhhh you're an idiot who hasn't spend much time on tor if you are trying to imply they didn't like it. I can point you to communities on youtube of kids right now that trade nudes like crazy and little girls that love the attention of older men. Youtube is very pedo friendly btw and I'm pretty sure google employees support pedophilia.
That waifu won't stay 9, that's the problem when someone is attracted to a specific age.
It's the sacrifice we must make and if a fellow pedophile isn't willing to do it than he needs to be roped. Besides your 9 year old waifu can produce more 9 year old waifus for you.
I see people trading CP with gmail accounts all the time. Not just trading CP but producing it too.
Now you're advocating for incest, you degenerates know no limits. Fucking disgusting.
You must be a teacher who is mad that if children don't go to school you won't have harems of kids to fuck every year.
Incest is ok as long as you don't too it for too many generations in a row and you give the pillow to any children that turn out bad.
I'm ok with just enjoying my 9 year old waifu for however many years before he body is no longer that attractive or maybe just closing my eyes and imagining her as a little girl again.
Sex isn't that big of a deal I would think if you've had a decade or more of it already.
Is there a problem officer?
Fuck off he will make this place a caliphate to with his cuck nature
I'm not a pedophile, why on earth would I become a teacher?
Why on Earth would you send your child to a teacher?
Why not have the mother homeschool the children?
The world isn't perfect user.
Yeah but you still don't have to make those mistakes.
fuck yeah
so she's like 16 and you're 24, thats ok.
It start to get interesting at +10 years.
I knew a 42yo guy with a 16yo mistress, a real fucking legend !
you're just sad
Pic is OP.
Hell yeah I've got Chad's Seal of Approval then.
Oh, so you were talking about hurtcore? Because that's an entirely different conversation altogether.
I prefer more single moms over Sharia law.
I'm talking about some man performing sexual acts on a child, filming and sharing it.
Single moms are the reason why you get sharia law you nut.
I thought french like the hairy pussi anyway.
So you refuse to make a distinction between consensual and non-consensual sex with a child because that wouldn't be good for your pedophobic narrative. Got it.
Dude what? That's fucking retarded. Explain your reasoning.
No, because it's very easy to make children consent. It's so easy, even a retard like you can do it. That's why it's dangerous.
Single moms raise weak men, societies with weak men are easier to conquer.
A little girl isn't going to consent to sex with a greasy 60 year old unless he uses coercion or threatens her with violence, in which case it's not consent.
pic related
Wow, who do you think you can convince with arguments like this? Maybe a child, which would just prove my point.
It's commonly known, look up any studies on the effects of single motherhood.
It's just common sense, user. Would you want to have sex with someone you don't find attractive?
Okay apparently white children from single parent households are a horrifying 10 percent more likely to drop out of school. You can't be serious. Yeah okay buddy this is how the white race dies.
If I'm a child that doesn't know much about sex and the person is someone I know and trust, maybe.
You'd be grossed out, at least on some level, and the adult would be able to tell. If the adult took advantage of that trust then it's exploitation and it would be visible to any third party that the child is not really into it that way.
Not an argument. There isn't sufficient damning evidence for single motherhood to be worth giving a fuck about.
You are unironically retarded if you think anyone gives a fuck about what you want.
any south america country
Why ?
White girls only for me.
i'm not specifically looking for Aryan chicks, Mediterranean Caucasoid is the minimum.
well done, man. You've generated more salt than Mexico
the Mehicans are not happy
Must be a tumblr raid or somthing
The divorce rate is so high because people are getting married late. Marriages would be way more successful if the women were paired off while still girls to the husbands.
You seem to be retarded
Dumb fucking retard. A younger wife adapts to you much better than an older one.
"let's fuck kids" must be your answer to everything
When I was a kid I wanted to fuck older women all the time. Why would a girl not want to fuck an older man?
I thought you wanted to pair them off early to make them more submissive. Now you care what they want? Well all I can say tot that is I don't see little girls protesting against AoC, all I see is grown losers who try to match up with teens and children. Pure cringe.
It'd be nice to get liberals to stop abusing words. But they're liberals, so good luck with that.
CNN didn't cover it when there was a protest against them right outside their headquarters. The media won't cover anything that goes against their feminist narrative.
Liberals usually support all kinds of sexual deviance, I think you're backing the wrong horse here. They're on your side.
Liberals are massive hypocrites and have arguably been much more hostile to those who want the AoC lowered than any other political group. This is because of grown women's jealousy of teen girls' sexiness, and grown women tend to be liberals. All this anti-freedom "too immature to consent" nonsense came from liberal academics who want to control everyone and everything. If they had their way, they'd declare that you're too immature to own a gun if you disagree with them.
oh wow so now you're basically throwing in the towel going with hurr durr I outnumber you, aka bandwagon fallacy thanks for admitting you're wrong, feminist cuntlicker pussy bitch
Well that's just how it is, plain and simple. You basically believe there is going to be a law that allows you to fuck kids, and then if they didn't like it they have to sue you? Kek, you must be out of your mind or something. Again, society doesn't give a flying fuck about your fetishes, you better get over it.
so basically you're wrong and you admit it
pedophobic bigot smh
You you're so unbelievably dumb, I'm actually surprised.
You literally yourself admitted that you know you're wrong but you don't care because you're in the majority. Literally the definition of oppression and bigotry.
So what am I wrong about?
Pedos should burn
I want them more submissive but I'm also telling you a secret, *gasp*, that even the kids want to fuck. Did you not fap to porn when you were like 10 years old?