kids born in 2000 are soon to be legal adults
Lol oldfags
A disturbing, pertinent and astute observation OP. Nothing gets past you does it? (((datamining)))
There are people old enough to be grandparents posting on Holla Forums regularly.
6 months for me
yea, December for me
who fucking cares? (((datamining))) they're already here. you should be worried that millennials are going to be grandparents soon. shitty grandparents.
>1968 was 50 years ago
they're not on Holla Forums. i forget the board but there were a lot of grandpas there about some post drama.
People that never knew a pre-USA PATRIOT act world.
soon enough there will be people who never knew of a pre islamic europe
This shit almost scares me more than the post-9/11 kids. All I see in demographics, travel articles, news articles, is how Islam is an integral part of Europe and they all pretend it's always been this way. 10 years ago this shit was unheard of. What's even worse is Europeans themselves don't really seem to care other than the fringe groups actually trying to fight back. It just scares the fuck out of me because it shows HOW FAST an entire consensus of an entire continent can change
Dude, 40 is old enough to be a grandparent.
There are a LOT of people in their 40's posting on here. Not as many as in their teens, but fact is that I know at least 4 people in their 50's posting on here all the time!
No, the scary part is that the media can present to the world that the entire culture has changed when in fact it hasn't.
Are you European? (((datamining))) I always consider the fact most of it is just media bullshitting. If you are then thanks for re-assuring me
lol u fuckin grandpas
It's that way in every generation. They always think they're the first to see, do, experience everything. They're wrong.
40 is a little young to be a grandparent. I'm 45 and I could be a grandparent if my oldest child had a kid, but she's 19 and it would be stupid of her to have a kid.
The media has a funny way of changing the narrative. It's all perspective. It's also a matter of what you're personally looking at. For example, if you spend all day every day looking at nothing but Holla Forums (or Holla Forums), then your entire perspective of how the word is will be nothing but that.
Gotta learn to look at the entire forest and stop worrying so much about the trees.
why is Reeses the best goddamn candy AND cereal
I was born in 1974.
Any other Gen-Xfags here?
i'll be 29 in June. I could kill myself tbh.
What have you accomplished in those 29 years user?
I don't want to hear it. I turned 31 in January.
Don't answer that; there is no right answer.
I guess I'm officially an old fart now
pretty much nothing. i have no regrets though.
it's been 3 months since 2018 started, a small portion of them already are
2 months you imbecile
What a great year, 2000.
Like the trips year before it, 1999.
So cool. Much hope. Very new.
21st century hop.
Then it all went to shit.
I turn 25 this year.
You can soon fuck pussy that never even existed in the 20th century.
so you were 10 when 4chan became a site. YOU'RE NOT A OLDFAG YOU STUPID FAGGOT
I turn 53 in a few months
(((datamining))) thread
Wait… you guys weren't born in the 2000's? You disgusting Xers and millenials make me want to kms thanks to the future you gave us
turning 26 next month, feelsbadman.exe
Turning 27 in a week. Ready to die
It was hippie faggot boomers during the 60's, not us. The boomers still have institutional power even to this day.
I'll give you that the boomers fucked up my future but it's because of the Xers and Millenials that did nothing to stop or change it. Some nasty BS if you think none of you had anything to do with it.
I honestly believe this is the crappiest decade in human history
by the time genXers were old enough to gain positions in the government, it was already completely fucked. Most millennials aren't even in political positions that have any real power. The boomers need to die off before there can be any real change. and lets not forget the rich greedy kikes
17yr old boi here. Ima oldfag. Im from 14yr on boards. Ima olfdag. Send nudes
whoa duuuude
i'll turn 31 by the end of this month
Quit samefagging
Not really, but i didn't even notice the ID's were gone.
winfag lol