There can be only one

There can be only one

may it be Duncan MacLeod the Highlander

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this bitch is in heat


On another note I always thought this would be a good movie to reboot if you poured a bunch of money into choreography.

This is one of my favorite shows but there are some episodes where Duncan was completely 100% in the wrong

They've been trying. Vinnie Jones was set to be the Kurgan last I heard about it years ago. But if they ever manage it it's gonna suck. No Queen no Highlander.

So why exactly was it that they could fight anywhere but religious places of any religion?

Serious shit

It happened once…right before Pompeii exploded

There would probably be a car radio or a jukebox playing one Queen sound that you'd have to strain to hear.

Autistic honor.


Maybe they didn't die

Did anyone ever check up on the heads

They turn into lightning so I guess no

So how about that one highlander animu?
I hate to say it but I fucking hated the MC.

I never understood why they just kept killing each other instead of creating world secret cabal and ruling the world
I mean they were immortals and had whole ethernity to gain influence, why instead of that they just murdered each other?

The Jews beat them to it.

I don't care what anyone thinks. Show was top tier. Looking forward to eventual pozzed reboot with a woman lead dating a black guy.

Ha ha yes it will be crazy when that eventually happens some time in the far future

Most Immortals were billionaires Duncan had quite the fortune over the years however controlling the world might have been the prize to the gathering.

Immortals had the urge to challenge each other the duels is was just in them for some reason


Wasn't the prize is they turn mortal?

Wow, it's the same thing as losing.

I said think they never really bothered to tell us what the prize is

It's in the final scene of the first movie. He turns mortal but can read minds now to rule the world or some shit. It's dumb.

If so, why they were trying to grab your prize?

The prize was Dr. Pavelheer.


Didn't you watch the ending of the first movie?

It's implied that The Prize would be different for each immortal. Connor was tired, wanted to finally grow old and die like a normal man, and had some vague desire for the world to be better so he got mortality and some poorly defined ability to help people understand each other better or some shit.

I bet Duncans would be "To end the gathering"

When did Highlander get bad anyway? There were some episodes where Duncan was actually kinda wrong and took the fuckers head for no reason.

Was it maybe when he killed Ritche?

To be honest, immortality sounds like dogshit. I'm looking forward to death. I don't particularly want to die, but when it happens, it'll be grand. The best thing about being alive is the knowledge that it'll be over some day.

I sexually identify with this

It is time.

That's the exact point it went to shit. Shame because it was a great cliffhanger but the next season ruined everything.

