Why are you deleting my threads? (((datamining)))
Why are you deleting my threads? (((datamining)))
Other urls found in this thread:
Cause you won't stop picking at your fucking forehead dumb cunt.
Because your face is worse than CP. It should be illegal, but it isn't.
Ey ¿ waiiii!
Also because no one likes her except for poo's. She won't take advice, and she only listens to responses that are basically catcalls to her. She says the same shit and you can't have a meaningful conversation with her.
I try taking advice and talk but shit is going down rn
Pose like this with a nice cup, IT will be funny. Nothing lewd, I think we are all sick of that TBH. Also, I'm sick of giving advice to people who don't listen so keep hitting your head on the wall and wondering why nothing turns out the way you want it.
Also my father claims that the cops translate and read these threads out to him lol
I'm listening to your advice and obeying my parents
Somebody should upload some CP for the Greek cops watching this thread. Imagine how bored they must be trying to jack off to Roz. No offense, Roz.
Good, then once you go and get an education then you will have the ability to start your own life. How you where planning to do it before was dumb and would not last. Glad to hear that maybe you are growing a brain.
But it's not fully about listening as in not thinking for your self but considering their advice then thinking it over to understand why they have told you this. You will have control of your life in the future that's a fact but you where causing problems for to many people around you not just yourself.
Glownniggers should get out. Also I think Greece only has like 4 cops or they never get outside for a walk. They should get some sun, or maybe they are afraid of browning thus looking like turks.
*posts tara* goyz I found rozelli'z cp
Well it's still cucking and you haven't seen the last of me but hey free tuition
This is not how you build trust dipshit.
roz, I hope it's ok if I obsess over you
Does your dad jack off to your nudes and lewd videos? (((datamining)))
Do you think he gets hard for uuuu
because namefag and camwhore
You also aren't pic related
In the chance you are somehow pic related, you seriously need some work done to your face, acne wise. I've had it horribly before, it'll put holes in your face and you'll get ratted on by us more than before.
Sorry about the low resolution, for some reason 144p mp4 is the only size low enough to post on here.
yeah, no fucking shit.
Every asshole on this site has fucking aspergers, that dude>>7796235
this guy>>7796234
that man>>7796233
everyone on here is a fucking asspie, hell, even I have it. However, I don't believe you're an asspie, no, you're just genuinely retarded.
I don't even like you (well your camwhore-ness), but frankly, besides listening to your parents, there's nothing else you can do tbh. And btw, if my aunt had did that shit to me, I'd of beaten the shit out of her. What a cunt.
see what I mean? (((datamining))) general asspie bullshit
YOu sure did prove it fellow asspies!
We are above the retarded grade and at least have a place here unlike normalfags who should just the fuck out i swear.
If you are not also a women "or retarded" that would cause you to go to jail for a long time. Oh wait you would be in Greece a third world shithole so maybe not.
Wai I gotta go be right back to answer just don't delete me thread
If Mods weren't fags they would for the lols.
That's what I'm saying, if I was in her position, though tbh, since it sounds like she's surrounded by bitches, even she'd go to jail. She sure is in a shit position, but she brought it on herself, so oh well.
what is the datamining meme about? (((datamining)))
Dataminer detected
Tenk ya user I appreciate it
I mean i don't they are paid to chec everything
Today he was googling me saying look she is using the brush
tenk, I'll give me best
Superkek. Your whole family is masturbating to your lewds
So do we basically have another cracky-chan on our hands? (((datamining)))
So basically, he watches your porn. No wonder you turned out like that. And they didn't even forced you to delete all of your porn/lewd accounts… What a joke of a family.
Shitty (jew) parents make shitty kids who will turn into shitty parents ad infinitum.
Would you let your dad fuck you? (((datamining)))
No, worse. Just an ugly camwhore that wants gibs.
user, we all know Jews are leeches on society just like their offspring. YOu don't get upset when you see a pig roll in it's own shit now do you? (((datamining))) It's their nature.
Y-you're beautiful OP. I like women who don't wear makeup and chose to present themselves the way they are. makeup is deceiving and i like seeing the real you.
Don't pay attention to the others tho. They claim women are shallow but they show time and time again they have the exact same mindset of the women they attack so much. Not you tho, you are a real woman, a proper woman. I hope one day you can find someone that likes you very much like i did
Honestly, using this board as a social page gets annoying.
I am sure some anons remember Attention Whore,
the nasty dude that kept making threads, same shit happened to him.
Mods went along for a while but when he kept making threads
they got tired of his shit.
My advice before you get banned is create a page somewhere
if you don't already have one and post the link for the tards who like you to meet up there.
self checking duds
Hell just male a board here
It's very easy, and nobody can fuck with your threads
3DPD are, you seem young and dumb.
Hey do you know if you keep flirting with her she may fuck you? (((datamining))) Ya, the two of you can be Cucker & cucked "shes the cucker".
The camwhore did, and she already did post a link. She could just go /cam/
Upvoted, liked, shared and subscribed!
ehehe here comes generic retard #1. hello generic retard.flirting? (((datamining))) is that flirting to you? (((datamining))) 3DPD ahahah what a useless pathetic little cunt you must be…a generic retard. You don't have nothing even remotely interesting to say. go watch some more of those fantastic animes…not the good ones and the intelligent onesoh no no, go watch the dumb ones that make your cock twitch generic retard. Like the Umarus-chans and all that generic shit for retards
your dad seems like an ok guy tbh and you seem like an entitled supercunt
Calm your tits, holey shit. Why so upset at some one like me user, just cool it and go white knight on /cam/.
But you can stay here and keep talking to a "generic retard" as myself right. Hell, if you are that alone in this world i'm sure you can get more attention then the camwhore you are defending.
Since you are da expert why don't you tell me the non 3DPD stuff you watch.
Përshëndetje rozalina
Don forget about package in Tsakalof behind YolenisI wait at 2:30
θα σας δω σύντομα και πολλά χαιρετισμούς
Ismet B.
Ids habenin
Ετοιμάσου να συναντήσεις 5 φιλικούς Χρυσαυγίτες με μαχαίρια.
Totally not into human trafficking…
χαχαχα figura qesharake
Blermin is already informed.
Rozelli you have the abilities to troll now get busy.
Γαμημένοι αλβανοί.
Πάλι καλά που οι κόρες σας και οι γυναίκες σας είναι καλές πουτάνες και γι' αυτό σας κρατάμε ακόμα στην Ελλάδα.
Hope you can get your independence, Roz.
additionally. why can't you be normal and post without being an attention whore? (((datamining)))
1. It's not a real person
2. camwhore
3. fake camwhore
4. ? (((datamining))) ←-
5. troll
6. faggot
7. girls don't exist on the internet
Women loves attention, is it that hard for you virgins to understand? (((datamining)))
Whores love attention, is it that hard for you virgin to understand? (((datamining)))
You don't know women's nature and probably shill for mgtow
This isn't the place to tell your life story
I don't get the thread pruning, certainly nothing better happens here anyway
Yoleni's no good anymore
Drop now at Faethonos, at Promētheutikē, 2.45
Don't forget prapa kapakut, trokas pesë herë
my Greek bad
code 45687
omw, blerim
How is that any different than Dysnomia? (((datamining)))
38.005529, 23.745012
pinjoll!!nuk ka foto
But we've all seen the only bit of her of value for free and it wasn't worth it.
t. butthurt about mods
wonder how good a hj would feel. my guess is pretty heavenly
Don't worry. We are saving everything on our hard drives so you will live on forever no matter what. Even if they take away your internet we will wait for you to come back. They can't keep you down forever. Life is long.
you're the one that needs to lurk moar.
b/c dysnomia is a cunt
Dysnomia is the board OWNER.
You are the board RETARD.
ur mom gay
if dysnomia is the board owner then why does he use the ## Board Volunteer tag? (((datamining)))
there are reasons
He has used the BV and BO tags with equal interchangeability for as long as I can remember.
Right now he is using BV because the dumb fucker managed to screw up his own access to ##BoardOwner. You can go make fun of him on /sudo for it like everyone else is.
I don't think the site works that way.
You have my sword
>Fuck (((over))) men, that's wat I'm fighting for
Corrected that for you there user.
counter sage
Ποσταρω αυτό γιατί εχω χάσει ελπίδα και τα πράγματα χειρότερευουν . Θα ακουστεί πολύ embarrassing αλλά ναι είμαι σε αυτή την μπερδεμένη κατάσταση. Όταν έκλεισα τα 18 πριν κάτι μήνες αρχησα να μαζεύω λίγα χρήματα ος camgirl . Ξέρω ξέρω είναι κάπως αλλά, εκτός ότι τοτε δεν δήλωσα το εισόδημα, δεν είναι παράνομο. Για κάποιο λόγο η δίωξη ηλεκτρονικου εγκλήματος με έβαλε στόχο και είπε τα πάντα καθώς και έδωσε όλες τις πληροφορίες μου συμπεριλαμβανομένων των τραπεζικών μου στοιχιων στον δικηγόρο πατέρα με μη βάσιμες κατηγορίες trafficing. Κάτι που συνεχίζεται τώρα μιας και οι περισσότερες κίνησεις μου καταγράφονται στον πατέρα μου. Απο τότε είμαι αποκλεισμενη στο σπίτι μου μιας και κάθε προσπάθεια μου να βγω έξω αποτρέπεται βίαια από τους γονείς και θείους μου που έχουν ανακατευτεί. Ταυτόχρονα ο δικηγόρος πατέρας προσπάθει να ισχυριστη πως δεν έχω τα ίδια νομικά δικαίωματα μιας και είμαι τρελή και καθυστερημένη επειδή ως παιδί είχα πάρει χαρτί ασπεργκερ. Μπορώ να σας διαβεβαιώσω πως αν και δεν με λέω έξυπνη, σε τέτοιο βαθμό δεν είμαι. Όταν κάλεσα την αστυνομία μιας και ήθελα να βγω έξω και η ίδια η θεία μου μου άφησε ουλές και νύχιες όταν πλησίασα την πόρτα με αγνόησαν. Κάτι που δυστυχώς έχω συνηθίσει μιας και είχα ακόμη πριν κάτι χρόνια πάρει την αστυνομία εξαιτίας των βίαιων επεισόδιων του πατέρα μου αλλά μιας και είναι δικηγόρος και είναι κοντα τους τους έπεισε πως δεν γίνεται τίποτα. Ξέρω τα δικαιώματα μου και ξέρω ότι δεν μπορώ να κάνω το camgirl στο σπίτι τους, έχω σταματήσει, και ότι μπορούν οπότε θέλουν να με πετάξουν έξω χωρίς μια αλλά πιστεύω πως νομικά το δαρσιμο, η κατακράτηση, τα προσωπικά μου στοιχεία να μοιράζονται σε τρίτους και οι μη βάσιμες κατηγορίες πορνειας καθώς άλλων εγκλημάτων χωρίς να μπορώ να απαντήσω δεν είναι εντάξει. Ξέρω ότι ακούγεται σαν να ζητάω κάποιον να κάνει τον ιππότη αλλά σε τέτοιο σημείο που έχω φτάσει, πραγματικά δεν μπορώ να στραφώ στην αστυνομία και δεν έχω φίλους για βοήθεια το πιθανότερο θα καταλήξω στον δρόμο . Χρειάζομαι κάποιων στην Αθήνα να με βοηθήσει να το σκάσω και να με φιλοξενήσει μέχρι να νοικιασω. Έχω ταυτότητα/λίγα χρήματα και κάνω ότι γίνεται γιατί για εβδομάδες προσπαθώ να ξεφύγω inb4 ορθογραφικά σρυ inb4 άκου τον πατέρα σου αυτό προσπαθώ εδώ και μήνες αλλά οι κατηγορίες και οι ουλές αυξάνονται inb4 λες ψέματα /είσαι τρελή μακάρι inb4 θα σκοτωθείς εμπιστεύωντασ άγνωστους δεν έχω κανέναν
I spoil this because I have lost hope and things are getting worse. It will sound very embarrassing but yes I am in this messy situation. When I closed 18 years ago some months ago I started collecting a little money camgirl. I know I know is somewhat but, except that I did not declare the income, it is not illegal. For some reason, the prosecution of an electronic crime targeted me and said everything and gave all my information including my bank details to the father of lawyer with unfounded trafficking categories. Something that goes on now, most of my movements are recorded to my father. Since then I have been blocked at my home since any attempt to get out is violently deterred by my parents and uncles who have been mixed up. At the same time, my father's lawyer is trying to claim that I do not have the same legal rights because I am crazy and lazy because I had taken asterisk paper as a child. I can assure you that although I am not smart, I am not that much. When I called the police one and I wanted to go outside and my aunt myself left scars and nails when I approached the door they ignored me. Something I am unfortunately accustomed to since I had some years ago picked up the police because of my father's violent episodes but since he is a lawyer and is close to them convinced that nothing is done. I know my rights and I know that I can not make the camgirl in their home, I have stopped, and that they can so they want to throw me out without one, but I believe legally the dredging, the retention, my personal information to be shared by third parties and unjustified categories of prostitution and other crimes without being able to answer are not ok. I know it sounds like I'm asking someone to do the knight but at such a point I have reached, I really can not turn to the police and I have no friends for help I will probably end up in the street. I need someone in Athens to help me out and host me until I rent. I have an identity / a little money and I do it because for weeks I try to escape inb4 spellingly in b4 listening to your father this I'm trying for months but the accusations and scars are growing inb4 you are lying / you are crazy I hope you will kill in confidence unknown I have no one
Rozelli, take them up on their offer to goto uni.
You literally have done nothing since you left high school.
Asides for sitting around and piss off daddy.
At least you won't be stuck at home all day anymore
Your family is just trying to help, we could care less tbh
kys jew
nobody cares your shilling
I told you this is about the money. Now, if you want to listen then fine but yes you do seem insane because you won't listen. Tell everyone that you wish to seek help and this is a plea for help that you know now what you did was wrong.
And th… you know what? Fuck it you never listen so why bother~
I would tell you the steps to take but ~whatever~ I'm just pissing in the wind at this point.
Women never listen to men IRL. What makes you think they'll listen to men on the web?
Φοβάσαι μην καταλήξεις στο δρόμο, αλλά ταυτοχρόνα θέλεις να βρεθεί κάποιος να σε πάρει σπίτι του για να κάνεις camwhoring πράγμα που θα σε οδηγήσει αργά η γρήγορα όχι μόνο στον δρόμο αλλά και στο "πεζοδρόμιο".
Ο τύπος που θα σε πάρει σπίτι θα θέλει να σε πηδάει, επίσης επειδή κατά 99% θα είναι και αυτός αυτιστικός beta θα γλυκαθεί με τα έστω και λίγα λεφτά του camwhoring και θα θέλει και απο εκεί μερίδιο και θα σε πιέζει. Όταν το camwhoring σταματήσει να έχει λεφτά (σε 1-2 χρόνια το πολύ ξεφουσκώνει η φάση) τότε ή θα φέρνει φίλους του να σε γαμάνε ή θα σε βγάλει στο κλαρί κανονικά. Αυτή είναι η πραγματικότητα.
Το θέμα είναι ότι όντως έχεις πρόβλημα (τι ακριβώς δεν ξέρω) και ακόμα προσπαθείς να βρείς τρόπο να ακολουθήσεις τον λάθος δρόμο επειδή στο λένε κάτι orbiters στο internet. Λες ότι προσπαθείς να ακούσεις τον πατέρα σου. Αλήθεια πως το κάνεις αυτό; Του είπες να σε γράψει σε καμιά σχολή; Όχι βέβαια, εσύ ψάχνεις τρόπο να φύγεις απο το σπίτι, να μπλέξεις χειρότερα και να γίνεις μεγαλοπουτάνα.
Οι γονείς και οι συγγενείς σου είναι λογικό να σου φέρονται άσχημα μιας και ανακάλυψαν ότι είσαι πουτάνα στο internet. Newflash: το 90% των φυσιολογικών άνθρωπων σιχαίνονται τις πουτάνες, πόσο μάλλον όταν αυτές είναι το παιδί τους.
TLDR; Για το δικό σου καλό και επειδή φαίνεται να μην υπάρχει άλλη λύση, εύχομαι οι γονείς σου να βάλουν μυαλό και να σε κλείσουν σε κάποιο ψυχιατρικό ίδρυμα μέχρι να αρχίσεις να σκέφτεσαι σαν φυσιολογικός άνθρωπος και να σταματήσεις να αυτοκαταστρέφεσαι.
inb4 she wont reply to me because I'm not a beta orbiter trying to validate her and support her shitty choices
in the end, everyone needs to find this shit out by themselves.
Glow in the dark nigger μου μυρίζει
Dad found my board
Bitch mother tried to steal my wallet
time to start pumping, so you can kick her ass
also is why don't you post on your board?
Someone, save /our gal/ !
Our fellow autist don't deserve this shite
also why won't your brother defend you?
Your family sucks
Well well, look who also has an Xperia XZ.
What prevents you from simply leaving?
ur mom's huge vagina is blocking her door
Your family (the same family that gladly let you be a NEET and offered to pay for your art school) treats you in that way because they found out you are a WHORE.
That's what normal people do in cases like yours. Like I said before, they also need to lock you up in a mental institute (σχετική εικόνα) until you start thinking like a normal person.
You just keep listening all the beta cucks that want you to be a cheap camwhore until they get bored…
Rozelli you strike me as the kind of woman (and many are like you) that would expect people to come help you and then you'd do nothing at all in return and even turn on the person who just helped you and talk shit about them if they demanded anything of you. You're probably too lazy and stupid to teach anything, too empty-headed to have a conversation actually worth having, and you to even balance these things out by being beautiful to look at. You're subhuman and the best we could possibly do for you is to strap a bomb to you and have you take out other subhumans. There is nothing to be gained from trying to help you and nothing to gain from spending any time or attention upon you. You've produced some weird photos but I doubt anyone will really try to hold onto them or repost them if you just disappear. Everyone will simply forget about you quick and move onto the next whore. It's a shame, I wish you weren't such a terrible mess, and that it was possible to help you; but you and a lot of other women are good for nothing.
don't just bump, you stupid nigger
Thread was allmost dead and here you are back to bump it. You a thirsty beta or you the stuck without a buck Rozelli?
I think it's just that some women like to pretent not to give anything at all and "protest" if you demand anything. Just don't demand, you just have to take it and they'll be happy about it.
I think she'd be a good subslave, forcing her to wear a lolita dress all day long, while speaking japanese with some weird greek accent.
Zing. lol
Is waiii supposed to be "wait", or some thai meme?
its basically just nonsense
fuck, wrong image
Because you're a faggot OP.
I wouldn't compare Cracky to this cunt tbh.
Ok I'm back
you know a thread is shit when the last post is a sage
I really have to run away my parents just tried kicking me out while taking my pc and phone claiming they own everything I got . Now I don't kno if they r right and frankly I don't care I'm taking all the stuff I really need and running away when they fall asleep, I hope that they won't act like cunts and destroy the rest of my shit since they have lots of emotional value to me :( I don't have anywhere to go but I can't lose the little shit I got. My mom will try locating me and killing my phone anyway to prevent that?
Also they told since parents so now all my family knows
because she is living in a schizophrenic made up thoughts about her family. she probably has a good family but her resistance/bitching attitude makes the others in family uncomfortable which results in short fuses against autists. my advice would be, go up to every single fucking family member, hug and cry. see what happens
Turns out that my dad's friend doxxed me porn
How though
How does one get to the point where one's daughter is this messed up?
t. need to know in order not to raise a rozelli
He was browsing for loli and teen porn and found a vid of her by chance
Rozelli is a nobody ShitStain.
going out today ma'am?
Correction: She is OUR nobody shitstain.
#8chanforever #rozellirules
The cyber police got u ya goof
We've all been there
Even you why??
he won't answer you, unless you are a 13 year old algerian boy
Ugly bitch
Pls answer on Mewch bb
2018chan, this is the queen of \B\ we deserve
hand fetishism > foot fetishism
oh yeah
now show them palms
How do we know they're not shitposting in this thread?
Rozelli is s turd.
I wonder if it's true, but if it is, then it would be big.
I was diagnosed with asbreger when I was a kid
My neighbours 16 year old daughter has aspergers as well. She's a thot on the outside. She makes weird noises, and you can't touch her or she starts screeching. I find her rather annoying. But apperantly most aspergers are different and don't act the same.
Are you ok with getting touched?
Rozelii needs to be roughly gangbanged and given a big creampie. We know you're a filthy fuckpig you weird looking thing.
I mean i generally avoid any human interaction
Go and stay go, you pig-faced troll.
sure, but you don't start screeching if someone accidentally touches you? but it doesn't matter now, what really matter is that you can get out of your prison and show me pictures of your hand palms
can i fuck you rozelli?
i love fucking crazy and ugly bitches like you and making you feel like the ugly cumslut you are.
i am willing to pay.
Nuh, the key to living with asbreger is trying to tolerate moar throughout the years
ok, seems like a good strategy. I've been diagnosed schizoid and I guess the hard part for you is also to cope with normies.
Waiii I ate too much fried food and now I really want to puke
And I was so close to the bathroom
dafuq bitch why u be taking pics of your nasty ass barf instead of rushing to the bathroom
I was but I didn't make it quick enough
post anus?
can we see what comes out the other end?
Why would you take a picture of this shit?
I think it's barf not shit
It looks like shit. She should roll over it tbheh.
I feel a little better
owww, roz needs hug
don't eat garbage
You are what you eat
at least she's not shit then
Where do you live I want to fuck you really hard and pull your hair
she lives in vilnius
Found dis
I don't even need a translation, I can guess the content
Yeah antifa is really big hre
She lives in Athens, dumbass
do they have street fights with golden dawn?
well done, have some reddit gold
God I wish
no meani nazi in athen, plz ;_;
bc u are yew, we know
how about some new oc, op?
Wash your face to remove the aids sores
Rozelle burned out, rock bottomed.
Holy fuck, you're gross.
Stop bumping your shitty ass thread and fuck off.
I just want to know you're alive and not get in trouble for posting newd lewds
pls and tanks :3
Can we have sharpie in pooper Rozi?
oh god, the things I would do to her
like massaging her shoulders
brushing her hair
polishing her nails
give her hugs
drive her to anime conventions
Don't forget cuddles