Why is Japan so racist?

JAPs getting BLACKED when?

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Argentina is white

Argentina is too white

Argentina the whitest country on earth.

Is she a tranny?

Maybe if blacks didn't commit the most violent crime world wide. Asians would like them more.

for the love of god webm this cancer

There is absolutely nothing wrong with racism. It's a completely natural response that protects you.

Because Japanese have their heads on straight.

Fuck niggers


Middle Eastern and African countries are the most racist of them all, trust me on this. Incidentally they're also the most sexist look at the list
On the absolute bottom, all muslin and black countries.

Niggers especially. (((Ant-racism))) might actually have some room to argue if it didn't involve the dysgenic practice of drowning objectively superior peoples with genetic-throwbacks.

Because they're the master race.

Funny how it doesn't list Israel, the place that literally sterilises and threatens to imprison any niggers who don't leave just for being there.



Israel is ironically the closest thing to a true ethnonationalistic state Uncle Hitler dreamed of that is currently in existence. No wonder the other kikes and the imageboard Nazis hate them so much.

No race issues in Africa or in the Middle-East wow the audacity of this Sheboon!


'No Africans please', says Marrakech rental agent


Japan shall never be blacked

fucking what
Of all the countries to pick on, they choose a poor South American country?
Does this chick think just because she's black she can pull bullshit like this and get away with it?


Isn't there a belief among jews that if a child has a jewish mother that child is a jew?

Daily reminder that the Great Gook Dong is superior in every way to the Western Tiny Pecker.

Silly gaijins can't compete and spread lies and misinformation about their minuscule penises, but the truth always comes out.

Silly gweilos can't compete against the potency of the Great Gook Dong, Bruce Lee himself spoke about this in between his Jeet Kun Do classes.


why would you racemix with a nigger or a white woman.

you have your own great culture and racial lineage to preserve why would you degrade yourself by doing so? i wouldn't want either whites or asians degrading themselves by interbreeding with the other in large quantities (like 1 in 100000 marriages).

The only race that gains anything from racemixing are niggers and that is for one generation

It's untrue though


They picked the whitest South American country. Pure coincidence.





That's not just a belief, that is literally how they have always determined their genealogies.

They probably consider those women "exotic" compared to their own. Look at the way they draw anime girls.

Is her dad the Asian Louis C. K.?

Isn't anime just niche jap shit?

And blacks calling anyone else racist lmao. Everybody fucking knows blacks and Jews are the most racist race by far. This is just some serious projection.

No, that's a butthurt 'anti-weeb' meme. There is nothing niche about watching anime in general. It's a huge industry. Every Jap I have ever talked to reads manga and watches anime.

But it's just Jap shit, right? Like not all gooks make it?

I got nips and gooks mixed up, forget the anime part of that post.

it started as jap shit. then koreans followed suit and then chinese copied them. vietnamese, indonesia, taiwan, philipines, malaysia etc mostly just read japs shit though.

I always said when they get rid of us whites, the Asians are next.

Africa's population is going to surge into the billions over the next couple of decades unless something drastic happens.
==WE WUZ KANGS== is going global. Africans can't take care of themselves and are going to be begging for gibs at the expense of all the civilized nations of the world. Only mass race war can stop it.

that's the same country that lets abos huff petrol and generally be a nuisance all while collecting gibs
fuck i hate leftists so much


You're the fucking gay-lo here, Chink.

Stay buttmad, gaijin


Don't worry. The chinks are gonna colonize and ethnically cleanse Africa. They're gonna chop it up and suck the marrow out of Africa's bones. Until a few generations the Asian jew mixes are gonna tell the chinks that they are oppressive, and all this shit starts again


Sooutheast Asians (and to some extent South Asians) are literally Asia's niggers so I'm not surprised they never even tried copying the Japs' shit.

What did she mean by this?

I want to cave this sow's head in with a hammer.

Last I heard on here, Africa is going to be losing a lot of foreign aid soon. When the niggers kill all the white farmers, they won't have any food. Nature will take its' course and thin out the herd.

Gwailo, when they will ever learn

They're projected to double in number by 2050 and quadruple by 2100.

Neat, i just really hope that HD cameras and GoPro will make its way from middle east to deep africa
I want to watch that tribal warfare in full HD

They will never learn. They don't know how it feels to have thousands of years of racial homogeneity in your country, and having pride in your ancient heritage. They are jealous of our ethnocentric attitudes and whine about it.

Because fuck you.

Long live the GREAT GOOK DONG.

t. chinkposter


My sides

How can they double in number if they starve to death?

Daily reminder that compassion for the lesser species along with the attempt to make them human is wrong, will always fail and will bring many hardships and misery for anyone involved.

The same way Somalia has been starving for the past 20 years yet the population has doubled in number.

But oppressing them and exploiting them is wrong too
They should be just left alone in africa

They should be exterminated and the land given to those worthy of it.

They're not. They love Europeans and Europeans love them. That does not mean I should defile it with my stinky cheesy European body though.
I, a European, love Japan so much that I stay away from it and respect it as the precious pure jewel of the sea that it is.

Yes, but see

Fucking linking that fucking toxic cancer to webm this fucking shit you fucking idiot.

But why?

Because fuck niggers.

Wow rude

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Becuase the strong and the able live, consume and prosper.

With that thinking we should exterminate all non human life from earth because its inferior to us.

No, we just have to exterminate almost all non human life forms which may be used as a biological weapon against us.

Tigers and gorillas don't pose an existential threat to humanity, mind their own business and are self sufficient.

Niggers and Jews are parasites lethal to the host, as are nigger lovers like you.

What did he mean by that?



nice digits


Africa's population isn't gonna surge into the billions any time soon because there is not even that many of them. Having been to Africa around six times for around a year each, I can safely say that whatever population figures they are projecting, are lies. Even logically, based on what I've seen, the figures are a literal impossibility. I can't quite understand why they would lie about there being more Africans than there actually are, but there's some kind of sinister motive there. Maybe to make help the alt-right get more suckers among them.

So, Holla Forums should be exterminated then?

No it isn't. It's the closet thing to the Jewish media image of what national socialist Germany was (another example of Jewish projection). Also it isn't even close to bring an independent nationalist state, it only survived because of the billions in foreign aid it gets every year.

remember how Holla Forums was btfo'd in the hack a few months back? Holla Forums is a reactionist inferior board with a literal tranny as a BO. But the fact that you keep trying is cute.

As soon as (((they're))) done with Europe, Japan is right next


daily reminder Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the cancer of 8ch

t. leftypol

Spoken like a true master of subversive tactics.

I wonder who's behind this post.


Do you really want to do this?