Rate amputee girl

Rate amputee girl



no legs to squeeze and force over shoulders/10

wouldnt enjoy tbh

0 > 2

no thank you/10


Something, I would date one, and put her on my back when SHTF.
I would never skip leg day, and run every fucking day to have legs as strong as possible.
My legs would be our legs. She would be on my back, hidden in some kind of raincoat.

When I remembered that I have same looking fantasies about blind girls.

When I remembered that I actually wanted a broken girl, to maybe accommodate to my broken soul.
How fucking pathetic this is. This whole "I want a broken girl, so my putting time in unbroking her, she would not spot my own wound".

Thinking about it, that's fucking cuckery. That's what leads to some fuckers being with a single woman with one child.
Holy fucking shit. I want to save a princess, not to be a cuck. And even that the fucking feminist removed from video games and common culture.


was with you until you equated qt disableds to a divorced whore with kids
sure, your own interests might lead you to fall for either party but that is the only overlap

she'd be like a body pillow except worse because she can speak

Holy shit I should reread myself.

Yeah, I feel what you're saying. A whore is a whore mostly because of herself (even though you could put the fault on society, or on bad childhood/molestation etc..); while a disabled girl actually did nothing to be in this condition.


can't run away, so our relationship is already off to a stellar start

would put myself through hell just to make my ampu charge healthy and happy







Damn man, those are some real feels.. I come here to cauterize that shit sobs internally





all these whores look like shit

feels my man



the most under rated post in the history of the internet
