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He hates the movie less than I do, must be a shill!!
t. RLMcuck
lel some bitch nigger here was triggered enough to cry about shilling on the comments
Shameful showing lad
Wanting the video in the first place is pathetic
4eva cucks
looks like your one of them.
It's sad, really.
Aw, look at you trying.
It's a good parody. Very well done. It's the review we should have got instead of the shitty last plinkett review we did get.
back to >>/cuckchan/ with you
Guy who has a hate boner for Mike makes hour long video. He then starts spamming it wherever he can. When People call him out he goes full damage control
Exact same quote from the 4cuck thread!!! Holy shit OP, kill yourself!
>or even just BLACK
What did he mean by this?
I don't know or care where you came from but you need to go back.
t. 4channers
So you're a twitter nigger. Whatever, just go back.
At the very least lurk more.
The RLM fanboy is pissed. I'll have to watch this.
t. 4channer :3
Kill yourself op, same shit on halfcuck
Thread is full of cringy gen x fags
You have no idea what your doing do you?
No, and it's pretty old, I think it deserves more views though :'^)
Solid attempt.
Heh. Not too bad. I watched the whole thing. Good job. If I wasn't a poorfag I would throw you a few dollars. Well done user.
Anything that pisses off RLMDrones is fine by me so you're okay in my book OP.
I like RLM, but I gotta respect this devotion to shitposting.
His Plinkett impersonation is pretty decent.
lol, both movies are shit for the same reason: there is no story other than pop culture and brand recognition.
Why even bother with RLM? They (like any failed 30+ e-celeb) gave up long ago. Just watch E;R's review and be done with it.
And what's wrong with 30+ men user?? You'll be there before you know it. What are you?A hippy?
Plebes detected.
At this rate. You'll never be a kinoseur.
Think man. Think.
Since I know this faggot is browsing this thread, I'll say this. If you don't do a Plinkett review of "Space Cop" as the Plinkett character, you are a waste of fucking matter.
Lot of good points there.
I feel RLM was reluctant to go after TFA since it was so well received and they praised it early on. They made up for this by slating Rogue One.
pretty good/10
We know its you op
fans of Kike Cucklasa convene on an entirely different website >>>/reddit/
Just git the feck out E;R
Basically this
It would have probably been smarter if this guy had done a Plinkett Space Cop review first, then people would have probably found it funny, instead, doing a review of a reivew comes across as pretty desperate. Plus Space Cop deserves to be ripped to shreds properly.
I wonder if cuckchan is falling for this
RLM was always a bunch of faggots.
His Plinkett impression isn't bad, and if George Lucas isn't gonna review Space Cop this guy might as well.
Hey OP, what made you think you're gonna be popular here by:
A. imitating this rlm reddit cancer
B.Samefagging like there's no tomorrow
cuckchan is that way
The reviewer did a good job mimicking Plinkett, his take down review style (before they cucked out), and the review itself is quite good with valid criticism of the film.
My critique/suggestion the video could use Mark Hamil talking shit about TFA & some more executives/ Disney spokes people trying to push out of touch ideas. Shouldn’t be too hard “The Force is female” Kathleen Kennedy can’t help herself.
I'm not a RLM fan anymore and I like to shitpost about them but come on, don't become as autistic as the sons of kojima who nitpick every.fucking.thing DSP does.
If hackfraudmedia or whomever appropriates Plinkett one of 2 things will happen:
1.RLM actually tries to do proper uncucked Plinkett reviews to compensate and not lose subscribers.
2.Someone else will be making them rendering RLM obsolete.
Either scenario works.
Is it possible that they'd try to get the review shut down?
Beautiful. Both for the review and for the salt it's generating.
I'm calling it now: this is the penultimate nail in RLM's coffin.
That's Chris Bores doing the vid. Maybe he's mad that they made fun of his potato chips line in their wolverine review. The line starts at 2:09. I think they keep bringing it up throughout the review as well.
Well, credit where credit's due. Even an autistic like Bores outdid RLM here.
I get why RLM dicksuckers are mad, this is better content than anything RLM has released in the last several years.
And wow, I didn't realize that they had a trailer for the next part, and it's definitely going to be Empire: mary sue edition.
>Reich (Big)cocklasa
E;R makes good content but his review was less shitty than RLM's.
His review was full of memes, which automatically puts it in the shit pile with YMS. It was still less shitty than RLM's half assed attempt though.
That's what I said: His review was less shitty than RLM's. I did not say it wasn't shit, especially when he talks about what the original A New Hope was, according to him.
*That's what I said—his review was less shitty than RLM's.
also how can he not talk about acting face's hideous face?
How have I not heard of this?
There's more videos about this on his channel.
I'm guessing Kathleen Kennedy had a shitfit when Mark Hamill called Rey "what's her name." But it's true.
sound like the very first Plinkett review
All of the characters in nu-Star Wars are named poorly. It's like they cottoned on to the fact that most Star Wars characters have alien sounding names, but missed the fact that they usually have some kind of meaning.
Luke Skywalker - simple farm boy with big dreams
Han Solo - gunslinger, and lone wolf
Princess Leia - Luke and Han both want to lay her
Obi Wan Kenobi - sounds mystical and oriental, but also approachable when shortened to Ben
Darth Vader - Dark Invader
Now what does nu-Star Wars give us?
Rey, Finn - those are just sounds
Kylo Ren - sounds like some kind of bird
Poe Dameron - Does he enjoy horror literature?
Snoke - I guess they have something there, but it's about as lazy and dumb sounding as it could be
And I can't remember a single character name from Rogue One.
Jyn Erso is based on Jan Orrs, Kyle Katarn's squeeze.
Kylo Ren = Kyle Katarn + Revan
Skywalker is the only cool composite name I've ever heard, it's evocative yet it feels distinct.
Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors. Weird how video game characters are much more memorable than everyone in the Disney stuff. They even had better costumes.
I got a few more
Qui-gon Jinn - Djinn - mysterious magical man who grants Anakin's wishes
Jabba the Hutt - Hutt = House - The head of a crime family
Yoda - Yoga, I guess. Probably sounded more exotic and mystical in the 80's
Mace Windu - Hard hitting, but elegant
I'm struggling with Chewbacca. Chewing tobacco? I guess it would fit with him and Han being cowboys.
Boba Fett? He likes feta cheese, I don't know.
I legitimately think Jedi Outcast, where Katarn thinks Jan is dead and then finds her, is one of the best Star Wars stories, as silly and minimalist as it is, it was effective.
What the fuck, it does sound like Bores. I thought he was doing lootcrate videos now
Bumping to remind RLM fags that this is indeed better content than anything Cucklasa has released in years.
The only other TFA analysis video that's worth watching is this one by a channel called Ponstory Games, which despite its click bait title and use of cam footage does a good job analysing the pros and cons.
If you could stitch together the best parts of both HackFraudMedia and Ponstory Games' TFA review, you'd have the best TFA review there is.
Kylo Ren is more like Darth Caedus really. Due to him being Han's son and becoming a sith.
Space Cop was the most disappointing thing since my son. I mean, how much more could you possibly fuck up the entire backstory to Space Cop? And while my son eventually hanged himself in the bathroom of the gas station, the unfortunate reality of Space Cop is that it'll be around. Forever. It will never go away. It can never be undone.
Space Cop is the ultimate pleb-filter.
I still think this is funny but he really should have made the first one about Space Cop
near fatal mistake
Space Cop review when???
yeah no
rlm was only good when they did shit to shit on cuckwars
I have issues with the review, but seeing all these sock-puppet shills, and anons taking the "E-celeb" bait is pathetic. No wonder Holla Forums have become one of the worst boards in the last months.
Fuck off OP
What a great post, user! Sure the Disney shilling department will pay you well!
What's more likely?
Reminder they wrote Kyle Katarn out of the canon despite him being easily the coolest character in the entire series.
They also replaced him with Jyn Erso, who is Kyle Katarn in role and Jan Ors in name
What's more likely is that you're a Reddit Letter Media dicksucker who's mad that a nobody did better over analsis. As shown by the ratings on the video.
It's a good review, touched on points nobody had thought of, and he does a good job on the Plinkett character. And yet, Cucklasa dicksuckers are there to pretend none of the points in the review are valid at all. Most of which they brought up in their own Reddit Letter Media release review, so it's not like it's pulled out of his ass.
The fact is that Cucklasa is wrong, Abrams is a hack, and/or the movie was rewritten by committee to be a bland New Hope "soft-reboot" with an emppowered mary sue womyn who don't need no dick.
Where were you when you witnessed the great RLM saltmining of June 2017?
This guy just sucks Mike's cock. It's amazing this isn't fawning enough for RLM fanboys. Shit review but they don't even have a right to be mad.
Is this another Transformers 5 "fakeout" video?
a few more observations:
The review had plenty of opportunity to do the "whats wrong with your face" Plinikett joke from the prequels using Daisy Ridley's "acting" face it was perfect for that but it didn't……
The review should have brought up RLM's "charismatic as hell" comment as well as more RLM star-wars/sellout comments and hypocrisy directed at nu-starwars vs the almost as shit prequels .
As stated this needed some of these Mark Hamil comments:
Plus as much out of touch disney executives (kathleen kenedy) making retarded comments about starwars/ TFA as possible.
Finally I think George Lucas came out and said some negative things about disney's starwars as well.
All those clips should have been incorporated into the review to make it a true "plinkett style review".
btw I had a slight bit of trouble finding acting face online ( they used to pop up at the top of my searches) they might be pulling them or at least burying these pictures.
The real review did this, but it was mostly videos shared a million times beforehand, just to say "Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney, isn't that sad?"
Why were you browsing cuck/tv/?
Somebody just pay Mike to do a 3-hr daily radio show that's mostly Star Trek commentary, all his other stuff's kinda meh, and at the end of the day Star Wars is a kinda limited universe to deal with unless you're delving into EU stuff that nobody knows about.
yeah i always really liked this name for some reason, it fits in well with the overall universe